Dershowitz publicly outed as sex offender ... Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

If lefties are determined to open the Epstein can of worms, lets talk about the Clintons.
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

So, an allegation is now sufficient? No investigation? No trial?
I guess so...given the title of the OP...he is now 'outed as sex offender!

I guess it is a bit cheaper..skipping all the boring, legal parts and get right to the public flaying!

Lock him up?
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

So, an allegation is now sufficient? No investigation? No trial?

Was there a trial for Clinton before your unfounded accusations about him going to that Island?

Um, I made no accusations about Clinton going anywhere.

My sole post in this thread has to do with the apparent disregard for the need of a trial in the case of Dershowitz.

I haven't said a word about Clinton...

Dershowitz challenged Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him and he got his wish.
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express

That accusation was made, and right wingers have been repeating it ever since then. Can we expect you to carry on about Dershowitz as much as you have about Clinton? Why not? Could it be because all right wingers are hypocrites?
View attachment 342309
When you lie as president under oath as president about a consensual blow job. You would definitely lie about screwing kids. Just saying.

The photo proves nothing. So far none of Epstein's slave girls have fingered Bill Clinton.
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express

That accusation was made, and right wingers have been repeating it ever since then. Can we expect you to carry on about Dershowitz as much as you have about Clinton? Why not? Could it be because all right wingers are hypocrites?
View attachment 342309
When you lie as president under oath as president about a consensual blow job. You would definitely lie about screwing kids. Just saying.
They admire Clinton for fucking 16 year old girls. They'll trot out a picture of Trump and if that makes it equal

Trump fucked Epstein? Is that illegal?
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

So, an allegation is now sufficient? No investigation? No trial?
I guess so...given the title of the OP...he is now 'outed as sex offender!

I guess it is a bit cheaper..skipping all the boring, legal parts and get right to the public flaying!

Lock him up?
I dunno..isn't there a few steps to be taken formal investigation..charges...a trial?
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express

That accusation was made, and right wingers have been repeating it ever since then. Can we expect you to carry on about Dershowitz as much as you have about Clinton? Why not? Could it be because all right wingers are hypocrites?
View attachment 342309
When you lie as president under oath as president about a consensual blow job. You would definitely lie about screwing kids. Just saying.

The photo proves nothing. So far none of Epstein's slave girls have fingered Bill Clinton.
Of course not, they don't want to commit suicide silly. Clinton went to his island numerous times while ditching his security. That is a known fact, and he has proven he likes them young.
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express

That accusation was made, and right wingers have been repeating it ever since then. Can we expect you to carry on about Dershowitz as much as you have about Clinton? Why not? Could it be because all right wingers are hypocrites?
View attachment 342309
When you lie as president under oath as president about a consensual blow job. You would definitely lie about screwing kids. Just saying.

The photo proves nothing. So far none of Epstein's slave girls have fingered Bill Clinton.
How do you know where their fingers have been? I bet at least one did.....
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

So, an allegation is now sufficient? No investigation? No trial?
I guess so...given the title of the OP...he is now 'outed as sex offender!

I guess it is a bit cheaper..skipping all the boring, legal parts and get right to the public flaying!

Lock him up?
I dunno..isn't there a few steps to be taken formal investigation..charges...a trial?

You mean like Hillary Clinton?
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express

That accusation was made, and right wingers have been repeating it ever since then. Can we expect you to carry on about Dershowitz as much as you have about Clinton? Why not? Could it be because all right wingers are hypocrites?
View attachment 342309
When you lie as president under oath as president about a consensual blow job. You would definitely lie about screwing kids. Just saying.

The photo proves nothing. So far none of Epstein's slave girls have fingered Bill Clinton.
How do you know where their fingers have been? I bet at least one did.....

Rush your evidence to Fat Billy Barr. In fact, Fat Billy Barr might have to recuse himself because Fat Billy's pappy had an association with Epstein.
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

So, an allegation is now sufficient? No investigation? No trial?
I guess so...given the title of the OP...he is now 'outed as sex offender!

I guess it is a bit cheaper..skipping all the boring, legal parts and get right to the public flaying!

Lock him up?
I dunno..isn't there a few steps to be taken formal investigation..charges...a trial?

You mean like Hillary Clinton?
Naw, I say let the devil handle her. Too many people have committed suicide trying to prosecute her.
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

So, an allegation is now sufficient? No investigation? No trial?
I guess so...given the title of the OP...he is now 'outed as sex offender!

