Deranged TDS ABNORMAL~Outburst: Hollywood Liberal Says ‘F**k’ Every Person Who Voted For Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I'll have to be sure to Miss any performance with another left wing lunatic in it!

Read more at ^ | January 13, 2019


Josh Charles is the latest member of the Hollywood Left to go on a tirade against the Trump administration. The television and movie star, who you might have seen on the hit show “The Good Wife,” apparently has had enough with Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and his supporters. With the Democrats now in control of the House, and the government shutdown dragging on, Charles took to social media to declare that he’s “sick” of this “motherf**ker” Trump, and “f**k” every single person who supports him (via Fox News):

“I’m so sick of this motherf-----. Just so sick. This needs to end. F--- him and every single person who continues to support him and his dangerous administration,” he wrote.

The initial tweet was followed soon after by another that echoed sentiments recently expressed by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who recently sparked outrage by saying new House Democrats were “going to impeach the motherf-----” shortly after being sworn into office.

“Before we impeach the motherf----- can we at least put a muzzle on the motherf-----’s mouth. Pence too?” Charles wrote Thursday.

Yeah, these outbursts are the gift that keeps on giving. Former SNL star Jane Curtain (Coneheads) said she hopes the GOP dies in 2019. The Hollywood Left has had many embarrassing trip-ups in their anti-Trump crusade. From being totally ignorant about the 25thAmendmentto going off at awards shows, it only makes Trump stronger. These are all in-kind contributions. Yet, not every lefty in Hollywood is as insane. Director David Lynch of Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, and Twin Peaks fame, voted for Bernie Sanders, but thinks Trump could be one of our greatest presidents.
Wow! People throwing tantrums and saying "I want to be a serf now!" Yep..that dept of Education needs to go. Yesterday.

This is not how America came to be. Definitely not soy-boy programmed dumbasses that made this country.

He should have to bale hay for a day. Then get a psychological evaluation.

Mental Hospitals need to re-emerge on the scene.
Wow! People throwing tantrums and saying "I want to be a serf now!" Yep..that dept of Education needs to go. Yesterday.

This is not how America came to be. Definitely not soy-boy programmed dumbasses that made this country.

He should have to bale hay for a day. Then get a psychological evaluation.

Mental Hospitals need to re-emerge on the scene.
That soy boy movie star (never heard of him) is upset we have a tradionally masculine President in charge.
we're being f*cked ... every legislation..... every tweet ....~S~
Wow! People throwing tantrums and saying "I want to be a serf now!" Yep..that dept of Education needs to go. Yesterday.

This is not how America came to be. Definitely not soy-boy programmed dumbasses that made this country.

He should have to bale hay for a day. Then get a psychological evaluation.

Mental Hospitals need to re-emerge on the scene.
That soy boy movie star (never heard of him) is upset we have a tradionally masculine President in charge.

That's one of the funniest things about Trombies. They think Trump is a tough guy.
Wow! People throwing tantrums and saying "I want to be a serf now!" Yep..that dept of Education needs to go. Yesterday.

This is not how America came to be. Definitely not soy-boy programmed dumbasses that made this country.

He should have to bale hay for a day. Then get a psychological evaluation.

Mental Hospitals need to re-emerge on the scene.
That soy boy movie star (never heard of him) is upset we have a tradionally masculine President in charge.

That's one of the funniest things about Trombies. They think Trump is a tough guy.
He has a Purple Heart and he`s been to Vietnam!!! His loyal goons and goonettes are well aware that he and his family are crooks and he`s told over 7,000 lies and he`s under the influence of Putin but they don`t care. He`s giving them someone to hate and that helps these cretins feel better about their own miserable lives.
Wow! People throwing tantrums and saying "I want to be a serf now!" Yep..that dept of Education needs to go. Yesterday.

This is not how America came to be. Definitely not soy-boy programmed dumbasses that made this country.

He should have to bale hay for a day. Then get a psychological evaluation.

Mental Hospitals need to re-emerge on the scene.
That soy boy movie star (never heard of him) is upset we have a tradionally masculine President in charge.

