Dems Commit Political Suicide

Before I get to the embarrassment of the nasty, bitter State of the Union display by the Democratic Party, let me lead with great news.

First, the jobs front. Wednesday morning saw the release of ADP/Moody’s Analytics private payrolls report. New job creation exploded once again under President Trump. Businesses added 234,000 jobs in January versus an expected 185,000. Manufacturing added 12,000 jobs and construction 9,000 new jobs - in a traditionally slow month. WOW.

Secondly, the numbers from Trump’s State of the Union. Fox News had the biggest audience for a State of the Union in the history of cable news. The old record of 6.5 million viewers was smashed by smithereens by Trump with an astonishing 11.7 million viewers. It was also the highest rated presidential address of any kind in the history of cable news.

Now to the reaction from viewers. CBS took an instant YouGov poll. Here are the amazing results.

97 percent of Republican viewers liked Trump’s speech.

72 percent of independents liked it.

Amazingly, 43 percent of Democrats liked it.

Overall 75 percent of Americans approved of the speech. And a shocking 8 out of 10 felt President Trump was trying to unite the nation, rather than divide it. Two-thirds reported the speech made them feel proud.

Which means anyone who isn’t a bitter, nasty, arrogant, hateful, Kool-Aid drinking socialist loved what they saw. Unfortunately, that leaves the entire Democrat Congress.

That’s why I report the Democratic Party committed political suicide on Tuesday night. Their response to Trump’s speech was out of bounds. It wasn’t normal. It was hateful. It was bizarre. Actually, in a word, it was “foreign.” The Democratic Party is now a foreign party in their own country. They no longer have any understanding of what people born in America think or feel.


Yet black unemployment is double of white unemployment. Also if you think things changed since Trump, most of what you are seeing started under Obama and Trump is riding his coattails.
Yet black unemployment is double of white unemployment
How after 8 years of Obama a 1/2 black man, could there still be disproportionate unemployment? Wasn't Obama for black people? Didn't President Trump inherit such a great economy left by Obama?
Before I get to the embarrassment of the nasty, bitter State of the Union display by the Democratic Party, let me lead with great news.

First, the jobs front. Wednesday morning saw the release of ADP/Moody’s Analytics private payrolls report. New job creation exploded once again under President Trump. Businesses added 234,000 jobs in January versus an expected 185,000. Manufacturing added 12,000 jobs and construction 9,000 new jobs - in a traditionally slow month. WOW.

Secondly, the numbers from Trump’s State of the Union. Fox News had the biggest audience for a State of the Union in the history of cable news. The old record of 6.5 million viewers was smashed by smithereens by Trump with an astonishing 11.7 million viewers. It was also the highest rated presidential address of any kind in the history of cable news.

Now to the reaction from viewers. CBS took an instant YouGov poll. Here are the amazing results.

97 percent of Republican viewers liked Trump’s speech.

72 percent of independents liked it.

Amazingly, 43 percent of Democrats liked it.

Overall 75 percent of Americans approved of the speech. And a shocking 8 out of 10 felt President Trump was trying to unite the nation, rather than divide it. Two-thirds reported the speech made them feel proud.

Which means anyone who isn’t a bitter, nasty, arrogant, hateful, Kool-Aid drinking socialist loved what they saw. Unfortunately, that leaves the entire Democrat Congress.

That’s why I report the Democratic Party committed political suicide on Tuesday night. Their response to Trump’s speech was out of bounds. It wasn’t normal. It was hateful. It was bizarre. Actually, in a word, it was “foreign.” The Democratic Party is now a foreign party in their own country. They no longer have any understanding of what people born in America think or feel.


Yet black unemployment is double of white unemployment. Also if you think things changed since Trump, most of what you are seeing started under Obama and Trump is riding his coattails.

Kinda, Republicans controlled Congress Obama's last 2 years and yup, things were looking up.
Getting back to the point of the thread, the Democrats made complete asses of themselves with the way they acted during the SOTU. However, the MSM totally ignored it, and unless you actually watched the speech on television you might not even be aware of how they comported themselves.

So it probably won't mean anything in the long run.

