The great Rush Limbaugh had said "Even in defeat, the Democrats will try to spin the loss as a win".

Wow, you really have that much hate in your heart for anyone that disagrees with you politically? That makes you pretty pathetic dude…
Hate? Absolute disgust?..oh yeah. :)

Sorry, not gonna apologize for thinking Rush is crisping it up with Satan. That man made millions of dollars with his division pimping. And waved his cigar smoking in everyone's face.

How'd that work out for ya, Rushie?
Hate? Absolute disgust?..oh yeah. :)

Sorry, not gonna apologize for thinking Rush is crisping it up with Satan. That man made millions of dollars with his division pimping. And waved his cigar smoking in everyone's face.

How'd that work out for ya, Rushie?
He may have sounded arrogant. He also pointed out that the Progs were not perfect as advertised from the 95% controlled media/entertainers. For a market to have an opening for him nationally, the nation had to make a transition. We were a somewhat conservative nation with traditional ways nation and a fiat currency under control until the early 1970's. The Great Society and massive social spending increased, and the rising nation ended as our industrial prowess was sold to overseas interests. Quotas, diversity, feminism ramped up. The cost exploded and pay increases stagnated with inflation higher than wages increases for many. The costs for medical headed up like a rocket. And we went officially from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. So what was the majority in ways of thinking became the minority. And a radio program was born for them. As we are finding out now, a nations strength based on abusing its currency will slowly destroy it if it was a powerful one slowly and destroy a nation quickly if it was not a powerful one. Ask the illegals coming here from nations that cheated economically.
NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Veidtd : I submit our Republican anti-democracy in the name of God project goes back to the invention of the birth control pill, Roe v Wade and the women and minority rights movement in the Seventies. Women and Blacks got way to uppity thus infuriating the traditional white Christian folk who founded THEIR country abd they have a duty to preserve it.

We were a somewhat conservative nation with traditional ways nation and a fiat currency under control until the early 1970's.

I see Saint_22lcidw agrees with my basic premise - 1970s
It goes both ways. Republicans are having orgasms as the prospect of getting 15% of the Negro vote this November. They will consider that a HUGE victory.
15%? How about 25% or more as the awakening of enlightenment has begun. Bodega in NYC, thousands of people show up, he goes to Chic-fil-a, blacks adore President Trump, goes to the Bronx, many Latinos and blacks show up in support of the next President of the United States.

Joe Bribem, goes to a Juneteenth Celebration and has a stroke, while everyone else is dancing. You can bet the Marxists are in a panic knowing full well, that President Trump will have his DOJ go after everyone who election interfered. Pandoras box has been opened.
You ASSHOLES needed bio-warfare and cheating to beat Trump then, and he's right back to take this country from you demented Marxist Leninist zombies.
trump is NOT winning.
but prepare for the cries of "Stolllen Election" part III.
He may have sounded arrogant. He also pointed out that the Progs were not perfect as advertised from the 95% controlled media/entertainers. For a market to have an opening for him nationally, the nation had to make a transition. We were a somewhat conservative nation with traditional ways nation and a fiat currency under control until the early 1970's. The Great Society and massive social spending increased, and the rising nation ended as our industrial prowess was sold to overseas interests. Quotas, diversity, feminism ramped up. The cost exploded and pay increases stagnated with inflation higher than wages increases for many. The costs for medical headed up like a rocket. And we went officially from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. So what was the majority in ways of thinking became the minority. And a radio program was born for them. As we are finding out now, a nations strength based on abusing its currency will slowly destroy it if it was a powerful one slowly and destroy a nation quickly if it was not a powerful one. Ask the illegals coming here from nations that cheated economically.

Rush red pilled the country.

The left could constantly and continually lie with no one to push back.

They will never forgive that.

Simply best dismissed.
MSN See what i mean, the Democrat lost the special election but supposedly, in Joe Biden's wonderful America, people of Ohio, more moved away from Republicans and more towards Democrats, but not enough to turn the vacancy blue. It always is this way with Democrats. They lose bigly but some type of spin will try to make it not as bad and the results.


noun - ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause​

Never mind that special elections have remarkably low turnout, and republicans predominantly have day jobs.
MSN See what i mean, the Democrat lost the special election but supposedly, in Joe Biden's wonderful America, people of Ohio, more moved away from Republicans and more towards Democrats, but not enough to turn the vacancy blue. It always is this way with Democrats. They lose bigly but some type of spin will try to make it not as bad and the results.


noun - ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause​

Was a fucking drug addict.
MSN See what i mean, the Democrat lost the special election but supposedly, in Joe Biden's wonderful America, people of Ohio, more moved away from Republicans and more towards Democrats, but not enough to turn the vacancy blue. It always is this way with Democrats. They lose bigly but some type of spin will try to make it not as bad and the results.


noun - ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause​

Go through each congressional district and add 20 points to Democrats and they take over the House by double digits. Rush Limbaugh is probably rotting in hell somewhere. Good riddance.
MSN See what i mean, the Democrat lost the special election but supposedly, in Joe Biden's wonderful America, people of Ohio, more moved away from Republicans and more towards Democrats, but not enough to turn the vacancy blue. It always is this way with Democrats. They lose bigly but some type of spin will try to make it not as bad and the results.


noun - ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause​

The Big Liars want to throw rocks about spinning losses as victories?

That's a pretty glass house you've got there.
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Sad that no one has been able to step up and fill El Rushbo's fattie sized loafers, huh? :)
I am hoping he is crisping in hell being tormented by the souls of millions of people who suffered as the result of his division pimping.

How are those cigars tasting now, Rushie?

Oh yeah, in case you've been asleep for the last few election cycles, Ohio has been turning red for a while now.
Mostly due to an outflux of younger voters. The fact that a Dem was able to gain 20 points in a Republican district is telling.
Rush owned the left for over thirty years.
Nobody laughed at them better.

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