Deportation is restitution,


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Deportation Is Only Restitution,

Not Punishment

It would be helpful if people realized that deportation is simply restitution, not punishment.

If you rob a bank, and the cops catch you before you spend the loot, the criminal justice system will do two things: it will restore the money to the bank (restitution) and toss you in jail (punishment). Restitution is simply restoring the status quo, making things like they were before the crime happened.

If you enter the country illegally, and the authorities catch you and send you back, that is not punishment, that’s just restitution, a restoration of the status quo. If they put you in jail as well, that’s punishment. In most cases, the U.S. government does little more than force a little restitution, and does not engage in any punishment at all,

Deportation Is Only Restitution, Not Punishment | Center for Immigration Studies
What about deporting the children of illegals who have never been to their home country, don't speak the language, and don't know a soul there? Sounds like punishment.
Actually, deportation is never punishment. It isn't "restitution," either. It is just a return to a lawful status quo.

That said. the deportation of the young kids of illegal immigrant families who might get sent back to their "native" land is ALSO not punishment. It does border on cruel and heartless, though.

So, I tell ya what.

I am PERFECTLY ok with Congress making SOME provisions to authorize Immigration Judges to permit such kids to stay here under the auspices of some new naturalization type program. But we STILL have to double down on booting out the adult illegals.

There is certainly room for addressing hardship cases, but there really is no valid room to even "discuss" amnesty. We are a sovereign nation and that means WE get to decide -- on a yearly basis -- the numbers of outsiders who may LEGALLY move here.

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