Dems hypocritically oppose Senate "select committee" to investigate CNN giving HRC debate questions

Dems hypocritically oppose Senate "select committee" to investigate CNN giving HRC debate questions


The DNC and Hillary are VICTIMS of Russian interference in our elections
Hillary was 'swiftboarded'...
Hillary lost because of Comey, the Russians, The GOP...

(Did I miss any diversions / distractions??
Doesn't the senate have more important things to do?
You mean besides creating new problems and making old ones worse? not really.

This sort of inane bullshit is right up their alley.

I say by 2019 we will be on the 9th Email investigation and 13th Benghazi one..

Actually aren't we due another Benghazi investigation?
Yeah I'm sure they'll get around to it, right after they get done with the multi-million dollar investigation into why athletes take steroids, apparently that one still has 'em baffled. :rolleyes:
Actually aren't we due another Benghazi investigation?
Benghazi is over - Hillary and Barry needlessly allowed 4 Americans to die while running weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS from Benghazi. The only thing left unsettled on the issue is the vast amounts of residual snowflake DENIAL.
Actually aren't we due another Benghazi investigation?
Benghazi is over - Hillary and Barry needlessly allowed 4 Americans to die while running weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS from Benghazi. The only thing left unsettled on the issue is the vast amounts of residual snowflake DENIAL.

Don't let the truth get in the way... Why has no investigation come up with this....

By the way OP has no link to anything...
Oh.. we are being a good little facist today.

The Left's "definition" of "fascist" keeps "evolving."

Now, if you want to investigate why CNN gave their debate questions to Hillary before the debate, you are fascist.

So "anti-fascist" must mean supporting CNN giving the debate questions to Hillary before the debate.

Where does it say in the constitution about the debate questions?

That's another pathetic attempt to spin away from the subject. You folks, left wing liars on the taxpayer's dole, want to investigate "Russian" hacks because "they influenced the election." Well, DEBATES INFLUENCE ELECTIONS, and you are opposed to investigating why CNN gave those questions to Hillary before the debate.

In short, you only want to investigate that which doesn't help the Democrats, because if it is corrupt and it helps the Dems, you love it and want to cover it up...
The DNC and Hillary are VICTIMS of Russian interference in our elections


In other words, Hillary's corruption should be covered up because you like it, and you don't want the American people to know about it. Corruption is bad if it doesn't help the Democrats, and good if it does - that is your "standard."

BTW - The AMERICAN PEOPLE are VICTIMS when CNN and the Dems CHEAT in DEBATES.... right?
Hillary lost because of Comey, the Russians, The GOP...


Hillary lost because

1. she is a sick in the head liar and klepto
2. she CHEATED in the CNN debate and was BUSTED by the TRUTH of those "hacks" you hate because YOU HATE TRUTH
3. she is married to a sex predator who she never sleeps with
4. her business career was FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD and nothing except FRAUD
5. her legal career was FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD and nothing except FRAUD
6. she failed the DC Bar exam despite all the parroting about "being so smart"
7. her latest dyke lover is just as sick, greedy, and corrupt as she is
Doesn't the senate have more important things to do?

Rigging elections, I thought was a priority with you guys, funny how you always ignore what the left does. Your Russian shot is about to blow up in your face.
After this election, Republicans never have to allow the LMSM to control the debates. Never Again.

We'll pick the forum and you can fucking blow us if you don't like it
I dunnno Frank.

The GOP leadership was ALL FOR HILLARY....


Trump won because he was the "outsider...."
See the Hypocrisy of the far left drones?

The best was Hillary's fraudulent "women" who accused Trump, without even remembering the year, the city etc....

The Left cheered and suggested that was "proof."

When it was Bill Clinton and women had credible accusations, they were attacked, harassed, and demonized.

The Left doesn't care about women. It cares about its four core values...

Big deal. Any candidate in a debate should have been thoroughly coached on any possible questions and responses. I don't recall any questions in the debates that were out of the ordinary. If there are any, the candidate usually diverts to something else. Now congress wants to investigate something this stupid? I suppose that it is par for the republican course.
Now congress wants to investigate something this stupid? I

It is "stupid" to investigate Democrat corruption, Democrat cheating, and whether CNN is completely in bed with the Democrats.

It is "smart" to investigate computer "hacks" who exposed Democrat corruption... because exposing Democrat corruption is "bad" according to you...

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