Democrats Manipulating Polls


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Douglas V. Gibbs

Why The Polls Understate Romney Vote
Republicans are getting depressed under an avalanche of polling suggesting that an Obama victory is in the offing. They, in fact, suggest no such thing! Here’s why:

1. All of the polling out there uses some variant of the 2008 election turnout as its model for weighting respondents and this overstates the Democratic vote by a huge margin.

2. Almost all of the published polls show Obama getting less than 50% of the vote and less than 50% job approval. A majority of the voters either support Romney or are undecided in almost every poll.

Add these two factors together and the polls that are out there are all misleading. Any professional pollster (those consultants hired by candidates not by media outlets) would publish two findings for each poll — one using 2004 turnout modeling and the other using 2008 modeling. This would indicate just how dependent on an unusually high turnout of his base the Obama camp really is.

Read the details at Dick :cool:
denying facts because you live in a fox bubble is why your party is tanking in the first place
There is a vested interest in making it look like a close race. More advertising dollars that way.

Like, who would want to watch the New Englan Patriots play the South Chicago Highschool Bulldogs in a football game anyway?
by Douglas V. Gibbs

Why The Polls Understate Romney Vote
Republicans are getting depressed under an avalanche of polling suggesting that an Obama victory is in the offing. They, in fact, suggest no such thing! Here’s why:

1. All of the polling out there uses some variant of the 2008 election turnout as its model for weighting respondents and this overstates the Democratic vote by a huge margin.

2. Almost all of the published polls show Obama getting less than 50% of the vote and less than 50% job approval. A majority of the voters either support Romney or are undecided in almost every poll.

Add these two factors together and the polls that are out there are all misleading. Any professional pollster (those consultants hired by candidates not by media outlets) would publish two findings for each poll — one using 2004 turnout modeling and the other using 2008 modeling. This would indicate just how dependent on an unusually high turnout of his base the Obama camp really is.

Read the details at Dick :cool:

As Dick Morris repeatedly reminds Fox viewers, if Romney goes into election day virtually tied in the polls, he wins. The tiny amount of remaining undecideds almost always break for the challenger. :D
robmoiney is losing.

the right is so mixed up and lie filled they cant accept that.

so they go into defualt mode.

"EVERYONE is lying to me and its not really raining.

people are just spitting one me. "

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