DHS continues to target conservatives and ignore Islamists -VIDEO

Paulitician I pretty much agree whether or not people understand or not a Communist coup attempt is being played out. But thankfully not as they thought -----> .
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Fellow Americans are seen as a much bigger enemy as far as this bunch is concerned. How many States are they suing now? Obama & Holder have been Traitors to their People. They've attacked them since day one. So much for that 'Uniter' shite.

Well according to the report it is our own extremist both left and right who have used violence or threaten it's use.

You've got it backwards. This administration has been attacked with false accusations by partisans looking give him a (for lack of a better term) worst episode of a Bush-like moment.

They've divided the People. Obama & Holder are a national disgrace. They declared War on their own fellow Americans the day they seized power. They really do see fellow Americans as their biggest enemies. Time for real change. They gotta go.
It is more of the same, forget what the voters wanted and you promised. Get elected and do what you Damn well please. As long as we allowed laws to be passed that do not apply to the people that vote on them we are in trouble and it is growing and gaining speed.

The NWO Global Elite assholes have lots of plans for the People. Conservatives & Libertarians being exterminated, is one of their big plans. They're the only ones attempting to thwart their plans at this point. Labelling them "Terrorists" makes perfect sense when you look at it from Big Brother's viewpoint. The Sheeple don't know any better. They hear "Terroist", and immediately demand extermination. It is very sad.


I wish it were funny.
It is more of the same, forget what the voters wanted and you promised. Get elected and do what you Damn well please. As long as we allowed laws to be passed that do not apply to the people that vote on them we are in trouble and it is growing and gaining speed.

The NWO Global Elite assholes have lots of plans for the People. Conservatives & Libertarians being exterminated, is one of their big plans. They're the only ones attempting to thwart their plans at this point. Labelling them "Terrorists" makes perfect sense when you look at it from Big Brother's viewpoint. The Sheeple don't know any better. They hear "Terroist", and immediately demand extermination. It is very sad.


You never read Obama's books or saw any of Ayers speeches he openly states 25 million will have be be killed to start the Utopia. I imagine that's me and even all the starry eyed dead weight that is the democrap party. Doesn't mean it will happen but they ha e ideas how to try. Gun control, UN troops,piss off population and invoke martial law. They're trying like hell you should get your head out of your ass
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You are talking about a Government firmly in under the Control of Left wing Extremists. It's not at all surprising they would think the Right is more Dangerous than people who are actually trying to kill us.

Very good point.
Fellow Americans are seen as a much bigger enemy as far as this bunch is concerned. How many States are they suing now? Obama & Holder have been Traitors to their People. They've attacked them since day one. So much for that 'Uniter' shite.

Well according to the report it is our own extremist both left and right who have used violence or threaten it's use.

You've got it backwards. This administration has been attacked with false accusations by partisans looking give him a (for lack of a better term) worst episode of a Bush-like moment.

They've divided the People. Obama & Holder are a national disgrace. They declared War on their own fellow Americans the day they seized power. They really do see fellow Americans as their biggest enemies. Time for real change. They gotta go.


President Obama won the election 365 to 173. I also predict that if they loose in Nov. there will be an orderly transfer of power to the next administration. Furthermore I expect if they win in Nov. that the severe rhetoric coming from the rabid right will increase.
Of course, DHS is also setting up FEMA camps (mandated by The National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645), "to be used to house U.S. citizens in the event of a national emergency." That "the camps will be used to “provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations”. But specifies additionally "that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” an open ended mandate which many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens".
Prison Planet.com » New Legislation Authorizes FEMA Camps In U.S.

Please don't stop posting, like ever...you guys made my day with this satire.
Of course, DHS is also setting up FEMA camps (mandated by The National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645), "to be used to house U.S. citizens in the event of a national emergency." That "the camps will be used to “provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations”. But specifies additionally "that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” an open ended mandate which many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens".
Prison Planet.com » New Legislation Authorizes FEMA Camps In U.S.

Please don't stop posting, like ever...you guys made my day with this satire.

Wait till Big Brother labels you a Terrorist. I have a feeling you won't think it's so funny then.
The NWO Global Elite assholes have lots of plans for the People. Conservatives & Libertarians being exterminated, is one of their big plans. They're the only ones attempting to thwart their plans at this point. Labelling them "Terrorists" makes perfect sense when you look at it from Big Brother's viewpoint. The Sheeple don't know any better. They hear "Terroist", and immediately demand extermination. It is very sad.


I wish it were funny.
Its more mildly retarded, but also funny at the sametime.
Big Brother hates Conservatives & Libertarians. Gee, i wonder why? Personally, i think it's a fantastic sign the Freedom & Liberty Movement is growing.

they loathe the Constitution. It's a roadblock to them abnd those of us that know it and tout the Founders and what they did are a danger to thier plans to skirt it. BANG! We're labeled 'Terrorists' by some in our own government.

