Detailed major study: immigration is a net loss for US

with so many state legislatures to the right these days

now would be a good time to bring back

the Vitter amendment to change the census
Current Immigration Does Not Economically Benefit Ordinary US Citizens

"Finally, the report examines the fiscal impact of immigration, considering eight different scenarios. In all scenarios, immigrants as a group are in fiscal deficit; the total federal, state, and local government benefits they receive are greater than the total taxes they pay, in both the first and second generations. The NAS report shatters any contention that immigration, as structured in recent decades, contributes to overall government solvency. The opposite is true.

The report makes clear that immigrants without a high school diploma, on average, generate substantial fiscal deficits, paying less in taxes than they receive in benefits in every scenario examined. By contrast, across all scenarios, immigrants with a college degree or more create a fiscal surplus. Thus, the fiscal impact of immigration depends on the educational balance within the immigrant population. Based on the report’s findings, both the economic and fiscal impact of immigration can be improved in the future by reducing the number of low skill immigrants and increasing the number of high skill immigrants."

No surprise there, those future democraptic party voters sneaking across the border and gleefully living off the US taxpayer are going to lead to a mass uprising, and hopefully the end of the democraptic party. It will also hopefully lead to the end of the NYT and other cheerleaders/apologists for mass illegal immigration and legal immigration, which the US desperately needs a 25 year + time out from.
What scenario includes profit realized by the wealthiest and potentially taxed at some point.

However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 34.6% to 37.1%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 87.7%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36.1% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11.1% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the 1% and the 99%.[22][30][31] During the economic expansion between 2002 and 2007, the income of the top 1% grew 10 times faster than the income of the bottom 90%. In this period 66% of total income gains went to the 1%, who in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928.--
Current Immigration Does Not Economically Benefit Ordinary US Citizens

"Finally, the report examines the fiscal impact of immigration, considering eight different scenarios. In all scenarios, immigrants as a group are in fiscal deficit; the total federal, state, and local government benefits they receive are greater than the total taxes they pay, in both the first and second generations. The NAS report shatters any contention that immigration, as structured in recent decades, contributes to overall government solvency. The opposite is true.

The report makes clear that immigrants without a high school diploma, on average, generate substantial fiscal deficits, paying less in taxes than they receive in benefits in every scenario examined. By contrast, across all scenarios, immigrants with a college degree or more create a fiscal surplus. Thus, the fiscal impact of immigration depends on the educational balance within the immigrant population. Based on the report’s findings, both the economic and fiscal impact of immigration can be improved in the future by reducing the number of low skill immigrants and increasing the number of high skill immigrants."

No surprise there, those future democraptic party voters sneaking across the border and gleefully living off the US taxpayer are going to lead to a mass uprising, and hopefully the end of the democraptic party. It will also hopefully lead to the end of the NYT and other cheerleaders/apologists for mass illegal immigration and legal immigration, which the US desperately needs a 25 year + time out from.
Just lousy management. It was a "net loss" to the Natives, as well.

It is not a net loss, for us.
It's a net loss for Americans, moron.
We have the largest economy in the world And a Statue of Liberty; coincidence or conspiracy?

even illegal immigration is not a problem when we have massive federal budget surpluses to work with.
Current Immigration Does Not Economically Benefit Ordinary US Citizens

"Finally, the report examines the fiscal impact of immigration, considering eight different scenarios. In all scenarios, immigrants as a group are in fiscal deficit; the total federal, state, and local government benefits they receive are greater than the total taxes they pay, in both the first and second generations. The NAS report shatters any contention that immigration, as structured in recent decades, contributes to overall government solvency. The opposite is true.

The report makes clear that immigrants without a high school diploma, on average, generate substantial fiscal deficits, paying less in taxes than they receive in benefits in every scenario examined. By contrast, across all scenarios, immigrants with a college degree or more create a fiscal surplus. Thus, the fiscal impact of immigration depends on the educational balance within the immigrant population. Based on the report’s findings, both the economic and fiscal impact of immigration can be improved in the future by reducing the number of low skill immigrants and increasing the number of high skill immigrants."

