Dems, it's over, Your lies have come home to roost. In the future, act like ethical Americans. Otherwise you will be discredited. The GOP will win.

Let's stop all the Trump/Hitler stuff, shall we? It's just a sign of desperation. You're policies don't work. Personally. I wish you would become the Democrats of old that actually cared for the working man. Too much to ask? Hope not.
The democrats on this board are in disarray, desperate. Their house of cards of the last nine years is imploding.
Let's stop all the Trump/Hitler stuff, shall we? It's just a sign of desperation. You're policies don't work. Personally. I wish you would become the Democrats of old that actually cared for the working man. Too much to ask? Hope not.
Just think ALL THE SHIT the Dems have done to Trump in the last 7 years and he is still WINNING and they look stupid and desperate now. Karma is coming home to the Dems. :)
I hope many Democrats DO leave the country. Since they diss our country on a daily basis, it isn't their country. They don't belong here anymore!

We need to keep Rachel Madcow's breathless bloviating front and center. They believe her, worship her, so we need to keep her warning message to her peers alive and in front.
The reason why the Democrats compare Trump to Hitler is simple: When they have nothing else to back their crap up, it's their "go-to" option. They have tried everything else, and they have failed miserably.

They've so over-used the 'racist' card, over the last few decades, they needed fresh artillery, and they believe they have it with the 'Hitler' card. In time, it too will become hollow and meaningless.
I think, perhaps, the extremist language on both sides looks silly now.

Let's all step back and take a breath and get back to normal politicking.
The extremist language comparison. Say in a stadium. Progs are on the massive speaker stadium with control of the large TV screens, the ribbon boards that surround the stadium, the TVs in super boxes and all eating and drinking establishments in the building. The Republicans have some cheap seats in the rafters with a phone promoting their so-called venom. If Progs ack off it will be noticeable and healthy for the nation. It would be easier for the Republicans to do so.

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