Democrats Win Both Open House Seats (One for 1st Time Since 1852)


Nov 2, 2009
From KTV News:
California Lt. Governor John Garamendi has easily won a special election for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The District 10 seat he will fill belonged to incumbent Democrat Ellen Tauscher who took a position within the State Department.
And from the Times Union:
ALBANY -- Democrat Bill Owens won the 23rd Congressional District seat despite a strong push by Conservatives to take the post in the heavily Republican North Country area.

Trailing Owens by over 6,000 votes, Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman conceded the race just after midnight Wednesday.


So - in both the open seat in Congress, the Democrats won, including picking up another seat to add to the hefty Democratic majority - the New York's 23rd district, which has been in Republican hands since 1852.

I'd like to personally thank Sarah Palin for making the Democratic pick-up of District 23 possible, seeing how running Hoffman as a 3rd-party candidate split the Republican vote. Please, please, PLEASE run her as your candidate in 2012, Republicans. We're begging you !!


Enjoy governing New Jersey, in the meantime - remember, it's the "garden state", ROFLMAO
I'm delighted that a Conservative Candidate who got into the race with no funding and no name recognition and oh, did I mention, no backing from any of the 2 major parties, knocked the doors off of the RNC and DNC last night
I'm delighted that a Conservative Candidate who got into the race with no funding and no name recognition and oh, did I mention, no backing from any of the 2 major parties, knocked the doors off of the RNC and DNC last night

Are you referring to Hoffman?
Congratulations to Sarah Palin for blowing what should have been an easy pick up for the Republicans. Go Sarah!


The "Republican" Candidate backed the Dem, so Hoffman ran against 2 Democrats

That's what happens when Sarah gets involved. She so beloved by Republicans that as McCain's running mate she helped him lose Indiana and South Carolina.

Do you have any idea what it takes to lose Indiana when you're a Republican? In Indiana, even the Democrats are Republicans. Even with that going for them, McCain/Palin lost in Indiana.

Prior to last night, SarahBots could spin the 2008 loss as McCain's fault. In NY23 Sarah bet the farm and put her reputation behind a losing candidate. Just like in Indiana, she was so beloved by the GOP in the area they crossed party lines to support the Democrat!

That's why she's the Democrats dream candidate for PotUS in 2012. Sarah may be loved by the far right, but she drives the moderates and independents right into the arms of the Democrats. Without the Moderates and Independents you lose. Ask Hoffman and McCain.
Congratulations to Sarah Palin for blowing what should have been an easy pick up for the Republicans. Go Sarah!


The "Republican" Candidate backed the Dem, so Hoffman ran against 2 Democrats

So Hoffman ran against two Democrats (one of whom was actually Republican, and had already dropped out), and still couldn't win?!?!?

Wow, you've just confirmed my opinion that wing-nut candidates really DO suck! :tongue:
Better tranlsation of the Hoffman race--New York District 23 apparently is not conservative.

OR--Republicanism/conservatism is not actually in vogue. Considering the unpopularity of Corzine and the fact that Virginia is a Southern Swing State added to the analysis.

I guess you conservatives have a bunch of consolation prizes, hmmm. Congratulations in New Jersey--some one do need to clean that states mess up because a Democrat cannot.
Democrats Win Both Open House Seats (One for 1st Time Since 1852)

Allowing one party to control the United States is no reason to celebrate.

Ordinarily, I'd agree with that sentiment - but lately the Republicans have almost seemed like they're TRYING to lose. I mean - re-registering yourself as a 3rd-party candidate, then running against the Republican thus handing the election to the Democrat, in a normally "safe" district?

Picking Sarah Palin as your vice-Presidential running-mate? Really?
I still believe that, with the right running-mate, McCain might have actually pulled out a win, although we'll never know.

The GOP is doing a bit of "soul-searching" right now (a pleasant euphemism for the political in-fighting, backstabbing, and grappling for power going on under the covers), and if they keep it up, they're going to ensure one-party rule through 2012, by failing to re-take the House next fall.

