Detroit Residences demand free water

Of course no one says that it has to be treated water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the tattoos on the lady ---- maybe she got them for free, also?
How about just providing a town pump.

Oh wait, liberals would just confuse that with a...............
Thanks to 50 years of Democrat rule in the great city of Detroit, this is a non-issue.

The good citizens of Detroit can simply drink the water in the Rouge River. Democrats are stalwart defenders of the environment! You can rest assured the water is safe to drink!
Resources one needs to live-Water,Electricity SHOULD NOT be commodities to be bought and sold. They should be nationalized and the people provided them free of charge.

And a free place to live!! and a free car (with gas!) !! and a good paying job that you can't be fired from!! Then we'd have a "worker's paradise"!!

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Imagine if Saddam was in charge of this city that he is an honorary citizen of.
Resources one needs to live-Water,Electricity SHOULD NOT be commodities to be bought and sold. They should be nationalized and the people provided them free of charge.

Interesting concept.

Should the electricity and water be in unlimited supply? Or perhaps require some sort or rationing system so everybody gets only an equal amount?

How about an "from each according to their ability - to each according to their need"? For example, equip each person with a bucket and require they carry water from the nearest river to a distribution point? Of course those who couldn't carry would be excused. Then one might wonder how much the cost of Medicaid would increase as people sought physical exemption passes. And then when nobody was carrying water what percentage of "no water" was allocated to each in need.

Then, for electricity, certainly a gigantic field full of treadmills, each spinning a little generator when anyone physically able could be found to run on one.
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Detroit residents expect (and demand) that everything be free. That's why Detroit is in Bankruptcy.

Can anybody say why, after 50 years of the Great Society and the War on Poverty, can they still not feed themselves in Detroit and South Chicago...and similar blighted places controlled by Democrats?
Resources one needs to live-Water,Electricity SHOULD NOT be commodities to be bought and sold. They should be nationalized and the people provided them free of charge.

And who pays the workers to maintain the infrastructure?
Oh I get it.....The rich and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL corporations?
You're an.....forget it. You're not even worth insulting.
I have an idea.....Start you OWN utility company. And YOU can give away the utilities. See how long you last.
Maybe instead of the unions lining the pockets of the Democrats they can take that money and pay for everyone's water there.
The UN had no jurisdiction here.
WTF are THEY gonna do?? Send in a bunch of those dopey advisers with the blue helmets?
They have no access to military. We ARE their God Damned military.
Fuck the UN....The only reason the US is a member is so we can keep an eye on our enemies.
You know....Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.
Here is truly another sad end to another great Socialist Experiment. After 50 years of Democratic Rule in Detroit...and billions of dollars in federal aid...the United Nations actually takes an interest, for humanitarian the plight of Detroit.

The United Nations says a once great American in no better shape than Botswana.

Can they possibly think of a way to blame Bush for that? I'll bet they try.
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Resources one needs to live-Water,Electricity SHOULD NOT be commodities to be bought and sold. They should be nationalized and the people provided them free of charge.

And a free place to live!! and a free car (with gas!) !! and a good paying job that you can't be fired from!! Then we'd have a "worker's paradise"!!


Resources one needs to live-Water,Electricity SHOULD NOT be commodities to be bought and sold. They should be nationalized and the people provided them free of charge.

Interesting concept.

Should the electricity and water be in unlimited supply? Or perhaps require some sort or rationing system so everybody gets only an equal amount?

How about an "from each according to their ability - to each according to their need"? For example, equip each person with a bucket and require they carry water from the nearest river to a distribution point? Of course those who couldn't carry would be excused. Then one might wonder how much the cost of Medicaid would increase as people sought physical exemption passes. And then when nobody was carrying water what percentage of "no water" was allocated to each in need.

Then, for electricity, certainly a gigantic field full of treadmills, each spinning a little generator when anyone physically able could be found to run on one.

Taxes pay for it. I have said it multiple times. We should be paying taxes for things that in return benefit US not foreign countries,not illegals,not starting wars etc. Now for cable,internet,cell phones all that shit. Pay for it if you want it. But people should not die because they have no heat or water.

