Denver's Initiative For An Extraterrestial Affairs Commission


Apr 20, 2010
Creating a New York Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission would be no easy task. Mayor Bloomberg himself would have to endorse it. But Luckman said he's working on it.

"The most important thing is to see how things go on Tuesday for the Denver initiative," he said. "If it's passed... then that will, of course, give great momentum to the New York campaign."

Depending on how Denver's Initiative 300 fares at the polls Tuesday, Luckman said this campaign could spread to other cities, potentially UFO hotspots, such as Phoenix, and Roswell, New Mexico.

Assuming his campaign builds steam, Luckman said he would consider filling the panel with political and entertainment luminaries with either a stake in national security or an interest in extraterrestrial matters. He cited possible contenders including President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the U.K.'s Queen Elizabeth (who he said is interested in crop circles), boxer Muhammad Ali, Steven Spielberg and Yoko Ono.

Yes, that's right....a ballot initiative actually exists in Denver, Colorado to create a Commission to study on the ET thingie.

But before Denver, New York or any other city prepares to lay out the red carpet for E.T., supporters of UFO initiatives will have to prove one key thing: that they're pitching something other than a giant conspiracy theory.

"This is all derived from this idea that there's some global conspiracy hiding information about UFOs that not only crossed international boundaries but decades," said Benjamin Radford, author of "Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries" and managing editor of The Skeptical Inquirer magazine.

UFO believers point to the alleged recovery of extra-terrestrial debris in Roswell, N.M., in 1947 and reports by U.S. Airmen to show that the government is covering up evidence supporting the visitation by aliens. They claim that the U.S. government and other governments around the world are suppressing information, Radford said.

Vote 2010 Elections: UFOs on the Ballot, Denver to Vote on Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission - ABC News

How/why do people build such elaborate shared fantasies on zero evidence? Is irrationality on the uptick?

I understand better now why Tancredo did well.
They are fricken nuts out there.
xotoxi, you're a science guy. Tell me, why do people believe such gobbledy-gook? What need is served by shared delusions?
Once while I was in Colorado I had an affair that lasted for about two weeks. It was out of this world. I have experience so they should hire me for that extraterrestial affairs commission job.
Me too! I wanna meet Yoko Ono and Queen Elizabeth, and get paid to perform no duties.

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