No surprise there, those future democraptic party voters sneaking across the border and gleefully living off the US taxpayer are going to lead to a mass uprising, and hopefully the end of the democraptic party. It will also hopefully lead to the end of the NYT and other cheerleaders/apologists for mass illegal immigration and legal immigration, which the US desperately needs a 25 year + time out from.
Just lousy management. It was a "net loss" to the Natives, as well.

It is not a net loss, for us.
It's a net loss for Americans, moron.
We have the largest economy in the world And a Statue of Liberty; coincidence or conspiracy?

even illegal immigration is not a problem when we have massive federal budget surpluses to work with.
That has to be the dumbest argument ever posted in this forum. Our economy is large because of capitalism. We haven't had a surplus since the 1920s.
Funny, different articles come to the opposite conclusion:

The National Academy of Science’s report confirms what we have always known — that immigrants make vital contributions to our nation’s economy. The study’s comprehensive research revealed what we see here in Nashville — immigrants contribute to economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Even a moron knows that an illegal mother with no education with 2 kids in tow and another just born in the US is not going to earn a salary that can posssibly pay for the 3 free public school educations and free healthcare plus welfare and benefits they will receive. Even if she works on the books, she will earn less in TOTAL salary than the taxes needed to cover their benefits.

Why the fuck this is even argued any more is a sign so many people in the US are wholly incapable of thinking for themselves.
The Dims keep trying to pull the wool over our eyes because they need gullible new voters to replace all the old voters who have gotten wise to their schemes.

The only people pulling the wool over your eyes are the Republicans who you believe are working are going to make your life better. They depend on useful idiots like you to get into power, knowing you're not bright enough to even notice that nothing they have ever done has helped anyone other than other wealthy people.
Funny, different articles come to the opposite conclusion:

The National Academy of Science’s report confirms what we have always known — that immigrants make vital contributions to our nation’s economy. The study’s comprehensive research revealed what we see here in Nashville — immigrants contribute to economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Even a moron knows that an illegal mother with no education with 2 kids in tow and another just born in the US is not going to earn a salary that can posssibly pay for the 3 free public school educations and free healthcare plus welfare and benefits they will receive. Even if she works on the books, she will earn less in TOTAL salary than the taxes needed to cover their benefits.

Why the fuck this is even argued any more is a sign so many people in the US are wholly incapable of thinking for themselves.
The Dims keep trying to pull the wool over our eyes because they need gullible new voters to replace all the old voters who have gotten wise to their schemes.

The only people pulling the wool over your eyes are the Republicans who you believe are working are going to make your life better. They depend on useful idiots like you to get into power, knowing you're not bright enough to even notice that nothing they have ever done has helped anyone other than other wealthy people.

You could have just posted "you're stupid!" or "Nuh Uhn!" and it would have conveyed more intelligence than the above.

One thing we know beyond all doubt is that the Dims have been doing everything in their power to flood this country with cheap foreign labor, and that policy fucks the average American worker up the ass.

You support this policy. You support fucking the average worker up the ass. Every American needs to know what you are your ilk are all about.
Current Immigration Does Not Economically Benefit Ordinary US Citizens

"Finally, the report examines the fiscal impact of immigration, considering eight different scenarios. In all scenarios, immigrants as a group are in fiscal deficit; the total federal, state, and local government benefits they receive are greater than the total taxes they pay, in both the first and second generations. The NAS report shatters any contention that immigration, as structured in recent decades, contributes to overall government solvency. The opposite is true.

The report makes clear that immigrants without a high school diploma, on average, generate substantial fiscal deficits, paying less in taxes than they receive in benefits in every scenario examined. By contrast, across all scenarios, immigrants with a college degree or more create a fiscal surplus. Thus, the fiscal impact of immigration depends on the educational balance within the immigrant population. Based on the report’s findings, both the economic and fiscal impact of immigration can be improved in the future by reducing the number of low skill immigrants and increasing the number of high skill immigrants."

No surprise there, those future democraptic party voters sneaking across the border and gleefully living off the US taxpayer are going to lead to a mass uprising, and hopefully the end of the democraptic party. It will also hopefully lead to the end of the NYT and other cheerleaders/apologists for mass illegal immigration and legal immigration, which the US desperately needs a 25 year + time out from.
Just lousy management. It was a "net loss" to the Natives, as well.

