Democrats in Congress will not be able to rely on the Obama in 2012


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama tells congress they are on their own:eusa_whistle:

Obama 2012 team says Democrats in Congress must raise their own money

WASHINGTON -- Democrats in the House and Senate will have to rely on their own fundraising prowess after learning they will not be getting any help from the president's re-election campaign.

According to Politico, Obama 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina and White House senior adviser David Plouffe told Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) that Democrats in Congress will not be able to rely on the $30 million they received in 2008 and 2010 from Obama for America (OFA) and the Democratic National Committee.

President Obama has also committed to attending just one fundraiser each for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), according to the report.

"Our top priority and focus is to secure the electoral votes necessary to reelect the president," Messina told Politico. "There's no doubt that Democratic campaigns face a challenging new political landscape with special interests giving unlimited amounts to super PACs. We're committed to doing everything we can to elect a Democratic House and Senate, and we're having a conversation about the best way to achieve that goal."

Despite its reluctance to share resources with its Democratic House and Senate campaign fundraising arms, officials at the 2012 re-election campaign stressed that having a strong leader at the top of the ticket would inevitably help downticket candidates in November.

The Obama campaign raised approximately $750 million during the 2008 cycle, but may have a hard time repeating that feat this time, despite earlier projections of a billion-dollar campaign. The new approach reflects the reality of a president in a tough re-election climate who must do battle against the Republican nominee as well as GOP super PACs which can spend unlimited amounts to damage the president.

Read more: President Obama's 2012 re-election team says Democrats in Congress must raise their own money -
not surprising at all. They will probably have to raise more money to counteract Obama's bad press.

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