DemonRAT Rep. Breaks From DemonRATIC Talking Points On Border Wall

We know walls work, and so do Democrats, and we know Obama knows they work, he's building one around his house. they don't want the wall because they know it will work, and they're racists who want to flood the country with criminal parasites and collapse it. Only idiots actually think otherwise, and only fools thinks its a great idea.
If there is an unspoken plan to flood the nation with dependent foriegners, otherwise to add to the dependent leftist/Demon-crat sheeple in a bid to keep power among the democrat leadership, and it's party, then that plan needs to be seriously investigated.

Why would the American's sit back and watch as such a thing unfolds to their surprise after it's to late to counter the anti-American moves ??? Just boggles the mind really.

It's not an unspoken plan, it's why gangs like La Raza and the ACLU exist to support it, and why Democrats enthusiastically do everything they can to promote racial hatred of white proles; they convinced their base that white proles are the worst people on Earth, and need to be 'replaced' by brown illegal aliens; you don't hear the media reporting on it , that's all. La Raza and all the other racist groups are all about 'ethnic cleansing' agendas, including most of the black lobbying orgs.

As for 'why' so many just sit back, it is indeed a mystery, but it's also now legally impossible for any defense to be mounted, because that would be labeled 'hate groups' under the statues in place these days, and they use the FBI to suppress any such defense groups, and of course try to ruin anyone who would join such groups and lobbies. The elites of course support this, since there are no race riots that affect the Hamptons or any of the nice gated communities and buildings like 740 Park, all demographics that hate those uppity white proles as much or more than their pet black and brown useful idiots do, since they tend to vote against 'globalism' and hate traitors and Red Chinese commies, the latter being Wall Street and multi-national corps like Apple's new Best Friends Forever and America needs to be ruined and reduced to Third World status. Too much interference in the international labor racketeering agreements and dents in profits to be allowed to survive as a nation. The Democrats are the Establishment's answer to the American Century.
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We know walls work, and so do Democrats, and we know Obama knows they work, he's building one around his house. they don't want the wall because they know it will work, and they're racists who want to flood the country with criminal parasites and collapse it. Only idiots actually think otherwise, and only fools thinks its a great idea.
If there is an unspoken plan to flood the nation with dependent foriegners, otherwise to add to the dependent leftist/Demon-crat sheeple in a bid to keep power among the democrat leadership, and it's party, then that plan needs to be seriously investigated.

Why would the American's sit back and watch as such a thing unfolds to their surprise after it's to late to counter the anti-American moves ??? Just boggles the mind really.

Yet we have been for at least two decades...
We know walls work, and so do Democrats, and we know Obama knows they work, he's building one around his house. they don't want the wall because they know it will work, and they're racists who want to flood the country with criminal parasites and collapse it. Only idiots actually think otherwise, and only fools thinks its a great idea.
If there is an unspoken plan to flood the nation with dependent foriegners, otherwise to add to the dependent leftist/Demon-crat sheeple in a bid to keep power among the democrat leadership, and it's party, then that plan needs to be seriously investigated.

Why would the American's sit back and watch as such a thing unfolds to their surprise after it's to late to counter the anti-American moves ??? Just boggles the mind really.

Yet we have been for at least two decades...
Yes it appears so.... The idea of blanket inclusiveness has possibly run amuck maybe ??? At what point does America begin to truly call the anti-Americans out ??

Never about race, but it's about anti-Americanism that is being found in people of all colors today.

They have gathered themselves together in likewise goals that seek to upset the nations founding, history, and it's traditions.

Even though we as American's have worked hard to correct the past, worked hard to be inclusive, worked hard to trust our supposed brothers and sisters here, to hear them carry on you would think that this nation has never advanced as a society.

What is up with these weak white women like Warren and Pelosi playing the race card in order to make themselves appealing to the racist in this country that hate whites ???

How predictable can this crap get anymore ???
Most of these pols like Pelosi and Warren are narcissistic sociopaths, and ones that have had very sheltered lives, and like to portray themselves as saviors of 'these poor and downtrodden', similar to women who see a starving stray cat and go nuts trying to catch them and feed them. It's a big ego trip for them, plus it has the added bennies of them being protected from any negative consequences for their actions; they aren't going to be sponsoring any of these illegals themselves, in their own homes, and they have armed guards and escorts, so it means nothing to them if any of you low life proles get raped, murdered or your children have to be put at their mercy every day, and suffer sub-standard schools and the hate narratives directed against Americans, especially whites and particularly elderly working class whites, the parents work for less money because of the mass influx of cheap labor, etc., and if you dare point out their fantasy narrative is utter insanity and rubbish, well then they have their fellow sociopath minions working to silence you. They're infantile crazies. That also means they know how to manipulate and appeal to other crazies. They thrive on stupidity and race baiting.
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We probably passed the tipping point in the mid-1970's, when the radicals started getting the teaching positions in the universities, the jobs in media, and in the 'mental health' fields, now so compromised they're worthless as sources of scientific data, along with the social sciences, the govt. bureaucratizes at all levels , etc., so yeah, it is easy for most people to make the case that the system has no credibility and it's a waste of time to try and fight it, just just find a psychiatrist , get a scrip, take the Prozac and enjoy the ride downward. Big Pharm can make it very painless, even fun, as long as you can pay for it.
Most of these pols like Pelosi and Warren are narcissistic sociopaths, and ones that have had very sheltered lives, and like to portray themselves as saviors of 'these poor and downtrodden', similar to women who see a starving stray cat and go nuts trying to catch them and feed them. It's a big ego trip for them, plus it has the added bennies of them being protected from any negative consequences for their actions; they aren't going to be sponsoring any of these illegals themselves, in their own homes, and they have armed guards and escorts, so it means nothing to them if any of you low life proles get raped, murdered or your children have to be put at their mercy every day, and suffer sub-standard schools and the hate narratives directed against Americans, especially whites and particularly elderly working class whites, the parents work for less money because of the mass influx of cheap labor, etc., and if you dare point out their fantasy narrative is utter insanity and rubbish, well then they have their fellow sociopath minions working to silence you. They're infantile crazies. That also means they know how to manipulate and appeal to other crazies. They thrive on stupidity and race baiting.
And you are very astutely aware of it all, and it's a crying shame that we are seeing our ship (naval talk) getting shot right out from under our aces, and yet we are told it's all just an illusion, so just roll with the flow.

Talk about a sickening situation, great Scott man, what is this nation coming too ??
We probably passed the tipping point in the mid-1970's, when the radicals started getting the teaching positions in the universities, the jobs in media, and in the 'mental health' fields, now so compromised they're worthless as sources of scientific data, along with the social sciences, the govt. bureaucratizes at all levels , etc., so yeah, it is easy for most people to make the case that the system has no credibility and it's a waste of time to try and fight it, just just find a psychiatrist , get a scrip, take the Prozac and enjoy the ride downward. Big Pharm can make it very painless, even fun, as long as you can pay for it.
And people wonder why we have a drug epedemic in this nation now. How can we not ??
No matter how many threads you start making the claim that the Dems dont want secure borders, everyone knows its the stupid ass wall the dems are against. Hell the people on the border dont even want it.

If they wanted a secure border they would fund the building of the wall.

Apparently you and they are full of shit.

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