Dems Lack of Self Awareness Is Costing Them Dearly


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Their craziness got Trump elected, but this Kav thing showed 2016 was just a warm up.

All I’m hearing is how Democrats have turned off people. This morning there was a Facebook post from a Virginia news station that Kaine was voting no. I kid you not, there were 900+ comments at the time and I could not find one in support of Kain.

Dems may gain seats, maybe not, but it will be nothing like if they had simply stopped acting insane.
It’s absolutely true.

I saw moveon saying they were refraining from donating to the dem senate candidates in WV and TN because of their support for Kavanaugh.

The republicans were all saying please do punish democrats because that ensures you won’t win the senate and we can appoint more judges. It went over their head.
Dems may gain seats, maybe not, but it will be nothing like if they had simply stopped acting insane.
Correct. Most of the party simply refuses to look in the mirror. Trump's win taught them nothing, and in fact made them even worse.

This liberal Brit got it, right away.

Another reason to hope they don’t win the House. It would be a shame if this behavior was rewarded
Kavanaugh Foes Fill Senate Gallery With Sounds of the Insane.

I was in the Senate gallery this afternoon when Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed. You would have thought I was at an exorcism in an insane asylum.

Perhaps you were watching on television and heard the disruptions, though you certainly didn’t see them. The attenuated audio probably didn’t catch the frightening incoherent shrieking – including the lingering screaming and howling as they were being dragged down the hallways outside the gallery.

If there was any doubt that the opposition to Kavanaugh was unhinged, uncivil, disruptive, rude, and borderline nuts, my experience in the gallery made it clear.

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