I guess it is a bit cheaper..skipping all the boring, legal parts and get right to the public flaying!

Lock him up?
I dunno..isn't there a few steps to be taken formal investigation..charges...a trial?

You mean like Hillary Clinton?
Huh? I think you might be quoting from a script I don't have.

Hillary seems just a bit off topic here.
Why pick on the renowned (Jewish) lawyer? Anti-Semites rearing their ugly heads again on the left? Y'all have labeled Dershowitz as a sex offender before any allegations are made when there is a mountain of stuff that connects wild Bill Clinton to Epstein. Are you sure you want to go down that road?
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

So, an allegation is now sufficient? No investigation? No trial?
I guess so...given the title of the OP...he is now 'outed as sex offender!

I guess it is a bit cheaper..skipping all the boring, legal parts and get right to the public flaying!

Lock him up?
I dunno..isn't there a few steps to be taken formal investigation..charges...a trial?

You mean like Hillary Clinton?
Naw, I say let the devil handle her. Too many people have committed suicide trying to prosecute her.

Rush your evidence to Fat Billy Barr.
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

So, an allegation is now sufficient? No investigation? No trial?
I guess so...given the title of the OP...he is now 'outed as sex offender!

I guess it is a bit cheaper..skipping all the boring, legal parts and get right to the public flaying!

Lock him up?
I dunno..isn't there a few steps to be taken formal investigation..charges...a trial?

You mean like Hillary Clinton?
Huh? I think you might be quoting from a script I don't have.

Hillary seems just a bit off topic here.

Dopey Donald Trump wanted to screw Hillary but couldn't get it up.
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express

That accusation was made, and right wingers have been repeating it ever since then. Can we expect you to carry on about Dershowitz as much as you have about Clinton? Why not? Could it be because all right wingers are hypocrites?
For one thing...last time I checked Alan Dershowitz was never our President...Slick Willie WAS!
Why pick on the renowned (Jewish) lawyer? Anti-Semites rearing their ugly heads again on the left? Y'all have labeled Dershowitz as a sex offender before any allegations are made when there is a mountain of stuff that connects wild Bill Clinton to Epstein. Are you sure you want to go down that road?

There is a direct accusation against Dershowitz by a victim.

Dershowitz is a known associate of criminals OJ Simpson and Jeffrey Epstein and probably many others.

Follow the money.
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

So, an allegation is now sufficient? No investigation? No trial?
I guess so...given the title of the OP...he is now 'outed as sex offender!

I guess it is a bit cheaper..skipping all the boring, legal parts and get right to the public flaying!

Lock him up?
I dunno..isn't there a few steps to be taken formal investigation..charges...a trial?

You mean like Hillary Clinton?
Naw, I say let the devil handle her. Too many people have committed suicide trying to prosecute her.

Rush your evidence to Fat Billy Barr.
Pretty sure she is close to her trip to live with the devil. Let him handle it.
Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts to publicly accuse him of having sex with her when she was Epstein's sex slave. She then publicly accused Dershowitz.

Dershowitz has made money from defending criminals and preventing their incarceration for crimes. He also defended Epstein and got a sweetheart deal.

Alan Dershowitz is a public disgrace and should be stripped of his right to practice law.

Alan Dershowitz is pond scum and a close associate of Donald Trump who was also a friend of Epstein.

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex

Virginia Roberts accepts Alan Dershowitz’s dare, tells doc they had sex
By Lee BrownMay 28, 2020 | 2:23pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz dared Virginia Roberts Giuffre to “look in the camera” and accuse him of having sex with her — so she did.

“I challenge Virginia Roberts to come on your show, look in the camera and say the following words: ‘I accuse Alan Dershowitz of having had sex with me on six or seven occasions,'” the 81-year-old lawyer said on camera in the new docu-series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

“She has never been willing to accuse me in public, so please accuse me on this show. I challenge you,” said the Harvard Law professor, a leading part of President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment hearings.

The Netflix doc immediately cut to his accuser doing just that.

“I was with Alan Dershowitz multiple times. At least six that I can remember,” she said straight to the camera, as challenged.

“I was trafficked to Alan Dershowitz from Epstein,” she said, saying the pedophile “forced me to have sex” with his attorney along with numerous other men. ...

Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express
Dershowitz, Clinton and Trump. 3 peas in a pod. Pond scum. If you defend these guys I suppose you are the same.

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