Dennis Kucinich says the deep state is out to get trump

I would love to see Kucinich as our next president.He is a patriot.he believes in the constitution and does not participate in the UFO coverup and is talking about what the corporate controlled media will NOT discuss,that the deep state is very angry at Trump. That can be very deadly to have them angry at you.Look no further than nov 22nd 1963.

cheers to dennis for telling the truth.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

An accurate statement. Kucinich was widely mocked during the 2008 race for defending his belief in UFOs. A series of appearances on Fox News over the past year has made it clear that he believes, too, in a deep-state conspiracy against Donald Trump
Dennis Kucinich Lost Tuesday Night. He’s Still the Future of the Democratic Party.
Look out! The "deep state" is gonna get ya!

Hmmmm....let's see...


Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders, now that would be a ticket. I just won't mention to where.

amen brutha.:yes_text12::udaman:

Kucinich has many of the same beliefs that Ron Paul does. I would take either in a heartbeat over all the clown presidents we have had since Reagan.
I would love to see Kucinich as our next president.He is a patriot.he believes in the constitution and does not participate in the UFO coverup and is talking about what the corporate controlled media will NOT discuss,that the deep state is very angry at Trump. That can be very deadly to have them angry at you.Look no further than nov 22nd 1963.

cheers to dennis for telling the truth.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

An accurate statement. Kucinich was widely mocked during the 2008 race for defending his belief in UFOs. A series of appearances on Fox News over the past year has made it clear that he believes, too, in a deep-state conspiracy against Donald Trump
Dennis Kucinich Lost Tuesday Night. He’s Still the Future of the Democratic Party.

Dude, libertarianism is a myth. Your claim of deep state is just a knee-jerk reaction to the fact that no modern society would ever try implementing a libertarian based economy.

Move on.
LMFAO! Damn that’s dumb.

Dude, libertarianism is a myth. Your claim of deep state is just a knee-jerk reaction to the fact that no modern society would ever try implementing a libertarian based economy.

Move on.

LMFAO! Damn that’s dumb.

the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century Gipper.:2up::udaman:
Kucinich is an honest liberal. On many domestic issues, he is an outright socialist. But I like him and respect him because he's an honest person and is willing to listen to the other side and to compromise.
Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders, now that would be a ticket. I just won't mention to where.

amen brutha.:yes_text12::udaman:

Kucinich has many of the same beliefs that Ron Paul does. I would take either in a heartbeat over all the clown presidents we have had since Reagan.

Kookcinich is a certified kook. Honest? To some degree.

He's ran for Governor and couldn't get past the primary. People here know him all too well.
Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders, now that would be a ticket. I just won't mention to where.

amen brutha.:yes_text12::udaman:

Kucinich has many of the same beliefs that Ron Paul does. I would take either in a heartbeat over all the clown presidents we have had since Reagan.

Kookcinich is a certified kook. Honest? To some degree.

He's ran for Governor and couldn't get past the primary. People here know him all too well.
Don’t accept the state run media’s description to Kucinich. They are known liars.
Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders, now that would be a ticket. I just won't mention to where.

amen brutha.:yes_text12::udaman:

Kucinich has many of the same beliefs that Ron Paul does. I would take either in a heartbeat over all the clown presidents we have had since Reagan.

Kookcinich is a certified kook. Honest? To some degree.

He's ran for Governor and couldn't get past the primary. People here know him all too well.
Don’t accept the state run media’s description to Kucinich. They are known liars.

You kind of know about the guy just living here.

When the Cleveland Indians created their own cable network, Kookcinich wanted a law that forced them to continue their broadcasts on major networks so people that didn't have cable could watch the games. I don't know how he thought he could pull that off.

Several years ago they wanted to beef up border protection because of terrorists, so the Coast Guard began exercising drills on Lake Erie. Kookchinich wanted that stopped. Why? Because bullets are lead, and he thought that shooting guns on Erie would pollute the great lakes. He also voiced concerns about accidentally shooting seagulls. We have millions of seagulls, so to the point they are flying away from the lake and taking refuge inland.

I guess Dennis prioritized seagulls over humans, and didn't understand that people who fish Lake Erie often use lead sinkers that get lost all the time because hooks get tangled in seaweed.
Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders, now that would be a ticket. I just won't mention to where.

amen brutha.:yes_text12::udaman:

Kucinich has many of the same beliefs that Ron Paul does. I would take either in a heartbeat over all the clown presidents we have had since Reagan.