And for a short period of time - long enough to get a health-reform bill that mandates coverage, subsidizes coverage for the poor in a uniform way, and introduces a public-option (in at least the areas where health-insurance companies operate as a monopoly, since they already have exemptions from major anti-trust laws), I'm willing to live with the Democrats running the show.

Honestly - after almost six years of uninterrupted GOP rule, from 2001 - 2006, how bad could the Democrats possibly do, in comparison?
From KTV News:
California Lt. Governor John Garamendi has easily won a special election for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The District 10 seat he will fill belonged to incumbent Democrat Ellen Tauscher who took a position within the State Department.
And from the Times Union:
ALBANY -- Democrat Bill Owens won the 23rd Congressional District seat despite a strong push by Conservatives to take the post in the heavily Republican North Country area.

Trailing Owens by over 6,000 votes, Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman conceded the race just after midnight Wednesday.


So - in both the open seat in Congress, the Democrats won, including picking up another seat to add to the hefty Democratic majority - the New York's 23rd district, which has been in Republican hands since 1852.

I'd like to personally thank Sarah Palin for making the Democratic pick-up of District 23 possible, seeing how running Hoffman as a 3rd-party candidate split the Republican vote. Please, please, PLEASE run her as your candidate in 2012, Republicans. We're begging you !!


Enjoy governing New Jersey, in the meantime - remember, it's the "garden state", ROFLMAO

18% of the voting population in the california district is gop so for garamendi to take the seat by less than 72% makes one wonder about the center and its commitment to the defecit spending left in the golden state....

as for hoffman.....the gop had no choice but to run another candidate as the rino pulled up stakes and endorsed the lib.....close race even at that.....

and even with a majority the dems still can't push their agenda still fighting two wars and is spending money they don't have.....
and even with a majority the dems still can't push their agenda still fighting two wars and is spending money they don't have.....


You mean the same two wars that Bush/Cheney spent 7 years and 5 years fighting, respectively, without winning either one (or even capturing OBL?)

Or are you talking about Bush? I'm confused - since every budget bill signed by Bush, eight of them in all, had enormous built-in deficits, so that he and his Republican congress could spend money they didn't have.

Wow, it takes a certain combination of giant balls and complete amnesia to post that, lol.

As for pushing his agenda thru - President Obama and the Democratic Congress were a little busy the first six months trying to avert a total economic collapse left in their laps by Bush & Company, who left office with the economy in free-fall and the Dow Jones average at about 8,000. Lower than when he came into office EIGHT YEARS EARLIER.

Plus, now that it seems like the Democrats actually did manage to prevent an economic meltdown (like anybody would have wanted McCain or Palin trying to pull that off, gawd!), some sort of health-care reform along the lines of what Obama campaigned is looking pretty certain to pass.

He's withdrawing from Iraq along the time-table he proposed last year.

And he's done it all without invading anybody on the basis of totally made-up bullshit about "weapons of mass destruction".
and even with a majority the dems still can't push their agenda still fighting two wars and is spending money they don't have.....


You mean the same two wars that Bush/Cheney spent 7 years and 5 years fighting, respectively, without winning either one (or even capturing OBL?)

Or are you talking about Bush? I'm confused - since every budget bill signed by Bush, eight of them in all, had enormous built-in deficits, so that he and his Republican congress could spend money they didn't have.

Wow, it takes a certain combination of giant balls and complete amnesia to post that, lol.

As for pushing his agenda thru - President Obama and the Democratic Congress were a little busy the first six months trying to avert a total economic collapse left in their laps by Bush & Company, who left office with the economy in free-fall and the Dow Jones average at about 8,000. Lower than when he came into office EIGHT YEARS EARLIER.

Plus, now that it seems like the Democrats actually did manage to prevent an economic meltdown (like anybody would have wanted McCain or Palin trying to pull that off, gawd!), some sort of health-care reform along the lines of what Obama campaigned is looking pretty certain to pass.

He's withdrawing from Iraq along the time-table he proposed last year.

And he's done it all without invading anybody on the basis of totally made-up bullshit about "weapons of mass destruction".

But, but....Bush proclaimed "Mission Accomplished"????
As a half assed conservative I admit that I am disappointed by the loss of the house seat.

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