Democrats have to know, Quid Pro Joe is a dead man walking; so who is more likely to replace him as the nominee?


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
and how much damage will it do to the Bernie Bros, who already feel like they got screwed again??

will it be the Hildebeast? You KNOW she wants it...


or will it be Governor Cuomo?


BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???



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and how much damage will it do to the Bernie Bros, who already feel like they got screwed again??

will it be the Hildebeast? You KNOW she wants it...


or will it be Governor Cuomo?


BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???


Joe Biden says he wants a woman VP, so that means Hillary is out.

Maybe you are right, maybe it will be Governor Cuomo.
and how much damage will it do to the Bernie Bros, who already feel like they got screwed again??

will it be the Hildebeast? You KNOW she wants it...


or will it be Governor Cuomo?


BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???


Crazy Bernie is finishing 2nd, if Sleepy Joe can't perform his duties for any reason, the DNC really needs to give the crown to the runner up.
and how much damage will it do to the Bernie Bros, who already feel like they got screwed again??

will it be the Hildebeast? You KNOW she wants it...


or will it be Governor Cuomo?


BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???


Crazy Bernie is finishing 2nd, if Sleepy Joe can't perform his duties for any reason, the DNC really needs to give the crown to the runner up.

Not a chance. It's Andy Cuomo, the Bernie Bros can cry in their beer. Bernie should run third party but he won't
Bernie should run third party but he won't
we should be so lucky...

if they stick with Joe (they won't); that is essentially putting up the white flag

My guess is Cuomo as well
and how much damage will it do to the Bernie Bros, who already feel like they got screwed again??

will it be the Hildebeast? You KNOW she wants it...


or will it be Governor Cuomo?


BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???

Cuomo will be the democrat nominee someday
Sleepy Joe is being ignored and for a democrat presidential candidate or a rebub thats bad

trump is getting ALL the attention and steadily rising in stature

but biden is losing his senses and not being noticed is a bonus for him too
and how much damage will it do to the Bernie Bros, who already feel like they got screwed again??

will it be the Hildebeast? You KNOW she wants it...


or will it be Governor Cuomo?


BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???


The main thing is that FALSE "worked" again. Overwhelmed by two or three works, the Americans fell for the “bait”: calling Sanders a “socialist”, the media controlled by special interest groups discredited him. Although all that Sanders and Warren talked about were calls to stop the hyperconcentration of wealth in the hands of one percent of the population, that is, to return to "good, old America with its "Great Compression" philosophy with its American Dream, a return to America with a FAIRER redistribution of national wealth, which existed in America before the "velvet counter-revolution" of corporate bosses after 1971...

and how much damage will it do to the Bernie Bros, who already feel like they got screwed again??

will it be the Hildebeast? You KNOW she wants it...


or will it be Governor Cuomo?


BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???


The main thing is that FALSE "worked" again. Overwhelmed by two or three works, the Americans fell for the “bait”: calling Sanders a “socialist”, the media controlled by special interest groups discredited him. Although all that Sanders and Warren talked about were calls to stop the hyperconcentration of wealth in the hands of one percent of the population, that is, to return to "good, old America with its "Great Compression" philosophy with its American Dream, a return to America with a FAIRER redistribution of national wealth, which existed in America before the "velvet counter-revolution" of corporate bosses after 1971...

View attachment 315117

Maybe if Sanders spent less time defending Castro, those "lies" would get less traction.
and how much damage will it do to the Bernie Bros, who already feel like they got screwed again??

will it be the Hildebeast? You KNOW she wants it...


or will it be Governor Cuomo?


BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???


It's sad and funny at the same time the way you tards fall for the same hoaxes over and over. Your propagandists depend on your repetitious stupidity so they can recycle their manufactured bullshit.

and how much damage will it do to the Bernie Bros, who already feel like they got screwed again??

will it be the Hildebeast? You KNOW she wants it...


or will it be Governor Cuomo?


BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???


The main thing is that FALSE "worked" again. Overwhelmed by two or three works, the Americans fell for the “bait”: calling Sanders a “socialist”, the media controlled by special interest groups discredited him. Although all that Sanders and Warren talked about were calls to stop the hyperconcentration of wealth in the hands of one percent of the population, that is, to return to "good, old America with its "Great Compression" philosophy with its American Dream, a return to America with a FAIRER redistribution of national wealth, which existed in America before the "velvet counter-revolution" of corporate bosses after 1971...

View attachment 315117

Maybe if Sanders spent less time defending Castro, those "lies" would get less traction.

And what's bad is that Sanders “sympathizes” with Castro, who is not in power now. We must not forget that, firstly, both Sanders and Castro belong to the same people. Secondly, Americans know about Cuba as much as about Venezuela, where, by the way, there is FREE public transportation.