It is not a net loss, for us.
It's a net loss for Americans, moron.
We have the largest economy in the world And a Statue of Liberty; coincidence or conspiracy?

even illegal immigration is not a problem when we have massive federal budget surpluses to work with.
That has to be the dumbest argument ever posted in this forum. Our economy is large because of capitalism. We haven't had a surplus since the 1920s.
Human capital is capitalism. Now you know why no one takes the right seriously about economics.
Current Immigration Does Not Economically Benefit Ordinary US Citizens

"Finally, the report examines the fiscal impact of immigration, considering eight different scenarios. In all scenarios, immigrants as a group are in fiscal deficit; the total federal, state, and local government benefits they receive are greater than the total taxes they pay, in both the first and second generations. The NAS report shatters any contention that immigration, as structured in recent decades, contributes to overall government solvency. The opposite is true.

The report makes clear that immigrants without a high school diploma, on average, generate substantial fiscal deficits, paying less in taxes than they receive in benefits in every scenario examined. By contrast, across all scenarios, immigrants with a college degree or more create a fiscal surplus. Thus, the fiscal impact of immigration depends on the educational balance within the immigrant population. Based on the report’s findings, both the economic and fiscal impact of immigration can be improved in the future by reducing the number of low skill immigrants and increasing the number of high skill immigrants."

No surprise there, those future democraptic party voters sneaking across the border and gleefully living off the US taxpayer are going to lead to a mass uprising, and hopefully the end of the democraptic party. It will also hopefully lead to the end of the NYT and other cheerleaders/apologists for mass illegal immigration and legal immigration, which the US desperately needs a 25 year + time out from.
Just lousy management. It was a "net loss" to the Natives, as well.

It is not a net loss, for us.
It's a net loss for Americans, moron.
We have the largest economy in the world And a Statue of Liberty; coincidence or conspiracy?

even illegal immigration is not a problem when we have massive federal budget surpluses to work with.
That has to be the dumbest argument ever posted in this forum. Our economy is large because of capitalism. We haven't had a surplus since the 1920s.
Human capital is capitalism. Now you know why no one takes the right seriously about economics.

Meaningless blabber. According to that definition, Cuba is capitalist.
Just lousy management. It was a "net loss" to the Natives, as well.

It is not a net loss, for us.
It's a net loss for Americans, moron.
We have the largest economy in the world And a Statue of Liberty; coincidence or conspiracy?

even illegal immigration is not a problem when we have massive federal budget surpluses to work with.
That has to be the dumbest argument ever posted in this forum. Our economy is large because of capitalism. We haven't had a surplus since the 1920s.
Human capital is capitalism. Now you know why no one takes the right seriously about economics.

Meaningless blabber. According to that definition, Cuba is capitalist.
do they have our Statue of Liberty?
Current Immigration Does Not Economically Benefit Ordinary US Citizens

"Finally, the report examines the fiscal impact of immigration, considering eight different scenarios. In all scenarios, immigrants as a group are in fiscal deficit; the total federal, state, and local government benefits they receive are greater than the total taxes they pay, in both the first and second generations. The NAS report shatters any contention that immigration, as structured in recent decades, contributes to overall government solvency. The opposite is true.

The report makes clear that immigrants without a high school diploma, on average, generate substantial fiscal deficits, paying less in taxes than they receive in benefits in every scenario examined. By contrast, across all scenarios, immigrants with a college degree or more create a fiscal surplus. Thus, the fiscal impact of immigration depends on the educational balance within the immigrant population. Based on the report’s findings, both the economic and fiscal impact of immigration can be improved in the future by reducing the number of low skill immigrants and increasing the number of high skill immigrants."

No surprise there, those future democraptic party voters sneaking across the border and gleefully living off the US taxpayer are going to lead to a mass uprising, and hopefully the end of the democraptic party. It will also hopefully lead to the end of the NYT and other cheerleaders/apologists for mass illegal immigration and legal immigration, which the US desperately needs a 25 year + time out from.

From the article

By contrast, across all scenarios, immigrants with a college degree or more create a fiscal surplus. Thus, the fiscal impact of immigration depends on the educational balance within the immigrant population. Based on the report’s findings, both the economic and fiscal impact of immigration can be improved in the future by reducing the number of low skill immigrants and increasing the number of high skill immigrants.​

It's tough finding construction workers where we are right now.

