Desantis vs Crist debate is on now, I dont have a link, watching it on FUBO

According to Real Clear Politics DeSantis has a 10 point lead don't really see Crist overcoming that
So what did y'all think.

My opinion. Crist is a cool customer. Very smooth, very calm. Looked at his notes a lot. Kept hitting on 'woman's right to choose' which meant abortion. People aren't interested or if they's way down the list. He avoided completely answering the trans surgery issue with anything real. He continually hit that he was a uniter (like Biden..what bunk) that DeSantis was mean, didn't care about floridians, blamed inflation on DeSantis, LOLOL I don't see why anyone would trust and vote for Crist at this point seeing as he's been a member of every party available. The only reason dems would vote for him is that they hate conservatives/DeSantis. Otherwise they wouldn't vote for Crist.

DeSantis, Good listener, didn't need to look at his notes very much, never at a loss, set the record straight on his accomplishments. Wasn't afraid to answer the questions and answer he did matters on illegals, abortion, trans surgeries, hurrican ivan and what he had done to be ready. Was a bit animated to a degree but not distractingly so.

Crist hit Desantis with 'Ron wasn't even there when the hurricane was coming in, he was at a football game'. Well CHARLIE wasn't even in the country...he was in Puerto Rico and when he got back the first thing he did was to hit up hurricane victims for $$ for his campaign. I guess charlie thought he could issue his zingers and DeSantis wouldn't be ready. well...he Was.

A word about the moderator. woman. She limited their time. usually fairly. At one point, and the deal was, the participants were not to ask each other questions Charlie broke the rule more than once and she didn't reprimand them until DeSantis did it to Charlie after having it done to him by Charlie at least twice from what i could tell.

Winner...I'd have to say DeSantis is still in the lead.
How about the Patty Murray/Tiffany Smiley Debate? Anyone catch it?

Smiley is passionate but her choice of outfits for this debate was unfortunate.
Murray is far left but naturally tries to come out reasonable here which if you follow her in congress, she's do nothing except right there front and center for every democrat giveaway. Plus. She's hard to listen to and even harder to look at. I had to get that last in because her performance in this debate was just plain boring.
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