But what is starting to sink in, I think, is that the Democrats in Congress have NO INTEREST in resolving the "immigration problem" in any rational way. Trump just offered them a golden nugget with the so-called "Dreamers" and they rejected it. Even the dim-witted American public must be asking itself, "What is it that they actually want?" Total capitulation to the Illegals? 30 million (plus) voting criminals? Apparently that is what they want.

If that's the stance they want to take going into the 2018 Congressional elections...they are WELCOME to it!
The GOP Congressional members during Oblama were nothing to brag about either, they both do as they please...
Before I get to the embarrassment of the nasty, bitter State of the Union display by the Democratic Party, let me lead with great news.

First, the jobs front. Wednesday morning saw the release of ADP/Moody’s Analytics private payrolls report. New job creation exploded once again under President Trump. Businesses added 234,000 jobs in January versus an expected 185,000. Manufacturing added 12,000 jobs and construction 9,000 new jobs - in a traditionally slow month. WOW.

Secondly, the numbers from Trump’s State of the Union. Fox News had the biggest audience for a State of the Union in the history of cable news. The old record of 6.5 million viewers was smashed by smithereens by Trump with an astonishing 11.7 million viewers. It was also the highest rated presidential address of any kind in the history of cable news.

Now to the reaction from viewers. CBS took an instant YouGov poll. Here are the amazing results.

97 percent of Republican viewers liked Trump’s speech.

72 percent of independents liked it.

Amazingly, 43 percent of Democrats liked it.

Overall 75 percent of Americans approved of the speech. And a shocking 8 out of 10 felt President Trump was trying to unite the nation, rather than divide it. Two-thirds reported the speech made them feel proud.

Which means anyone who isn’t a bitter, nasty, arrogant, hateful, Kool-Aid drinking socialist loved what they saw. Unfortunately, that leaves the entire Democrat Congress.

That’s why I report the Democratic Party committed political suicide on Tuesday night. Their response to Trump’s speech was out of bounds. It wasn’t normal. It was hateful. It was bizarre. Actually, in a word, it was “foreign.” The Democratic Party is now a foreign party in their own country. They no longer have any understanding of what people born in America think or feel.

Fox News had the biggest audience for a State of the Union in the history of cable news. The old record of 6.5 million viewers was smashed by smithereens by Trump with an astonishing 11.7 million viewers.

So, more Republicans watched the speech on Fox than they did when Obama was President

Color me shocked
What was historic about the speech that anyone will remember ten years from now?
or even two weeks
Getting back to the point of the thread, the Democrats made complete asses of themselves with the way they acted during the SOTU. However, the MSM totally ignored it, and unless you actually watched the speech on television you might not even be aware of how they comported themselves.

So it probably won't mean anything in the long run.

But what is starting to sink in, I think, is that the Democrats in Congress have NO INTEREST in resolving the "immigration problem" in any rational way. Trump just offered them a golden nugget with the so-called "Dreamers" and they rejected it. Even the dim-witted American public must be asking itself, "What is it that they actually want?" Total capitulation to the Illegals? 30 million (plus) voting criminals? Apparently that is what they want.

If that's the stance they want to take going into the 2018 Congressional elections...they are WELCOME to it!
The tone seems to still be open borders and America no longer a sovereign country. Border security has never been the concern.
They won't compromise as that would give the perception that Trump had a hand in DACA by agreeing to let more stay than Obama. A perception they will not allow by any means.
Perception is everything and Trump extended a hand and the Dems slapped it away.
Getting back to the point of the thread, the Democrats made complete asses of themselves with the way they acted during the SOTU. However, the MSM totally ignored it, and unless you actually watched the speech on television you might not even be aware of how they comported themselves.

So it probably won't mean anything in the long run.

But what is starting to sink in, I think, is that the Democrats in Congress have NO INTEREST in resolving the "immigration problem" in any rational way. Trump just offered them a golden nugget with the so-called "Dreamers" and they rejected it. Even the dim-witted American public must be asking itself, "What is it that they actually want?" Total capitulation to the Illegals? 30 million (plus) voting criminals? Apparently that is what they want.