Funny, different articles come to the opposite conclusion:

The National Academy of Science’s report confirms what we have always known — that immigrants make vital contributions to our nation’s economy. The study’s comprehensive research revealed what we see here in Nashville — immigrants contribute to economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship.

The author of the article: Renata Soto is co-founder and executive director of Conexión Américas. She also chairs the board of the National Council of La Raza.

Hmm. Why do I get the feeling this is propaganda?


Funny, different articles come to the opposite conclusion:

The National Academy of Science’s report confirms what we have always known — that immigrants make vital contributions to our nation’s economy. The study’s comprehensive research revealed what we see here in Nashville — immigrants contribute to economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Billionaires and immigrants are the only one who benefit from this "growth," so why should the average middle class guy support more immigration?

Funny, different articles come to the opposite conclusion:

The National Academy of Science’s report confirms what we have always known — that immigrants make vital contributions to our nation’s economy. The study’s comprehensive research revealed what we see here in Nashville — immigrants contribute to economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship.

The author of the article: Renata Soto is co-founder and executive director of Conexión Américas. She also chairs the board of the National Council of La Raza.

Hmm. Why do I get the feeling this is propaganda?

LOL! The OP was CNS so I'd say my link and his were non-credible.

Here are some that are more credible:

The report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine found that immigrant workers in the U.S. – both legal and illegal – have the effect of increasing both wages and jobs for educated native-born workers over a decade or more.

The report, Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration, also found immigrant workers reduce the prices of goods and services in specific industries, including childcare, food preparation and construction.

Study: Influx of immigrants is overall boost to U.S. workers, economy

Immigrants are essential to economic growth in America. That is the conclusion of a recent report on The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration released by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS).

What are the three reasons why immigrants are important to economic growth? Labor force growth, entrepreneurship and human capital.

3 Reasons Why Immigrants Are Key To Economic Growth

It's just common sense in the end. Americans don't reproduce at high enough rates to sustain the country. Immigration is key to having loyal, productive Americans.

Interestingly, these two articles (the OP and ravi's) are citing the same report! I would say that the entire report has to be read to get an accurate synopsis of the facts.

In general, I would suspect that immigrants with a higher education would benefit the country, but both the uneducated and the educated are taking jobs away from US citizens. As long as they add to our tax base they could be productive instead of getting subsidies from our government.
In September, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) published a major report on “The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration.” The report shows that, other than small number of scientifically educated immigrants, immigration produces little or no overall economic gain for non-immigrants but may cause a substantial shift in income from workers to business and capital owners. Also, immigrants overall produce a fiscal deficit due to the very large inflow of legal and illegal immigrants with low education levels in recent decades.

Current Immigration Does Not Economically Benefit Ordinary US Citizens

Recently I had the opportunity to join a panel of local leaders in Washington, D.C., invited by the Urban Institute to discuss the release of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report, The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration, the first comprehensive examination of this issue since 1997.

The National Academy of Science’s report confirms what we have always known — that immigrants make vital contributions to our nation’s economy. The study’s comprehensive research revealed what we see here in Nashville — immigrants contribute to economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship.

TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH, and YOU can come to the conclusion yourself, if you have 1/2 a brain-------------->

YOU are the President of the United States, yes YOU! You as President, go to your economic advisors and ask the multiple trillion dollar question---------> how is the economy, do we need to create more jobs, etc? Your economic advisors tell you that we need create 2 million MORE jobs to soak up the excess labor available in the country. What do YOU as President do?

Well, you can lower taxes, you can do an infrastructure bill, maybe print more money thinking it will circulate and help economic growth. Your choice as President because you care, is do ALL of them to quickly create those 2 million jobs so as the country stays on solid economic footing. So now President YOU sits smugly in the oval office, knowing that you pushed through a bill that has elements from BOTH sides of the aisle, and surely something will work from that bill because both the Repubs and Dems can not be totally stupid.

Next year arrives, you go back to your economic advisors smugly and ask how that bill policy worked! They inform you that the bill created the equivalent of 2.3 million jobs, plus normal growth also helped create an extra 1.9 million, unfortunately the economy is in WORSE shape today than it was this time last year!