Get a fucking job ya stinkin' hippie! before you get hippie punched..... speaking of hippie punching....

Unfortunately, American society has gotten lax on hippie punching to the point I thought I should write an FAQ to better explain the issue to those who don't currently engage in the punching of hippies. Hopefully one day this will all become so natural again that a hippie punching FAQ will be about as necessary as a flipping people off in traffic FAQ.


Q. Where is best to punch a hippie?
A. About the face. That's where the hippie is most annoying.

Q. What is a hippie?
A. Generally, a hippie is an annoying, useless. Actually, less than useless, as they are not happy until they prevent other people from being useful as well. In fact, Scientists have determined that the only evolutionary purpose of a hippie is for punching as a stress release for productive members of society.

Q. Are there any other uses for hippies than punching them?
A. No, there are no other uses.

Q. Couldn't they be ground up and used as chum?
A. They're too gummy.

Q. Where do hippies come from?
A. There's basically waste products of a productive society, as they only come from middle class to upper middle class families. Thus its important for parents to make sure they tell children the importance of not being a hippie while also making them cut the lawn and do other non-hippie, productive activities.

Q. Where can hippies be found?
A. Their main habitat is the college campus and can be found in the vicinity thereof. Occasionally they have mass migrations to city areas to work as a large group (a group of hippies is known as a "protest") to make loud noises and annoy people. In this way, they are like geese, except with more excrement. Also, they have large puppets.

Q. What are the benefits of punching hippies?
A. What aren't? It gives you exercise, increases your intelligence and sexual prowess, helps the economy, defeats terrorism, and helps orphans find families. Also, scientists say that each time you punch a hippie, they get one step closer to curing cancer.

Q. Hippies smell. Do I have to worry about getting that smell on my fist?
A. Always carry around hand sanitizer in case you punch a hippie. Make sure to put it on your knuckles.

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Resources one needs to live-Water,Electricity SHOULD NOT be commodities to be bought and sold. They should be nationalized and the people provided them free of charge.

And a free place to live!! and a free car (with gas!) !! and a good paying job that you can't be fired from!! Then we'd have a "worker's paradise"!!


Those are all rights!! What the hell has gotten hold of you?
Resources one needs to live-Water,Electricity SHOULD NOT be commodities to be bought and sold. They should be nationalized and the people provided them free of charge.

And a free place to live!! and a free car (with gas!) !! and a good paying job that you can't be fired from!! Then we'd have a "worker's paradise"!!


Those are all rights!! What the hell has gotten hold of you?

Here's a little something for you.....ya fuckin' hippie!

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Resources one needs to live-Water,Electricity SHOULD NOT be commodities to be bought and sold. They should be nationalized and the people provided them free of charge.

And a free place to live!! and a free car (with gas!) !! and a good paying job that you can't be fired from!! Then we'd have a "worker's paradise"!!


Resources one needs to live-Water,Electricity SHOULD NOT be commodities to be bought and sold. They should be nationalized and the people provided them free of charge.

Interesting concept.

Should the electricity and water be in unlimited supply? Or perhaps require some sort or rationing system so everybody gets only an equal amount?

How about an "from each according to their ability - to each according to their need"? For example, equip each person with a bucket and require they carry water from the nearest river to a distribution point? Of course those who couldn't carry would be excused. Then one might wonder how much the cost of Medicaid would increase as people sought physical exemption passes. And then when nobody was carrying water what percentage of "no water" was allocated to each in need.

Then, for electricity, certainly a gigantic field full of treadmills, each spinning a little generator when anyone physically able could be found to run on one.

Taxes pay for it. I have said it multiple times. We should be paying taxes for things that in return benefit US not foreign countries,not illegals,not starting wars etc. Now for cable,internet,cell phones all that shit. Pay for it if you want it. But people should not die because they have no heat or water.
Taxes?....Oh, so it is ok for people who pay no taxes to consume while others get to pay their share as well as the share of those who do not produce?
Wow. Just wow.
I am glad people like you don't run the country. Should that ever occur, we may as well launch our nukes at ourselves.

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