Developing: Ilhan Omar’s Primary Opponent Raises a Staggering $3.2 Million to Omar’s $471,000 — Is Upset Brewing?

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
Omar being defeated and sent back to Somalia would be fantastic for the country. You will note that she doesn't even have the support of Leftist USMB members. That ought to tell you something.
I have no illusions she swill be sent anywhere and do not really care if she is, but just like all members of that little radical left "squad", she needs to be voted out office for the good of the country and that party. Republican party elites probably secretly hope she hangs on by the skin of her teeth as "the squad" members are good for fund raising and rabble rousing. Like immigration, it is sometimes better to fund raise off a problem than to solve a problem and lose the fund raising aspect.
In this case, the fund raising is significant and may be controlled at level below party elite, where it may do some good in getting rid of the problem. I do not know who her opponent is, but wish them luck.
This is delicious news! This radical incestuous anti-American jihadist should have never been elected. She should have been deported. Her opponents last name sounds Cajun/Creole.

Geaux Meaux!

It doesn't matter. Omar is just a symptom of the rot that has set in in the Democratic Party since the Clinton administration destroyed the Party's traditional values so that now when Democrats look at people, they see only black or white. Identity politics has obliterated all other values within the Party.
He doesn't look or sound much better. He'll carry the water for the democrat Marxists and BLM also. The lessor of two evils.
Lesser is undoubtedly the key word. Would you hold out for turning her whole district from blue to red, or favor progress on a identified error previously made by that electorate?
Since, for reasons no sane person can ever understand, Minnesota decided to give that district to a Lunatic culture from Somalia---her replacement will be another Lunatic.

But, yes it will be refreshing to have a different Lunatic.
The MUSLIM Somalis were FORCED on MN by one MUSLIM DOG TURD Obama. They had no choice. That filthy little lop eared muslim shit stain obama FORCED muslims on rural states all across America, and it's had the intended effect, which was to get more muslims elected to office from different states in America. Our government is FULL of muslims now.
Lesser is undoubtedly the key word. Would you hold out for turning her whole district from blue to red, or favor progress on a identified error previously made by that electorate?
You call replacing one America hating progressive with another America hating progressive, progress?
This is delicious news! This radical incestuous anti-American jihadist should have never been elected. She should have been deported. Her opponents last name sounds Cajun/Creole.

Geaux Meaux!

Doubtful. A handful of racists put their life savings I to a Champaign. BFD.
The MUSLIM Somalis were FORCED on MN by one MUSLIM DOG TURD Obama. They had no choice. That filthy little lop eared muslim shit stain obama FORCED muslims on rural states all across America, and it's had the intended effect, which was to get more muslims elected to office from different states in America. Our government is FULL of muslims now.

What makes you say that?
Summary Data

Candidate .................................... Raised
Ilhan Omar (D) • Incumbent $3,817,652
Antone Melton-Meaux (D) ... $3,690,827

Chicken. Hatched.

You go, girl! Give the slimy establishment asshole what he deserves, and then some!
The MUSLIM Somalis were FORCED on MN by one MUSLIM DOG TURD Obama. They had no choice. That filthy little lop eared muslim shit stain obama FORCED muslims on rural states all across America, and it's had the intended effect, which was to get more muslims elected to office from different states in America. Our government is FULL of muslims now.


Your comments made me wonder if I knew all I should know about how Minnesota came to be up to their ass in Somalians. You sound sure, and you made sense, but I was harassed by doubts.

You see, Minnesota was the only state to vote against Reagan for his second term. Something is wrong with them up there.

So, I checked and found an article which is helpful to us both...I choose to quote the part that helps me the most---you would do the same:

"Many Somalis also migrated here directly from Africa as “primary” refugee arrivals, meaning that Minnesota was the first state in the United States where they moved. A group of voluntary agencies, including Lutheran Social Service and Catholic Charities, worked with the federal government to resettle the refugees and help them find housing and jobs. Minnesota was a favored location in part due to the success of resettling Hmong refugees in the 1970s and 1980s. As more Somalis formed a larger community, they drew even more friends and family members who wanted to be among their own."


You see. There are ample dumb-asses in Minnesota...there always have been, and now it is filling up with Somalis to join the dumb-asses.


One more point. When you say "they had no choice" but to let Obama stuff Somalis down their throat....I will assume you mean: "they had no choice----else they wouldn't get the Federal Money."

Self-Reliant Sane Americans see a choice there.

I think we are actually on the same side. I just think Minnesotans are dumb-asses. If you are from Minnesota you are of course excepted from the generalization.
The MUSLIM Somalis were FORCED on MN by one MUSLIM DOG TURD Obama. They had no choice. That filthy little lop eared muslim shit stain obama FORCED muslims on rural states all across America, and it's had the intended effect, which was to get more muslims elected to office from different states in America. Our government is FULL of muslims now.
Good point. That was many of the "stealth" transformations the Obamanation foisted upon America. As he loved to say "MAKE NO MISTAKE!" he sowed the seeds of the chaos we are living with today.
You call replacing one America hating progressive with another America hating progressive, progress?
It is a matter of degree. Give up if you can't get your way completely if you want to. It is the right wing way. That or pitch a tantrum. I wanted to be secure in my retirement since the age of my early 20, but could not make it happen then. I kept working on the problem incrementally until it became the reality I was striving for. Incrementally working toward your goals in a very old conservative tactic. Giving up because you cannot get what you really want or throwing a fit is an undisciplined child tactic that does not work to accomplish your goals.

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