What YOU proclaim, how in the hell can that be! We over delivered on what the American people needed. NOW THE TRUTH---------->YOU as President performed admirably, probably SHOULD get re-elected, but you forgot to factor in one thing------------>the 5.5 million illegal immigrants that flowed over the unsecured border in that year, making what should have been an improving economic picture, look dismal! How can you plan your economy when you do not even know within 10% how many jobs YOUR POLICIES must generate, because the amount of jobs you need are NOT dictated by American citizens, but rather ILLEGAL ALIENS; and when not enough jobs are available, they drain taxpayer dollars through government programs!
From the article

By contrast, across all scenarios, immigrants with a college degree or more create a fiscal surplus. Thus, the fiscal impact of immigration depends on the educational balance within the immigrant population. Based on the report’s findings, both the economic and fiscal impact of immigration can be improved in the future by reducing the number of low skill immigrants and increasing the number of high skill immigrants.​

It's tough finding construction workers where we are right now.

And the reason for this is that construction worker pay has gone down because of the downward pressure from illegal immigration.
even illegal immigration is not a problem when we have massive federal budget surpluses to work with.

How stupid does one have to be to discuss a budget surplus when the current idiot in office more than doubled the national debt to over $20BBN?
It's a net loss for Americans, moron.
We have the largest economy in the world And a Statue of Liberty; coincidence or conspiracy?

even illegal immigration is not a problem when we have massive federal budget surpluses to work with.
That has to be the dumbest argument ever posted in this forum. Our economy is large because of capitalism. We haven't had a surplus since the 1920s.
Human capital is capitalism. Now you know why no one takes the right seriously about economics.

Meaningless blabber. According to that definition, Cuba is capitalist.
do they have our Statue of Liberty?
They don't have the White House either. What do you imagine that proves?
If your "job creator" class had not and did not continually lobby for the presence of labor more exploitable than americans, they would not be here.
Hmmmm,so? What makes you think we agree with the agenda of the "job creator class?" On the other hand, Obama and the Dim party have been doing their bidding.

That's the thing pard, your entire system does, "both" sides. We elected Trump and Goldman Sachs and friends are right there in the mix as per usual.

Privatized gains verus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster class
Internalized profit verus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laizzes-faire capitalism for the masses

Same as it ever was while you're indoctrinated to scape goat the least of us.
Funny, different articles come to the opposite conclusion:

The National Academy of Science’s report confirms what we have always known — that immigrants make vital contributions to our nation’s economy. The study’s comprehensive research revealed what we see here in Nashville — immigrants contribute to economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship.

The author of the article: Renata Soto is co-founder and executive director of Conexión Américas. She also chairs the board of the National Council of La Raza.

Hmm. Why do I get the feeling this is propaganda?

LOL! The OP was CNS so I'd say my link and his were non-credible.

Here are some that are more credible:

The report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine found that immigrant workers in the U.S. – both legal and illegal – have the effect of increasing both wages and jobs for educated native-born workers over a decade or more.

The report, Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration, also found immigrant workers reduce the prices of goods and services in specific industries, including childcare, food preparation and construction.

Study: Influx of immigrants is overall boost to U.S. workers, economy

Immigrants are essential to economic growth in America. That is the conclusion of a recent report on The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration released by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS).

What are the three reasons why immigrants are important to economic growth? Labor force growth, entrepreneurship and human capital.

3 Reasons Why Immigrants Are Key To Economic Growth

It's just common sense in the end. Americans don't reproduce at high enough rates to sustain the country. Immigration is key to having loyal, productive Americans.

Interestingly, these two articles (the OP and ravi's) are citing the same report! I would say that the entire report has to be read to get an accurate synopsis of the facts.

In general, I would suspect that immigrants with a higher education would benefit the country, but both the uneducated and the educated are taking jobs away from US citizens. As long as they add to our tax base they could be productive instead of getting subsidies from our government.
Immigrants with high education don't benefit Americans with college diplomas. They take the jobs of these Americans. That's why so many millennial college graduates are living in their mother's basement. India has over 200 million people who are college graduates, and corporate American is flooding us with these people because it's cheaper to hire someone where the average wage is $5/hour than to hire a native born American who normally earns $50/hour.