Kookcinich is a certified kook. Honest? To some degree.

He's ran for Governor and couldn't get past the primary. People here know him all too well.

uh that is because elections are rigged moron.the people that are not corrupt never get in.:rolleyes: typical post i would expect out of you of course.
Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders, now that would be a ticket. I just won't mention to where.

amen brutha.:yes_text12::udaman:

Kucinich has many of the same beliefs that Ron Paul does. I would take either in a heartbeat over all the clown presidents we have had since Reagan.

Kookcinich is a certified kook. Honest? To some degree.

He's ran for Governor and couldn't get past the primary. People here know him all too well.
Don’t accept the state run media’s description to Kucinich. They are known liars. he is just shitting all over the floor in defeat unable to come to grips with reality the LAMESTREAM media is corporate owned and they only tell you what they WANT you to hear.Incredibly as you well know,there are STILL brainwashed sheep who believe in the magic bullet theory that oswald shot kennedy.:rolleyes:
I would love to see Kucinich as our next president.He is a patriot.he believes in the constitution and does not participate in the UFO coverup and is talking about what the corporate controlled media will NOT discuss,that the deep state is very angry at Trump. That can be very deadly to have them angry at you.Look no further than nov 22nd 1963.

cheers to dennis for telling the truth.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

An accurate statement. Kucinich was widely mocked during the 2008 race for defending his belief in UFOs. A series of appearances on Fox News over the past year has made it clear that he believes, too, in a deep-state conspiracy against Donald Trump
Dennis Kucinich Lost Tuesday Night. He’s Still the Future of the Democratic Party.
Your link:
"Kucinich 2020
Dennis Kucinich lost in Ohio on Tuesday night, but his old platform is now the future of the Democratic Party."

Democrats haven't really learned the appropriate lesson from losing a presidential election to Donald Trump. Bernie says it best when he says some of them don't mind going down with the Titanic as long as they have first class seats. Dennis won't have much of a future with Democrats until the party begins supporting its working-class base again.
Bernie's platform was 95% the same as Trump's.
Yeah, I know, you didn't look at their web sites and you never listened to Bernie on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show.
Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders, now that would be a ticket. I just won't mention to where.

amen brutha.:yes_text12::udaman:

Kucinich has many of the same beliefs that Ron Paul does. I would take either in a heartbeat over all the clown presidents we have had since Reagan.

Kookcinich is a certified kook. Honest? To some degree.

He's ran for Governor and couldn't get past the primary. People here know him all too well.

uh that is because elections are rigged moron.the people that are not corrupt never get in.:rolleyes: typical post i would expect out of you of course.

I'm quite aware of that. You see, in my discussions with liberals, if it's one thing I learned over the years, it's that it's never a Democrats fault......never.

However, if you wish to believe that, may I remind you that I was speaking of our recent primaries. So like Bernie, if the election was rigged against him, it was rigged by the Democrats.
Bernie's platform was 95% the same as Trump's.
Yeah, I know, you didn't look at their web sites and you never listened to Bernie on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show.
How did you come up with the 95% figure? Bernie and Trump shared some opinions on trade. Whenever I listened to Bernie on Pacifica radio, I didn't hear him mention moving the US embassy to Jerusalem or cutting taxes on billionaires, or filling his Cabinet with Wall Street parasites?
Bernie's platform was 95% the same as Trump's.
Yeah, I know, you didn't look at their web sites and you never listened to Bernie on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show.
How did you come up with the 95% figure? Bernie and Trump shared some opinions on trade. Whenever I listened to Bernie on Pacifica radio, I didn't hear him mention moving the US embassy to Jerusalem or cutting taxes on billionaires, or filling his Cabinet with Wall Street parasites?
What about the rest of his platform?
Stopping Off-Shoring.
Stopping Business Visas.
Stopping Illegals.
Bernie wants to be more Libertarian in regards to International Affairs.
So who's he going to put in his Cabinet?
The guy running a Candy Store.
And you ignore the fact that Trump is ridding his Cabinet of the Wall Streets by the week.
Bernie's a self-hating Jew so he would probably drop a nuke on Israel.
Obama runs the Deep State

Soros is the overlord that Obama gets his marching orders from. And Soros answers to Hillary. My god it's all out in the open now and fits exactly every conspiracy cons have had for 20 years.

What a coinkidink.


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