Democrats Mid Term Mantra – Civility must die – Kick – Falsely accuse – Smear


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Vote for Democrats this time and you will get more mob rule, one-way streets, dictatorial throw back, danger from our enemies since they want to destroy ICE and open our borders and take higher taxes.
Democrats Mid Term Mantra –
Civility must die – Kick – Falsely accuse – Smear

Democrats Mid Term Mantra—Civility must die—Kick—Falsely accuse—Smear
So far, the Midterm election stage thrown at the conservatives looks like a violent war zone where if the Democrats retake the House and the Senate, false accusation, lies and violence will turn into King Kong size impeachment attempts and more... The vast majority of Democratic leadership and power brokers are calling down fire on conservatives, smearing and destroying reputations as they did to Judge Kavanaugh They proudly preach, don’t serve them in restaurants, attack them where ever you see them. If Eric Holder is cool about calling Democrats to kick us, perhaps a punch in the face is also good or a knife to the gut for us evil conservatives. This is evil, fascist, criminal and deadly dangerous as these very important Midterms run into focus. With the Democrat plan, they will win by intimidation, violence, lies and threats if possible, appealing to stupid people who will buy their rhetoric and are seduced by mob rule and adrenaline.... Vote for Democrats this time and you will get more mob rule, one-way streets, dictatorial throw back, danger from our enemies since they want to destroy ICE and open our borders and take higher taxes. Everyone must vote but think security and have eyes everywhere as you do.

One thing that gets me about the dem orchestrated outrage attacks is people are saying this is the new face of the left. I was watching an old tape of a Q&A over an hour long with President Nixon at Oxford University a few years after his presidency, and leftist protesters were screaming and hollering throughout the event. They were outside the hall yet made themselves heard. To his credit President Nixon remained in good spirit and gave a real education to the many more students who chose to listen.
Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats/DSA are going down in flames this mid-term and they know it, so acting like cornered rats.
Kavanaugh chimed in on some of his first opinions yesterday and the PMS Dem's are terrified, the hammer that they used to hit us with over the last 50 years is now turned on them. They're becoming irrelevant by their own violent actions .
I can't speak for everyone but I can tell you one thing about we "Deplorables and Dregs ", we don't do well with "Intimidation", we are not easily scared and if intimidated we're will very surely bloody your nose off and kick your dainty butts..
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What's next, more Black Panthers at voting stations with clubs?

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