How is Biden suppose to unite the country when he can't even unite his own party?

The Democrat rank and file are solidly behind Sleepy Joe.

Its only the bosses of the party and the Super Duper Delegates that have a problem with him.

Biden won the nomination fair and square but they want to deny it to him.
Yeah... cause nothing changed.

"yeah but" is 99.9% of all Moonglow posts
I know .. what he / she / it / they is missing is that Biden campaigned on unity, continues to campaign for unity, scolded Americans earlier this week in his Oval Office Party on becoming unified, yet continues to do the very opposite. Plus .. Biden is the current president continuing to speak about unity, as his own party is so divided.

It would be a perfect movie script.
That is due to Republicans, generally, are more independent thinkers. Democrats tend to "group think" - OBVIOUSLY. They are far more inclined to go along with whatever the group is doing than Republicans.
Yup, I refer to them as the Borg Collective. If you even try thinking anything on your own, you are either re-assimilated or cast out of the big tent.
I know .. what he / she / it / they is missing is that Biden campaigned on unity, continues to campaign for unity, scolded Americans earlier this week in his Oval Office Party on becoming unified, yet continues to do the very opposite. Plus .. Biden is the current president continuing to speak about unity, as his own party is so divided.

It would be a perfect movie script.
Hard to follow though. Just doesn't make any sense.
I just ignore candidates who talk about uniting the country ... It won't happen; yet, I see active candidates who are uniting their constituency and those who are completely divided within their own party.
Biden honestly believed that if he beat Trump in 2020 that the country would be united just from that. Pro lifers would suddenly be OK with abortion. Smaller government people would see that big government was better. Everyone would agree that we should pay more taxes. People would understand that all people crossing the border are simply immigrants in search of a better life and not illegals. We would see that high incarceration rates were bad so just let all the prisoners free and everyone would then see the need for gun control legislation. Everyone would be in such a love fest that the police were no longer needed. We could then defund national security and spend all of that money on our own people, including free government healthcare and Climate change policies to save the planet. We could pay everyone basic universal income so that they would either be free to live on that and not work or work some in order to supplement the universal income. Etc, etc.

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