I would not want to get involved in the discussion about Cuba TODAY. But I will definitely return to this topic. You just have to keep in mind that they are MANIPULATING with our minds, the quality of our knowledge.

But would YOU not "sympathize" Castro when you find out that:

- Leading posts in Cuba today is occupied by a new generation that is not directly related to the 1959 revolution and the civil war.

- There is free, affordable and phenomenally high-quality MEDICINE.

- Cuba became the FIRST country where children born by HIV and syphilis positive mothers are born without the virus.

- The infant mortality rate on the island is the LOWEST in the entire Western Hemisphere.

- Life expectancy is LONGER than in the neighboring United States.

- Americans who cannot buy insurance in the United States travel to Cuba for treatment.

- Once a year, Cubans undergo a mandatory medical examination.

- The States spend huge amounts of money on medicine and are still inferior to Cuba in international rankings. For example, in the ranking of Bloomberg agency, Cuba is in 31st place, the United States in 34th.

- There are almost 90 thousand doctors per 11 million people in Cuba., which is 8.2 per thousand. This is three to four times more than in the United States and Europe.

- UN World Health Organization experts call the Cuban medical model exemplary. Thus, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan (Hong Kong) said the island “is setting an example for the world.”

has anyone seen Creepy Uncle Joe?

has he figured out the teleconferencing thing yet?

has anyone seen Creepy Uncle Joe?

has he figured out the teleconferencing thing yet?

Joe is "sheltering in place".
has anyone seen Creepy Uncle Joe?

has he figured out the teleconferencing thing yet?

Joe is "sheltering in place".

What about Ruth Bader Ginsburg? ANyone see her recently?
has anyone seen Creepy Uncle Joe?

has he figured out the teleconferencing thing yet?

has anyone seen Creepy Uncle Joe?

has he figured out the teleconferencing thing yet?

I am AMAZED at the level of support for Biden in some states. A person whose "soft corruption" is an OBVIOUS fact. On the face - obvious signs of premature aging and an expression of devilish cunning. It is strange that the people do not notice this - it is at THESE moments that his AUTHENTIC inner world appears.

In his brain - only a coveted chair in the Oval Hall, and not the needs of ordinary American people. He will install an elevator mockup there, put an inflatable doll there, and from time to time “paw” it, without fear of lawsuits about sexual violence.

The support of Biden from the African American population is also a dubious fact if we take into account the comparative coefficient of the level of education of voters.

Biden’s corruption cases and cases in China and Ukraine will NO doubt be investigated. You have to wait a bit.

In the Democratic presidential race, the American people, alas, did not hear Professor Elizabeth Warren, who cautiously talked about the need for "structural changes" ib our society, read - "to return to the" Good, wealthy America ", which was destroyed in 1978 by the" Rise of the Bosses ". In her articles and books, she calls things by their proper names. 1 percent of the superrich are doing everything so that the people forget about how ordinary people lived in America until 1971...

Sanders says the same OPENLY, and the same 1 percent of the population, which owns 90 percent of the national wealth, for whose capital Sanders is a "mortal danger." But EVERYTHING that Sanders spoke about during his election campaign is all about what WAS in America before the "velvet counter-revolution." During this counter-revolution, "capitalism with a human face," the capitalism of "The Great Compression, of the " circle of virtue "was replaced by" predatory capitalism "by the decision of the 1978 Congress under full control by the super-rich.

I am writing a separate part of the commentary about this, which I hope to publish today or tomorrow. Its title is "Academic Ignorance, Malice or Primitive, but Contagious Chutzpah in Ideological Struggle. On the Eve: A Plan for Boss Uprising," part III. This discussion is taking place at a political forum.

BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???

It's been a while since anyone has been found draped over a memorial cannon in Fort Marcy Park, double-suicided with 2 to the back of the head.... the Park police would probably play along again....

Just sayin'.....
BONUS --predict what kind of "accident" ole Quid Pro Joe has!!!

I'm going with something simple, like a fall down the stairs, surely good ole Quid Pro Joe won't get Clintoncided with the Chinese Flu???

It's been a while since anyone has been found draped over a memorial cannon in Fort Marcy Park, double-suicided with 2 to the back of the head.... the Park police would probably play along again....

Just sayin'.....


I am aware of the dangers that threaten me: being hit by a car, pricked by an umbrella with poison, poisoned by the handle of the front door or primitive armature on the head in the evening. Or I may not wake up during the upcoming surgery. Therefore, he filed a complaint with the police about the immediate taking of blood for the analysis of rapidly decomposing poisons, in case I "did not wake up."
But - it's my moral duty to tell my people the truth...

Just sayin'

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley - 1849-1903

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