So many millennial college graduates are living in their mother's basement because this society decided to turn them into debt peons.
If your "job creator" class had not and did not continually lobby for the presence of labor more exploitable than americans, they would not be here.
Hmmmm,so? What makes you think we agree with the agenda of the "job creator class?" On the other hand, Obama and the Dim party have been doing their bidding.

That's the thing pard, your entire system does, "both" sides. We elected Trump and Goldman Sachs and friends are right there in the mix as per usual.

Privatized gains verus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster class
Internalized profit verus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laizzes-faire capitalism for the masses

Same as it ever was while you're indoctrinated to scape goat the least of us.
Meaningless blather. The bottom line is that Hillary supports flooding this country with cheap foreign labor. Trump opposes it.
If your "job creator" class had not and did not continually lobby for the presence of labor more exploitable than americans, they would not be here.
Hmmmm,so? What makes you think we agree with the agenda of the "job creator class?" On the other hand, Obama and the Dim party have been doing their bidding.

That's the thing pard, your entire system does, "both" sides. We elected Trump and Goldman Sachs and friends are right there in the mix as per usual.

Privatized gains verus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster class
Internalized profit verus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laizzes-faire capitalism for the masses

Same as it ever was while you're indoctrinated to scape goat the least of us.
Meaningless blather. The bottom line is that Hillary supports flooding this country with cheap foreign labor. Trump opposes it.

Hilary is toast, Trump's sucking off Goldman Sachs just like she did/would.
Funny, different articles come to the opposite conclusion:

The National Academy of Science’s report confirms what we have always known — that immigrants make vital contributions to our nation’s economy. The study’s comprehensive research revealed what we see here in Nashville — immigrants contribute to economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship.

The author of the article: Renata Soto is co-founder and executive director of Conexión Américas. She also chairs the board of the National Council of La Raza.

Hmm. Why do I get the feeling this is propaganda?

LOL! The OP was CNS so I'd say my link and his were non-credible.

Here are some that are more credible:

The report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine found that immigrant workers in the U.S. – both legal and illegal – have the effect of increasing both wages and jobs for educated native-born workers over a decade or more.

The report, Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration, also found immigrant workers reduce the prices of goods and services in specific industries, including childcare, food preparation and construction.

Study: Influx of immigrants is overall boost to U.S. workers, economy

Immigrants are essential to economic growth in America. That is the conclusion of a recent report on The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration released by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS).

What are the three reasons why immigrants are important to economic growth? Labor force growth, entrepreneurship and human capital.

3 Reasons Why Immigrants Are Key To Economic Growth

It's just common sense in the end. Americans don't reproduce at high enough rates to sustain the country. Immigration is key to having loyal, productive Americans.

Interestingly, these two articles (the OP and ravi's) are citing the same report! I would say that the entire report has to be read to get an accurate synopsis of the facts.

In general, I would suspect that immigrants with a higher education would benefit the country, but both the uneducated and the educated are taking jobs away from US citizens. As long as they add to our tax base they could be productive instead of getting subsidies from our government.
Immigrants with high education don't benefit Americans with college diplomas. They take the jobs of these Americans. That's why so many millennial college graduates are living in their mother's basement. India has over 200 million people who are college graduates, and corporate American is flooding us with these people because it's cheaper to hire someone where the average wage is $5/hour than to hire a native born American who normally earns $50/hour.

So many millennial college graduates are living in their mother's basement because this society decided to turn them into debt peons.

If anyone did that, it was you and your fellow Dims. You're the ones who have been doing everything possible to flood this country with cheap foreign labor to take their jobs away, and you're the ones who have caused college costs to go into the stratosphere.
If your "job creator" class had not and did not continually lobby for the presence of labor more exploitable than americans, they would not be here.
Hmmmm,so? What makes you think we agree with the agenda of the "job creator class?" On the other hand, Obama and the Dim party have been doing their bidding.

That's the thing pard, your entire system does, "both" sides. We elected Trump and Goldman Sachs and friends are right there in the mix as per usual.

Privatized gains verus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster class
Internalized profit verus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laizzes-faire capitalism for the masses

Same as it ever was while you're indoctrinated to scape goat the least of us.
Meaningless blather. The bottom line is that Hillary supports flooding this country with cheap foreign labor. Trump opposes it.

Hilary is toast.

Perhaps, but you're still whining about it.

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