Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age. Moreover, the most liberal part of the generation — those born up through 1955 and termed “early Boomers” — is frontloaded, so the political impact on the senior population could be fairly rapid.
So, the changing location, education levels, and age of the electorate suggest why the Republicans’ long-term disadvantages aren’t so bad as most people think. They’re worse.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party | ThinkProgress
I hope the new population would look towards science, education, r&D and logic. If not then we're fucked. ;)
Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age. Moreover, the most liberal part of the generation — those born up through 1955 and termed “early Boomers” — is frontloaded, so the political impact on the senior population could be fairly rapid.
So, the changing location, education levels, and age of the electorate suggest why the Republicans’ long-term disadvantages aren’t so bad as most people think. They’re worse.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party | ThinkProgress

"We lost because of demographic mathematics," said Morris, who famously predicted days before the November 2012 election that Mitt Romney would win in a landslide. Morris appeared before a room of at least 50 people at CPAC, one of the biggest annual conservative political gatherings, hosted by American Conservative Union.

To fix this problem, Morris urged Republicans to pass immigration reform immediately. Once the immigration issue is out of the way, he argued, Latinos would embrace the conservative values, switch sides and ultimately become "the salvation of the Republican Party."

But immigration reform, even with a path to citizenship that Morris supports, is not the tough sell to conservatives that it once was.

The harder sell came in his next prescription: Give up on Roe v. Wade.

Dick Morris Delivers Bad News To Republicans: Give Up On Roe V. Wade

If the republican party has any chance of winning they have to ditch the bible thumping kooks and teahadists
The republican party must become a first world party that promotes ideas that keep America strong country. DUMP A LOT OF THE EXTREME social policies!
Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age. Moreover, the most liberal part of the generation — those born up through 1955 and termed “early Boomers” — is frontloaded, so the political impact on the senior population could be fairly rapid.
So, the changing location, education levels, and age of the electorate suggest why the Republicans’ long-term disadvantages aren’t so bad as most people think. They’re worse.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party | ThinkProgress

"We lost because of demographic mathematics," said Morris, who famously predicted days before the November 2012 election that Mitt Romney would win in a landslide. Morris appeared before a room of at least 50 people at CPAC, one of the biggest annual conservative political gatherings, hosted by American Conservative Union.

To fix this problem, Morris urged Republicans to pass immigration reform immediately. Once the immigration issue is out of the way, he argued, Latinos would embrace the conservative values, switch sides and ultimately become "the salvation of the Republican Party."

But immigration reform, even with a path to citizenship that Morris supports, is not the tough sell to conservatives that it once was.

The harder sell came in his next prescription: Give up on Roe v. Wade.

Dick Morris Delivers Bad News To Republicans: Give Up On Roe V. Wade

If the republican party has any chance of winning they have to ditch the bible thumping kooks and teahadists
Yes just what we need--another ill informed liberal telling us how to win elections.
Here's an idea: stick it up your ass.
Yep. Fuck the GOP. I was a Republican until 2011. Then they went bizarre on me, and I'm laughing as I watch that party die a slow death.

Sure, they'll still win a few elections in the next 5-10 years. But their time is slowly slipping to the point they'll become a fringe movement.
Wow, two people claiming to have been Republicans chiming in. What are the chances?
Demographic shifts have nothing to do with the troubles in the republican party.

If you're having trouble with 100% of existing demographics, then however they happen to 'shift' is pretty irrelevant.
Demographic shifts have nothing to do with the troubles in the republican party.

If you're having trouble with 100% of existing demographics, then however they happen to 'shift' is pretty irrelevant.

Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age. Moreover, the most liberal part of the generation — those born up through 1955 and termed “early Boomers” — is frontloaded, so the political impact on the senior population could be fairly rapid.
So, the changing location, education levels, and age of the electorate suggest why the Republicans’ long-term disadvantages aren’t so bad as most people think. They’re worse.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party | ThinkProgress

And republicans have only themselves to blame.
2% shift in voting demographics each presidential election since 1980. Romney would of won over 400 elv if he were to of ran in 1980.

Instead the republican party is fighting to win elections with over 60% of the white voting block coming out angry. immigration killed the republican party as only 27%? percentage of the Hispanic voting bock voted for them compared to 44% under Bush.

This only gets worse for them as most of the children aren't white and within the next 10-15 years they will come of age.
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Surprise, surprise a radical leftie propaganda venue like "think progress" assumes that demographic changes will hurt the GOP while the freaking Country is going down the drain under a left wing former community activist who ain't got a clue.
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Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age.

ROFLMAO! Exactly what century are you living in? must be the same one Joe Biden resides in since the baby boomers are already "SENIORS" or soon to be "SENIORS".... the vast bulk of the boomers were born between the end of 1945 (the peak birth rate) and 1958 (the fall off in boomer birth rates), do the math.

Historically people don't get more "liberal" as they age they get more "conservative", which probably explains why the Democrats are so desperate to import new citizens from 3rd world countries (the gub'mint run nanny state plantation apparently needs to import new blood to sucker into dependency).

"'Folks, where's it written we cannot lead the world in the 20th century in making automobiles" -- Joe Biden, August 2012
Demographic shifts have nothing to do with the troubles in the republican party.

If you're having trouble with 100% of existing demographics, then however they happen to 'shift' is pretty irrelevant.


I see vast expanses of mostly empty republican land interrupted by majority blue populated areas. :dunno:

EDIT - Also, somehow, my Democrat congressman is for some reason not featured on that map despite having served for years. So I call BS
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We hear this all of the time. Recently as the mid 90's when the dems started losing much was said about relegating them to the desert for a few generations. Fast forward a few years when R's lose and the same thing is said. Unfortunately, neither of these worthless parties will go away.
We hear this all of the time. Recently as the mid 90's when the dems started losing much was said about relegating them to the desert for a few generations. Fast forward a few years when R's lose and the same thing is said. Unfortunately, neither of these worthless parties will go away.

Too true, personally I think arming both "sides" to the teeth and sending them off to a deserted island to slaughter each other would be a great leap forward for society as a whole. :D
Some numbers from RCP.
Obama approval rating 42%
Obama approval on the economy 40%
Obama on foreign policy also 40%
Approval for Obamacare 38%
Direction of the country wrong track 61%
Approval for congress because the left likes to throw this out and pretend like Democrats aren't part of congress 10%
Finally generic congressional ballot basically tied Democrats approval 41% Republican 40%
So this suggest the Republicans aren't as bad off as suggested for the record I take Think Progress as serious as source as the left here take something like The Blaze.

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