Zone1 "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender."

When I have looked in this forum it has always seemed racist. People of varying degrees of racism but racist nonetheless. I do not know why IM2 stays here but he must have his own reason. If every time I wrote something I was responded to by people talking about someone called whitie who is the one who is suffering or some variation thereof, I would think they were up to what Stanley speaks of in the exert I left. I notice all the time on this forum that black people are supposed to be less intelligent than white people, that they are a somewhat bad representation of human beings being of a particularly criminal type. It is all racism so if he says that, I am not surprised.
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I disagree.
Your post is exactly the behavior described.

DARVO stands for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender." The perpetrator or offender may Deny the behavior, Attack the individual doing the confronting, and Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender such that the perpetrator assumes the victim role and turns the true victim -- or the whistle blower -- into an alleged offender.
one just can't fight hate, with hate......

DARVO stands for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender." The perpetrator or offender may Deny the behavior, Attack the individual doing the confronting, and Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender such that the perpetrator assumes the victim role and turns the true victim -- or the whistle blower -- into an alleged offender.
When I have looked in this forum it has always seemed racist. People of varying degrees of racism but racist nonetheless. I do not know why IM2 stays here but he must have his own reason. If every time I wrote something I was responded to by people talking about someone called whitie who is the one who is suffering or some variation thereof, I would think they were up to what Stanley speaks of in the exert I left. I notice all the time on this forum that black people are supposed to be less intelligent than white people, that they are a somewhat bad representation of human beings being of a particularly criminal type. It is all racism so if he says that, I am not surprised.
I came here because I was bored and I actually was a member for about 2 years before I started posting because the description of this as a conservative forum told me how things were. Once I started posting and got virulent overt racism which went unchecked. So I started countering that with historical facts of what whites have done.

I stay because of some friends I have made and the knowledge of how none of the racists can beat me when it comes to debating issues of race. The responses would be comical if this wasn't such a serious issue.
This is a small exert from the Ten Tactics of Fascism by Jason Stanley.

Where I put in an inverted comma it is his words

Equality needs truth. Equality in a democracy is about us all having the same political power as shown through one vote for all. Political equality requires speaking truth to power.

Hierarchy is the big lie at the centre of things. 'What is racism but one big lie. Racism is a lie that one group is better than another. You're told This religion is better, this race is better, this gender is better. It's really a moral claim - has more moral worth and then once you have hierarchy set up you can make some people very nervous about losing their position on that hierarchy. Hierarchy goes right into victimhood because once you convince people that they are justifiably higher on the hierarchy, then you can tell them that they are victims of equality. German Christians are victims of Jews, White Americans are victims of black American Equality. Men are victims of Feminism. Once you convince people that they should be better, that they have earned their position on the hierarchy above others, then you can tell them that equality is actually victimhood. Loyalty to the Dominant Group is actually being law abiding and the minority group by its nature is not law abiding.

So law and order does not mean Justice. Law and order does not mean equality. Law and order structures who's legitimate and who is not.'

The ten tactics of fascism by Jason Stanley. He goes on to speak about how the Leader's followers are told that their families are being destroyed through many things. LGBT being one which I have seen repeated ad nausea on this site in relation to trans. Those who have bought in/are buying in to the Fascist way don't see LGBT as people having made choices which are right for them which would be the Democratic viewpoint. 'They rather see them (LGBT) as making choices which threaten their lives and the lives of their children. He says they take ordinary Conservatives and the Leader says to them that he knows that they would not normally choose him because of his list of defects but now they need someone like him to sort things out for them.

For the last one he speaks of the gates at Auschwitz saying 'work shall set you free'. 'The idea is that the minority group is lazy and they need to be able to work. The minority group and the leftists, they are lazy by their nature, and this gives them a 'work ethic'. Labour Unions are run by Communists who are trying to make things easier. Hard work is a virtue. In a real democracy we don't value people on how hard they work. What would happen to disabled people who can't work. They would then have no value. It's why the nazis had their T4 program to murder their disabled. The disabled were 'life unworthy of life''

He also while not playing down the mass killing of Stalin and Mao believe that Fascism is definitely Right wing.

