Dems: All In on Lawlessness and USA Banana Republic

How about destroying a hard drive with bleach bit and two blackberries and 34,000 other emails after congress subpoenaed her to turn over all evidence? How about seeing if you can add 2 + 2 correctly?

As Clinton did not do that or order that, why are you lying about it?

You're essentially claiming Clinton is responsible for what an IT tech accidentally did, contrary to the orders of the Clinton administration. At least that's what the IT tech testified to, under oath. Are you going to invoke some conspiracy here now?

You're not the first corrupt-to-the-core GOP party apparatchik to try to spread propaganda here, you know. It's not fooling anyone.
How about destroying a hard drive with bleach bit and two blackberries and 34,000 other emails after congress subpoenaed her to turn over all evidence? How about seeing if you can add 2 + 2 correctly?

As Clinton did not do that or order that, why are you lying about it?

You're essentially claiming Clinton is responsible for what an IT tech accidentally did, contrary to the orders of the Clinton administration. At least that's what the IT tech testified to, under oath. Are you going to invoke some conspiracy here now?

You're not the first corrupt-to-the-core GOP party apparatchik to try to spread propaganda here, you know. It's not fooling anyone.

Hey, it's one of the stepford wives!

Sounds like they have been given a new script to work from.
hey, it's one of the stepford wives!

Run away, little liar.

Now, not every Clinton-hater is gutless ... oh wait, they are, every last one of them. Cowardice is one of their defining traits, along with pathological dishonesty, a burning hatred of democracy, and fanatical loyalty to their Stalinist cult masters.
They are not even hiding their crimes

What crime is Hillary not hiding?

How about destroying a hard drive with bleach bit and two blackberries and 34,000 other emails after congress subpoenaed her to turn over all evidence? How about seeing if you can add 2 + 2 correctly?
They are not even hiding their crimes

What crime is Hillary not hiding?

How about destroying a hard drive with bleach bit and two blackberries and 34,000 other emails after congress subpoenaed her to turn over all evidence? How about seeing if you can add 2 + 2 correctly?

Thorough discard of emails is a crime? In which way "bleaching" is more damning then simply erasing? I discard drives and emails all the time, not by some "bleach" software but even more final magnetic wipe so what? Clinton is under constant politico siege, for her, surprising would be NOT to be thorough in discarding emails.

I think this has more to do with fantasizing about scenes of blood cleaning with ACTUAL bleach, then with reality of simply erasing emails.

So the issue is not HOW emails are erased but if she was legally allowed to erase emails.

YES SHE WAS allowed to erase at least some emails, as subpoena was for work related emails, not personal emails.

Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete personal emails from server: DOJ

Anything else?
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How about destroying a hard drive with bleach bit and two blackberries and 34,000 other emails after congress subpoenaed her to turn over all evidence? How about seeing if you can add 2 + 2 correctly?

As Clinton did not do that or order that, why are you lying about it?

You're essentially claiming Clinton is responsible for what an IT tech accidentally did, contrary to the orders of the Clinton administration. At least that's what the IT tech testified to, under oath. Are you going to invoke some conspiracy here now?

You're not the first corrupt-to-the-core GOP party apparatchik to try to spread propaganda here, you know. It's not fooling anyone.


Mammoth and Progressives at Dear Leaders Funeral: Cry or Die
This past week alone, the President of the US has suborned felon voter fraud, the Director of the FBI established himself as a dirty cop more concerned with political favors than upholding the law and our former SecState is so brazenly criminal, detached and disrespectful that she allowed her housekeeper to have access to classified information, and the permanent underclass adores her for her lawlessness.

This is the "Fundamental transformation" Obama promised. Dems have made the USA a genuine Banana Republic.

If Trump wins, it will be possible to roll back this Progressive Jihad on American civilization and the Constitution; if Hillary win -- well I'll be out of the country anyway. I suspect it won't be pretty
What a fucking drama queen. ROTFLMAO.
They are not even hiding their crimes

What crime is Hillary not hiding?

How about destroying a hard drive with bleach bit and two blackberries and 34,000 other emails after congress subpoenaed her to turn over all evidence? How about seeing if you can add 2 + 2 correctly?
They are not even hiding their crimes

What crime is Hillary not hiding?

How about destroying a hard drive with bleach bit and two blackberries and 34,000 other emails after congress subpoenaed her to turn over all evidence? How about seeing if you can add 2 + 2 correctly?

Thorough discard of emails is a crime? In which way "bleaching" is more damning then simply erasing? I discard drives and emails all the time, so what? Clinton is under constant politico siege, for her, surprising would be NOT to be thorough in discarding emails.

So the issue is not HOW emails are erased but if she was legally allowed to erase emails.

YES SHE WAS allowed to erase at least some emails, as subpoena was for work related emails, not personal emails.

Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete personal emails from server: DOJ

Anything else?

This past week alone, the President of the US has suborned felon voter fraud, the Director of the FBI established himself as a dirty cop more concerned with political favors than upholding the law and our former SecState is so brazenly criminal, detached and disrespectful that she allowed her housekeeper to have access to classified information, and the permanent underclass adores her for her lawlessness.

This is the "Fundamental transformation" Obama promised. Dems have made the USA a genuine Banana Republic.

If Trump wins, it will be possible to roll back this Progressive Jihad on American civilization and the Constitution; if Hillary win -- well I'll be out of the country anyway. I suspect it won't be pretty
What a fucking drama queen. ROTFLMAO.


We Love Dear Leader! Really!
This past week alone, the President of the US has suborned felon voter fraud, the Director of the FBI established himself as a dirty cop more concerned with political favors than upholding the law and our former SecState is so brazenly criminal, detached and disrespectful that she allowed her housekeeper to have access to classified information, and the permanent underclass adores her for her lawlessness.

This is the "Fundamental transformation" Obama promised. Dems have made the USA a genuine Banana Republic.

If Trump wins, it will be possible to roll back this Progressive Jihad on American civilization and the Constitution; if Hillary win -- well I'll be out of the country anyway. I suspect it won't be pretty
What a fucking drama queen. ROTFLMAO.

You still don't get it do you?

Or are you doing all this to audition and hopefully become one of the empress's praetorian guards?

I mean... hitherto you are saying all the right things and making all the right moves.
You know the Right will be sent to the front lines with the fucking lefts blessing I'm sure - DEFCON 4

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