That's one of the funniest things about Trombies. They think Trump is a tough guy.
He has a Purple Heart and he`s been to Vietnam!!! His loyal goons and goonettes are well aware that he and his family are crooks and he`s told over 7,000 lies and he`s under the influence of Putin but they don`t care. He`s giving them someone to hate and that helps these cretins feel better about their own miserable lives.
Put your pussyhat on and watch a little CNN. You'll feel better in no time.
Don't know who this clown is but he wins the "Most Alarmingly Disturbed Hollywood Nut Job" sweepstakes.
At least for now.
I'll have to be sure to Miss any performance with another left wing lunatic in it!

Read more at ^ | January 13, 2019


Josh Charles is the latest member of the Hollywood Left to go on a tirade against the Trump administration. The television and movie star, who you might have seen on the hit show “The Good Wife,” apparently has had enough with Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and his supporters. With the Democrats now in control of the House, and the government shutdown dragging on, Charles took to social media to declare that he’s “sick” of this “motherf**ker” Trump, and “f**k” every single person who supports him (via Fox News):

“I’m so sick of this motherf-----. Just so sick. This needs to end. F--- him and every single person who continues to support him and his dangerous administration,” he wrote.

The initial tweet was followed soon after by another that echoed sentiments recently expressed by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who recently sparked outrage by saying new House Democrats were “going to impeach the motherf-----” shortly after being sworn into office.

“Before we impeach the motherf----- can we at least put a muzzle on the motherf-----’s mouth. Pence too?” Charles wrote Thursday.

Yeah, these outbursts are the gift that keeps on giving. Former SNL star Jane Curtain (Coneheads) said she hopes the GOP dies in 2019. The Hollywood Left has had many embarrassing trip-ups in their anti-Trump crusade. From being totally ignorant about the 25thAmendmentto going off at awards shows, it only makes Trump stronger. These are all in-kind contributions. Yet, not every lefty in Hollywood is as insane. Director David Lynch of Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, and Twin Peaks fame, voted for Bernie Sanders, but thinks Trump could be one of our greatest presidents.

I don't understand.

Isn't this how conservatives feel about everyone who did NOT vote for the orange crush?

Wasn't the whole point of electing trump just to say "fuck you" to liberals, progressives and democrats?

Was I on another planet or didn't we just have 8 years of conservatives saying
"fuck you" to President Obama, Michelle Obama and everyone who voted for them?

repub1.jpg repub2.jpg trump4.jpg

Aren't all of these conservatives saying "fuck you" to liberals and democrats?

Do you have special rights and freedoms that the rest of us don't?
I'll have to be sure to Miss any performance with another left wing lunatic in it!

Read more at ^ | January 13, 2019


Josh Charles is the latest member of the Hollywood Left to go on a tirade against the Trump administration. The television and movie star, who you might have seen on the hit show “The Good Wife,” apparently has had enough with Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and his supporters. With the Democrats now in control of the House, and the government shutdown dragging on, Charles took to social media to declare that he’s “sick” of this “motherf**ker” Trump, and “f**k” every single person who supports him (via Fox News):

“I’m so sick of this motherf-----. Just so sick. This needs to end. F--- him and every single person who continues to support him and his dangerous administration,” he wrote.

The initial tweet was followed soon after by another that echoed sentiments recently expressed by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who recently sparked outrage by saying new House Democrats were “going to impeach the motherf-----” shortly after being sworn into office.

“Before we impeach the motherf----- can we at least put a muzzle on the motherf-----’s mouth. Pence too?” Charles wrote Thursday.

Yeah, these outbursts are the gift that keeps on giving. Former SNL star Jane Curtain (Coneheads) said she hopes the GOP dies in 2019. The Hollywood Left has had many embarrassing trip-ups in their anti-Trump crusade. From being totally ignorant about the 25thAmendmentto going off at awards shows, it only makes Trump stronger. These are all in-kind contributions. Yet, not every lefty in Hollywood is as insane. Director David Lynch of Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, and Twin Peaks fame, voted for Bernie Sanders, but thinks Trump could be one of our greatest presidents.

Why is it that when a lib says "fuck you" it is a an example of just how vile they are but when a conservative says it he is a hero?

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