Sadly there is just so much I can identify with what is said here and this forum - and other forums on this site but it is most obvious here..
This is a tremendous post Alexa.
DARVO stands for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender." The perpetrator or offender may Deny the behavior, Attack the individual doing the confronting, and Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender such that the perpetrator assumes the victim role and turns the true victim -- or the whistle blower -- into an alleged offender.
The problem is applying that to anyone you'd like to IM2

Your post is exactly the behavior described.

DARVO stands for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender." The perpetrator or offender may Deny the behavior, Attack the individual doing the confronting, and Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender such that the perpetrator assumes the victim role and turns the true victim -- or the whistle blower -- into an alleged offender.
Whites the bad guys and POC the good guys, is not equality. You can't handle equality. You leave whites, nothing to loose. Whites have no reason, not to resist.
The problem is applying that to anyone you'd like to IM2

There is no problem in applying that to people who exhibit the behavior.
Whites the bad guys and POC the good guys, is not equality. You can't handle equality. You leave whites, nothing to loose. Whites have no reason, not to resist.

All whites aren't the bad guys. Your fragility in matters of race has you making inaccurate conclusions and your sense of entitlment has you believing that only whites get to criticize the behavior of non whites.
there is when one imagines everyone does IM2

When you study the behavior, you know the signs. Therefore it's not about imagining.
I came here because I was bored and I actually was a member for about 2 years before I started posting because the description of this as a conservative forum told me how things were. Once I started posting and got virulent overt racism which went unchecked. So I started countering that with historical facts of what whites have done.

I stay because of some friends I have made and the knowledge of how none of the racists can beat me when it comes to debating issues of race. The responses would be comical if this wasn't such a serious issue.
“Countering with historical facts of what whites have done“?! What does that prove?

Nobody denies slavery or Jim Crowe laws. But the idea that racism TODAY is holding blacks back or responsible for their high crime and poverty rates is laughable.

1. Don’t have babies out of wedlock when you can’t afford them.
2. Finish high school and get some vocational training (which is paid for by taxpayers).
3. Get a job, work hard, and you will move out of poverty.
Huge black thug robs a convenience store, grabs the little store clerk by the neck and tosses him aside like a rag doll. When a policeman attempts to apprehend him, he tries to overpower the cop to take his gun.

DARVO! -- Let's just treat the thug like HE'S somehow a victim, folks!

Black teenager overpowers latino man and starts beating his head into the concrete repeatedly/

DARVO! -- Let's treat the assailant as if HE'S somehow the victim.

Aggressive native American approaches a white teen who was just standing in a crowd, and starts beating a stupid little drom right in the kids face in order to intimidate him. The kid just stands there placidly with a smile on his face.

DARVO! -- Let's treat the aggressive piece of shit like HE'S somehow the victim while making the poor kid public enemy #1.
Huge black thug robs a convenience store, grabs the little store clerk by the neck and tosses him aside like a rag doll. When a policeman attempts to apprehend him, he tries to overpower the cop to take his gun.

DARVO! -- Let's just treat the thug like HE'S somehow a victim, folks!

Black teenager overpowers latino man and starts beating his head into the concrete repeatedly/

DARVO! -- Let's treat the assailant as if HE'S somehow the victim.

Aggressive native American approaches a white teen who was just standing in a crowd, and starts beating a stupid little drom right in the kids face in order to intimidate him. The kid just stands there placidly with a smile on his face.

DARVO! -- Let's treat the aggressive piece of shit like HE'S somehow the victim while making the poor kid public enemy #1.
Not only that, but racist Obama who always sided with the black sent WH representatives down to the thug’s funeral.

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