Democrats pull out race card in sequester game

squeeze berry

Gold Member
Nov 9, 2010
Congressional Black Caucus members, who are all Democrats, flipped out the race card in the talks on the sequester Monday and said minorities will be unfairly and disproportionately impacted.

“Sequestration will impact everyone, but it will have a particularly harmful effect on communities of color who were hit first and worst by the great recession, and have yet to significantly feel the effects of the recovery,” said Rep. Barbara Lee, in The Hill.

The CBC also said women would be disproportionately hurt by the $85 billion planned cuts, The Hill reports. The reason? More women and minorities hold government jobs, CBC members said. And more will be hurt by cuts to unemployment insurance.

“African-Americans are more likely to work in the public sector, where the jobs are going to be cut,” said Del. Donna Christensen, who represents the Virgin Islands, in The Hill. “We already have the highest unemployment, and will be severely hurt by the reduction in unemployment benefits.”

Democrats pull out race card in sequester game - Washington Times
when do the democRATS NOT play the race card ?

their racial shit is getting so old it is becoming a non issue to most people with a brain.., which of course excludes libertards. :up: :lmao:
Congressional Black Caucus members, who are all Democrats, flipped out the race card in the talks on the sequester Monday and said minorities will be unfairly and disproportionately impacted.

“Sequestration will impact everyone, but it will have a particularly harmful effect on communities of color who were hit first and worst by the great recession, and have yet to significantly feel the effects of the recovery,” said Rep. Barbara Lee, in The Hill.

The CBC also said women would be disproportionately hurt by the $85 billion planned cuts, The Hill reports. The reason? More women and minorities hold government jobs, CBC members said. And more will be hurt by cuts to unemployment insurance.

“African-Americans are more likely to work in the public sector, where the jobs are going to be cut,” said Del. Donna Christensen, who represents the Virgin Islands, in The Hill. “We already have the highest unemployment, and will be severely hurt by the reduction in unemployment benefits.”

Democrats pull out race card in sequester game - Washington Times

I fail to see the problem. If a coal mining business goes under, coal miners suffer. Who is responsible for the fact the minorities hold so many government jobs ?
Affirmative Action maybe ??

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