Der Führer SHUTS DOWN National Park Service Twitter Acct


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
Trump had the National Park Service Twitter account shut down on Jan. 21 after they posted Obama's 2009 crowd compared to his on Friday.

FACT CHECK: National Parks Service Twitter Account Shut Down After Anti-Trump Retweets

Donald Trump Plans to Hang an Inauguration Photo in the White House. It Has the Wrong Date
View image on Twitter

Donald J. Trump


A photo delivered yesterday that will be displayed in the upper/lower press hall. Thank you Abbas!

10:58 AM - 24 Jan 2017

Smokey the Bear says only YOU can prevent Twitter fires....
Smokey the Bear says only YOU can prevent Twitter fires....

Amazing, he is fulfilling Robert Reich's 15 signs of a tyrant SO well.

that, or he's changing the guard.

now if this shit continues we're going to see a slew of FOIA requests and other forms of litigation to open things back up within the limits of the law.

This is why I'm not all hair on fire crazy about this stuff and think all of these 'oh, look, he's fucking with twitter, so......HITLER! or whatever label we're using today stuff is ridiculous.

we have laws that protect us from despots and not even the President or his administration is beyond the reach of that. if he is found to be interfering with 1st Amendment rights or other laws he'll have his nuts chopped off.

there's a new sherriff in town, no doubt about that, but a little less hyperbolic nonsense would sure go a long way right now.

shutting down a damn twitter account, temporary or otherwise, isn't a sign of fascism or tyrantism (<---word? if not, y'all can feel free to use it) , unless, of course, people are falling victim to their own confirmation bias, in which case pretty much anything and everything is fair game...
Trump had the National Park Service Twitter account shut down on Jan. 21 after they posted Obama's 2009 crowd compared to his on Friday.

FACT CHECK: National Parks Service Twitter Account Shut Down After Anti-Trump Retweets

Donald Trump Plans to Hang an Inauguration Photo in the White House. It Has the Wrong Date
View image on Twitter

Donald J. Trump


A photo delivered yesterday that will be displayed in the upper/lower press hall. Thank you Abbas!

10:58 AM - 24 Jan 2017

Yes, that's right, that's what Hitler did. Hitler shut down live communications from German national parks.

How stupid are you?
If I wanted to retire early and fabulously from the National Parks or Environmental service, I'd simply defy the order and dare them to do something tangible to me. Then I'd sue, win (1st Amendment) and own the fed for the amount they screwed me out of by gagging my right to the free exchange of speech & ideas.

This doesn't have to get very complicated. Given the paltry sum Park workers get in retirement, I'd think thousands of them would jump at the chance to own the Fed legally. There is no national security interest they could cite to legitimize the suspension of Constitutional rights.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Lemons to lemonade I always say..
If I wanted to retire early and fabulously from the National Parks or Environmental service, I'd simply defy the order and dare them to do something tangible to me. Then I'd sue, win (1st Amendment) and own the fed for the amount they screwed me out of by gagging my right to the free exchange of speech & ideas.

This doesn't have to get very complicated. Given the paltry sum Park workers get in retirement, I'd think thousands of them would jump at the chance to own the Fed legally. There is no national security interest they could cite to legitimize the suspension of Constitutional rights.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Lemons to lemonade I always say..
If I wanted to retire early and fabulously from the National Parks or Environmental service, I'd simply defy the order and dare them to do something tangible to me.

that makes no sense.

The account is being shut down, nothing says they can't twitter their fingers to the bone on their own accounts.
If I wanted to retire early and fabulously from the National Parks or Environmental service, I'd simply defy the order and dare them to do something tangible to me. Then I'd sue, win (1st Amendment) and own the fed for the amount they screwed me out of by gagging my right to the free exchange of speech & ideas.

This doesn't have to get very complicated. Given the paltry sum Park workers get in retirement, I'd think thousands of them would jump at the chance to own the Fed legally. There is no national security interest they could cite to legitimize the suspension of Constitutional rights.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Lemons to lemonade I always say..

Like how O gagged depts but the left was silent"

FLASHBACK: Obama Enforced ‘Gag Order’ After Passing The Stimulus Package
If I wanted to retire early and fabulously from the National Parks or Environmental service, I'd simply defy the order and dare them to do something tangible to me. Then I'd sue, win (1st Amendment) and own the fed for the amount they screwed me out of by gagging my right to the free exchange of speech & ideas.

This doesn't have to get very complicated. Given the paltry sum Park workers get in retirement, I'd think thousands of them would jump at the chance to own the Fed legally. There is no national security interest they could cite to legitimize the suspension of Constitutional rights.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Lemons to lemonade I always say..
If I wanted to retire early and fabulously from the National Parks or Environmental service, I'd simply defy the order and dare them to do something tangible to me.

that makes no sense.

The account is being shut down, nothing says they can't twitter their fingers to the bone on their own accounts.
just wondering, do you ever feel like these goofs are faking being this stupid or are they really this stupid?
If I wanted to retire early and fabulously from the National Parks or Environmental service, I'd simply defy the order and dare them to do something tangible to me. Then I'd sue, win (1st Amendment) and own the fed for the amount they screwed me out of by gagging my right to the free exchange of speech & ideas.

This doesn't have to get very complicated. Given the paltry sum Park workers get in retirement, I'd think thousands of them would jump at the chance to own the Fed legally. There is no national security interest they could cite to legitimize the suspension of Constitutional rights.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Lemons to lemonade I always say..
If I wanted to retire early and fabulously from the National Parks or Environmental service, I'd simply defy the order and dare them to do something tangible to me.

that makes no sense.

The account is being shut down, nothing says they can't twitter their fingers to the bone on their own accounts.
just wondering, do you ever feel like these goofs are faking being this stupid or are they really this stupid?

Only the fueher is allowed to tweet from a government Twitter account.
If I wanted to retire early and fabulously from the National Parks or Environmental service, I'd simply defy the order and dare them to do something tangible to me. Then I'd sue, win (1st Amendment) and own the fed for the amount they screwed me out of by gagging my right to the free exchange of speech & ideas.

This doesn't have to get very complicated. Given the paltry sum Park workers get in retirement, I'd think thousands of them would jump at the chance to own the Fed legally. There is no national security interest they could cite to legitimize the suspension of Constitutional rights.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Lemons to lemonade I always say..

Like how O gagged depts but the left was silent"

FLASHBACK: Obama Enforced ‘Gag Order’ After Passing The Stimulus Package

It wasn't about him. After passing the stimulus order , I doubt it. Fake news.

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