If that's the stance they want to take going into the 2018 Congressional elections...they are WELCOME to it!
The tone seems to still be open borders and America no longer a sovereign country. Border security has never been the concern.
They won't compromise as that would give the perception that Trump had a hand in DACA by agreeing to let more stay than Obama. A perception they will not allow by any means.
Perception is everything and Trump extended a hand and the Dems slapped it away.
Border security is no big deal
We have better things to spend money on
Before I get to the embarrassment of the nasty, bitter State of the Union display by the Democratic Party, let me lead with great news....First, the jobs front. Wednesday morning saw the release of ADP/Moody’s Analytics private payrolls report. New job creation exploded once again under President Trump. Businesses added 234,000 jobs in January versus an expected 185,000. Manufacturing added 12,000 jobs and construction 9,000 new jobs - in a traditionally slow month. WOW.....Secondly, the numbers from Trump’s State of the Union. Fox News had the biggest audience for a State of the Union in the history of cable news. The old record of 6.5 million viewers was smashed by smithereens by Trump with an astonishing 11.7 million viewers. It was also the highest rated presidential address of any kind in the history of cable news.

And, apart from those two intellectual reasons to reject Dems, is the dinner-table visceral, highly-volatile & revolting platform of forcing women and girls to accept and tolerate (not report) deranged males in their communal showers, locker rooms and restrooms.
Seriously? I put numbers?

My post was a single word - one little word - you need to try to keep up. (or take really good notes)

The OP was discussing the SOTU speech - not Trump. The "numbers" were a discussion of the reaction to the SPEECH.

You need to sharpen your crayon.
Before I get to the embarrassment of the nasty, bitter State of the Union display by the Democratic Party, let me lead with great news.

First, the jobs front. Wednesday morning saw the release of ADP/Moody’s Analytics private payrolls report. New job creation exploded once again under President Trump. Businesses added 234,000 jobs in January versus an expected 185,000. Manufacturing added 12,000 jobs and construction 9,000 new jobs - in a traditionally slow month. WOW.

Secondly, the numbers from Trump’s State of the Union. Fox News had the biggest audience for a State of the Union in the history of cable news. The old record of 6.5 million viewers was smashed by smithereens by Trump with an astonishing 11.7 million viewers. It was also the highest rated presidential address of any kind in the history of cable news.

Now to the reaction from viewers. CBS took an instant YouGov poll. Here are the amazing results.

97 percent of Republican viewers liked Trump’s speech.

72 percent of independents liked it.

Amazingly, 43 percent of Democrats liked it.

Overall 75 percent of Americans approved of the speech. And a shocking 8 out of 10 felt President Trump was trying to unite the nation, rather than divide it. Two-thirds reported the speech made them feel proud.

Which means anyone who isn’t a bitter, nasty, arrogant, hateful, Kool-Aid drinking socialist loved what they saw. Unfortunately, that leaves the entire Democrat Congress.

That’s why I report the Democratic Party committed political suicide on Tuesday night. Their response to Trump’s speech was out of bounds. It wasn’t normal. It was hateful. It was bizarre. Actually, in a word, it was “foreign.” The Democratic Party is now a foreign party in their own country. They no longer have any understanding of what people born in America think or feel.


Yet black unemployment is double of white unemployment. Also if you think things changed since Trump, most of what you are seeing started under Obama and Trump is riding his coattails.
Funny how you conveniently ignore the fact that black unemployment has fallen faster than white unemployment. Probably all those racist policies, right?
Now imagine if there was an actual honest main stream media, if hollywood were not such pathetic hypocritical annoying left wing gasbags, and the education system did not have stupid ass john lennon hippy commie piece of shit professors with tenure brainwashing the millenials.

We would not have an embarrassing group of people like jilian or that Nat loser.
Before I get to the embarrassment of the nasty, bitter State of the Union display by the Democratic Party, let me lead with great news.

First, the jobs front. Wednesday morning saw the release of ADP/Moody’s Analytics private payrolls report. New job creation exploded once again under President Trump. Businesses added 234,000 jobs in January versus an expected 185,000. Manufacturing added 12,000 jobs and construction 9,000 new jobs - in a traditionally slow month. WOW.

Secondly, the numbers from Trump’s State of the Union. Fox News had the biggest audience for a State of the Union in the history of cable news. The old record of 6.5 million viewers was smashed by smithereens by Trump with an astonishing 11.7 million viewers. It was also the highest rated presidential address of any kind in the history of cable news.

Now to the reaction from viewers. CBS took an instant YouGov poll. Here are the amazing results.

97 percent of Republican viewers liked Trump’s speech.

