Democrats Senate Hopeful Another 'Obama-Rev Wright/Black Liberation Theology-type' Skeleton-In-The-Closet Candidate?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Senate hopeful, who may shift balance of power, linked to Castro sympathizers
Senate hopeful, who may shift balance of power, linked to Castro sympathizers

Georgia Senate candidate Warnock was assistant pastor of church that hosted, praised Fidel Castro in 1995
- Castro received praise and chants of 'Fidel! Fidel! Fidel!' from the audience

Barak Obama attended a Black Liberation Theology church led by a racist, America-hating pastor - known for yelling from the pulpit 'Not God BLESS America, God D@MN America', a 'pastor Barry called his 'MENTOR' for over a decade. Democrats and the fake news media insisted there was 'Nothing To See Here' then.

They are trying to sy the same thing now about D-Senate candidate Raphael Warnock.

"Castro received a similarly warm reception at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, where Warnock worked at the time. The Miami Herald reported at the time that Castro “blast[ed] the United States with the vigor that was missing from his speech to the United Nations earlier in the day and winding up the evening with a rousing rendition of the socialist hymn Internationale.”

In C-SPAN footage of the event, head pastor Calvin Butts appears to praise Castro, prompting chants of “Fidel! Fidel! Fidel!” from the audience."

Great - another Socialist Dictator-praising church-going politician / pastor...

One thing is for sure - If Warnock was running for office in Florida there would be no need for a run-off. He would have no shot at election with Castor-hating Cubans.

Senate hopeful, who may shift balance of power, linked to Castro sympathizers
Senate hopeful, who may shift balance of power, linked to Castro sympathizers

Georgia Senate candidate Warnock was assistant pastor of church that hosted, praised Fidel Castro in 1995
- Castro received praise and chants of 'Fidel! Fidel! Fidel!' from the audience

Barak Obama attended a Black Liberation Theology church led by a racist, America-hating pastor - known for yelling from the pulpit 'Not God BLESS America, God D@MN America', a 'pastor Barry called his 'MENTOR' for over a decade. Democrats and the fake news media insisted there was 'Nothing To See Here' then.

They are trying to sy the same thing now about D-Senate candidate Raphael Warnock.

"Castro received a similarly warm reception at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, where Warnock worked at the time. The Miami Herald reported at the time that Castro “blast[ed] the United States with the vigor that was missing from his speech to the United Nations earlier in the day and winding up the evening with a rousing rendition of the socialist hymn Internationale.”

In C-SPAN footage of the event, head pastor Calvin Butts appears to praise Castro, prompting chants of “Fidel! Fidel! Fidel!” from the audience."

Great - another Socialist Dictator-praising church-going politician / pastor...

One thing is for sure - If Warnock was running for office in Florida there would be no need for a run-off. He would have no shot at election with Castor-hating Cubans.

OP Cliff's Notes:

So you live in Georgia yet you're scared of black people?


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OP Cliff's Notes:
So you live in Georgia yet you're scared of black people?

Where the hell did that horseshit accusation come from, and what doe it have to do with a Socialist, Castro-Praising Pastor running for office?

BTW, I don't live in Georgia, lil' lying snowflake.....
OP Cliff's Notes:
So you live in Georgia yet you're scared of black people?

Where the hell did that horseshit accusation come from, and what doe it have to do with a Socialist, Castro-Praising Pastor running for office?

BTW, I don't live in Georgia, lil' lying snowflake.....

Ah so you DON'T live in Georgia.

Ah so you DON'T live in Georgia. THEN IT'S NOT YOUR ELECTION, IS IT.

Actually, triggered snowflake, this election has the potential to affect EVERY American....dumbass.
Ah so you DON'T live in Georgia. THEN IT'S NOT YOUR ELECTION, IS IT.

Actually, triggered snowflake, this election has the potential to affect EVERY American....dumbass.

Actually, sniggering blowflake, this is a STATE election, the decision of the people of that state. If you don't live in Georgia ...................... you don't get to vote. Tissue?
Actually, sniggering blowflake, this is a STATE election, the decision of the people of that state. If you don't live in Georgia ...................... you don't get to vote. Tissue?
No tissue is needed, snowflake, except if you are crying for another Socialist state Politician, like Barry, being caught praising dictators in church for decades.

Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alensky (he later quoted his 'Rules For Radicals' in his Presidential Inauguration speech), and he called a racist, America-Hating, hate-spewing 'pastor' of a Socialist-based Black Liberation Theology church his 'MENTOR' for over a decade, and he was only a CITY rep and later a State Rep whose past the Leftist and Fake News media declared was nothing of significance / not important.

They lied, of course - it very much did matter. No election is insignificant and of no importance to anyone outside the state. And as this is a free country...for a little longer...and I have the right to voice my opinion without it being censored or silenced by leftist extremists, FU@K YOU, snowflake. I will decide what is important / significant to me, and I will give my opinion...and point out rising leftist Socialist Dictator-worshipping / praising Democrat extremists as I please.
Actually, sniggering blowflake, this is a STATE election, the decision of the people of that state. If you don't live in Georgia ...................... you don't get to vote. Tissue?
No tissue is needed, snowflake, except if you are crying for another Socialist state Politician, like Barry, being caught praising dictators in church for decades.

aaaaaaaaaaaaand this link to "Barry being caught praising dictators in church" would be...................?

Yeah you keep hunting that one down. Meanwhile, back at Reality Ranch:



And then of coarse there was ... "Would" means "wouldn't"....

"War is Peace". "Ignorance is Strength". And as regards vote counts, "Less is More".

Oh wait. I stand corrected, none of those were at church, were they. Church was this shit:


Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alensky (he later quoted his 'Rules For Radicals' in his Presidential Inauguration speech), and he called a racist, America-Hating, hate-spewing 'pastor' of a Socialist-based Black Liberation Theology church his 'MENTOR' for over a decade, and he was only a CITY rep and later a State Rep whose past the Leftist and Fake News media declared was nothing of significance / not important.

And again, those offices, including the one you "forgot" of US Senator, were the choice of the constituents of Illinois, not yours. Tough titty too.

They lied, of course - it very much did matter. No election is insignificant and of no importance to anyone outside the state. And as this is a free country...for a little longer...and I have the right to voice my opinion without it being censored or silenced by leftist extremists, FU@K YOU, snowflake. I will decide what is important / significant to me, and I will give my opinion...and point out rising leftist Socialist Dictator-worshipping / praising Democrat extremists as I please.


This diaper rash from the same yahoo who just tried to invoke the term "triggered".

The fact REMAINS, whining boi, the election of a Senator is STILL the privilege of the voters of THAT STATE, and there ain't jackwad you can do about it.
aaaaaaaaaaaaand this link to "Barry being caught praising dictators in church" would be...................?

I stopped reading atthis point as you completely began making up your own false stories and blending words to accuse me of saying things I did not.

You go right ahead and embrace a pastor who praised Socialist Dictators, in pro-Socialist/Communist chants of 'Fidel! Fidel! Fidel!' were yelled out from the pews if you want. You obviously had no problem with Barry's mentor screaming out 'God D@mn America' from the pulpit.' To each his own.
aaaaaaaaaaaaand this link to "Barry being caught praising dictators in church" would be...................?

I stopped reading atthis point as you completely began making up your own false stories and blending words to accuse me of saying things I did not.

Why you stopped here is documented. Roll tape.

No tissue is needed, snowflake, except if you are crying for another Socialist state Politician, like Barry, being caught praising dictators in church for decades.

Wait, wait, I know ------------- "would means wouldn't" right? :rofl:

You go right ahead and embrace a pastor who praised Socialist Dictators, in pro-Socialist/Communist chants of 'Fidel! Fidel! Fidel!' were yelled out from the pews if you want. You obviously had no problem with Barry's mentor screaming out 'God D@mn America' from the pulpit.' To each his own.

I don't have a "pastor" to embrace, Blinky, and I (still) haven't seen these pews, not that they would be relevant to anything Moreover I have no relationship with a "Barry's mentor", whoever that might be. MORE moreover, ZERO of this has jack friggety to do with your original topic here, which is whining and wetting your pants about who the people of a state you don't even fucking live in might elect as ... and this is a crucial word .... their Senator. \

Now MY Senator, which actually *IS* my business, I already cast a vote for, weeks ago. It's still undetermined. But unless you live here in North Cackalakee there's fuck-all you can do about that either.

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