72 percent of independents liked it.

Amazingly, 43 percent of Democrats liked it.

Overall 75 percent of Americans approved of the speech. And a shocking 8 out of 10 felt President Trump was trying to unite the nation, rather than divide it. Two-thirds reported the speech made them feel proud.

Which means anyone who isn’t a bitter, nasty, arrogant, hateful, Kool-Aid drinking socialist loved what they saw. Unfortunately, that leaves the entire Democrat Congress.

That’s why I report the Democratic Party committed political suicide on Tuesday night. Their response to Trump’s speech was out of bounds. It wasn’t normal. It was hateful. It was bizarre. Actually, in a word, it was “foreign.” The Democratic Party is now a foreign party in their own country. They no longer have any understanding of what people born in America think or feel.


Are the new jobs full time?

Do the new jobs pay a living wage?
Before I get to the embarrassment of the nasty, bitter State of the Union display by the Democratic Party, let me lead with great news.

First, the jobs front. Wednesday morning saw the release of ADP/Moody’s Analytics private payrolls report. New job creation exploded once again under President Trump. Businesses added 234,000 jobs in January versus an expected 185,000. Manufacturing added 12,000 jobs and construction 9,000 new jobs - in a traditionally slow month. WOW.

Secondly, the numbers from Trump’s State of the Union. Fox News had the biggest audience for a State of the Union in the history of cable news. The old record of 6.5 million viewers was smashed by smithereens by Trump with an astonishing 11.7 million viewers. It was also the highest rated presidential address of any kind in the history of cable news.

Now to the reaction from viewers. CBS took an instant YouGov poll. Here are the amazing results.

97 percent of Republican viewers liked Trump’s speech.

72 percent of independents liked it.

Amazingly, 43 percent of Democrats liked it.

Overall 75 percent of Americans approved of the speech. And a shocking 8 out of 10 felt President Trump was trying to unite the nation, rather than divide it. Two-thirds reported the speech made them feel proud.

Which means anyone who isn’t a bitter, nasty, arrogant, hateful, Kool-Aid drinking socialist loved what they saw. Unfortunately, that leaves the entire Democrat Congress.

That’s why I report the Democratic Party committed political suicide on Tuesday night. Their response to Trump’s speech was out of bounds. It wasn’t normal. It was hateful. It was bizarre. Actually, in a word, it was “foreign.” The Democratic Party is now a foreign party in their own country. They no longer have any understanding of what people born in America think or feel.


Are the new jobs full time?

Do the new jobs pay a living wage?

The Jobs report is based on full-time positions ----- if there are two half-time positions created, they are counted as a single job generated.
Before I get to the embarrassment of the nasty, bitter State of the Union display by the Democratic Party, let me lead with great news.

First, the jobs front. Wednesday morning saw the release of ADP/Moody’s Analytics private payrolls report. New job creation exploded once again under President Trump. Businesses added 234,000 jobs in January versus an expected 185,000. Manufacturing added 12,000 jobs and construction 9,000 new jobs - in a traditionally slow month. WOW.

Secondly, the numbers from Trump’s State of the Union. Fox News had the biggest audience for a State of the Union in the history of cable news. The old record of 6.5 million viewers was smashed by smithereens by Trump with an astonishing 11.7 million viewers. It was also the highest rated presidential address of any kind in the history of cable news.

Now to the reaction from viewers. CBS took an instant YouGov poll. Here are the amazing results.

97 percent of Republican viewers liked Trump’s speech.

72 percent of independents liked it.

Amazingly, 43 percent of Democrats liked it.

Overall 75 percent of Americans approved of the speech. And a shocking 8 out of 10 felt President Trump was trying to unite the nation, rather than divide it. Two-thirds reported the speech made them feel proud.

Which means anyone who isn’t a bitter, nasty, arrogant, hateful, Kool-Aid drinking socialist loved what they saw. Unfortunately, that leaves the entire Democrat Congress.

That’s why I report the Democratic Party committed political suicide on Tuesday night. Their response to Trump’s speech was out of bounds. It wasn’t normal. It was hateful. It was bizarre. Actually, in a word, it was “foreign.” The Democratic Party is now a foreign party in their own country. They no longer have any understanding of what people born in America think or feel.


does it hurt to be that delusional?

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