Oh yeah, Conservatives & Libertarians are Big Brother's biggest enemies at this point. He's declared War on them. You don't tow the Big Brother-line, you're a "Terrorist." But this has been done in many other countries, over many centuries. So this doesn't surprise me at all. But it does sadden me.

It is pretty scary to see history repeating itself yet again and people remaining oblivious to that.

I can only guess that the only ones who don't mind fall into two different categories. Some who are ignorant and tend to be content as long as the government takes care of them and others who will be the ones doing the controlling.
Of course, DHS is also setting up FEMA camps (mandated by The National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645), "to be used to house U.S. citizens in the event of a national emergency." That "the camps will be used to “provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations”. But specifies additionally "that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” an open ended mandate which many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens".
Prison Planet.com » New Legislation Authorizes FEMA Camps In U.S.

Please don't stop posting, like ever...you guys made my day with this satire.

Wait till Big Brother labels you a Terrorist. I have a feeling you won't think it's so funny then.

How do you ever sleep at night with all these fears running in your head?
The NWO Global Elite assholes have lots of plans for the People. Conservatives & Libertarians being exterminated, is one of their big plans. They're the only ones attempting to thwart their plans at this point. Labelling them "Terrorists" makes perfect sense when you look at it from Big Brother's viewpoint. The Sheeple don't know any better. They hear "Terroist", and immediately demand extermination. It is very sad.


You never read Obama's books or saw any of Ayers speeches he openly states 25 million will have be be killed to start the Utopia. I imagine that's me and even all the starry eyed dead weight that is the democrap party. Doesn't mean it will happen but they ha e ideas how to try. Gun control, UN troops,piss off population and invoke martial law. They're trying like hell you should get your head out of your ass

Sure he did...and he agrees.

That's what we keep missing about the progressives. They APPROVE of human rights violations, they APPROVE of killing off our own people, they APPROVE of limiting liberty and they WANT a tyrant to rule over America. They want to see Americans punished (not themselves, of course...they see themselves as the elite ruling class), degraded, and killed.

That's what they want, and that's why they support these people. They will support ANYONE who will bring Americans down, who will reduce the population by ANY means, and who will eliminate groups of people they don't like.
Well according to the report it is our own extremist both left and right who have used violence or threaten it's use.

You've got it backwards. This administration has been attacked with false accusations by partisans looking give him a (for lack of a better term) worst episode of a Bush-like moment.


You're kind of a one trick pony, Boo.

Pull Obama's cock out of your mouth and see if your perspective changes.

President Obama won the election 365 to 173. I also predict that if they loose in Nov. there will be an orderly transfer of power to the next administration. Furthermore I expect if they win in Nov. that the severe rhetoric coming from the rabid right will increase.

So, are you saying that if your little tin god loses, you will not take to the streets?

President Obama won the election 365 to 173. I also predict that if they loose in Nov. there will be an orderly transfer of power to the next administration. Furthermore I expect if they win in Nov. that the severe rhetoric coming from the rabid right will increase.

So, are you saying that if your little tin god loses, you will not take to the streets?

"Rabid Right" Translation: He's fully onboard with Conservatives & Libertarians being labelled Terrorists. Very sad.
The NWO Global Elite assholes have lots of plans for the People. Conservatives & Libertarians being exterminated, is one of their big plans. They're the only ones attempting to thwart their plans at this point. Labelling them "Terrorists" makes perfect sense when you look at it from Big Brother's viewpoint. The Sheeple don't know any better. They hear "Terroist", and immediately demand extermination. It is very sad.


You never read Obama's books or saw any of Ayers speeches he openly states 25 million will have be be killed to start the Utopia. I imagine that's me and even all the starry eyed dead weight that is the democrap party. Doesn't mean it will happen but they ha e ideas how to try. Gun control, UN troops,piss off population and invoke martial law. They're trying like hell you should get your head out of your ass

Yeah sure one of the Weather-Underground was making speech circut? Billy-Bad-Ass is Sweet-William now.

You do have a link or something to one of those speeches, right? Are you sure that's not some hearsay picked up by the rabid right wing echo chamber in 2008?

You never read Obama's books or saw any of Ayers speeches he openly states 25 million will have be be killed to start the Utopia. I imagine that's me and even all the starry eyed dead weight that is the democrap party. Doesn't mean it will happen but they ha e ideas how to try. Gun control, UN troops,piss off population and invoke martial law. They're trying like hell you should get your head out of your ass

Yeah sure one of the Weather-Underground was making speech circut? Billy-Bad-Ass is Sweet-William now.

You do have a link or something to one of those speeches, right? Are you sure that's not some hearsay picked up by the rabid right wing echo chamber in 2008?

You're an ignorant yahoo:

"Perhaps we will transform into a Euro-style state, though that was not a peaceful transition for Europeans, Ayers noted:
And you know, my optimistic friends say: “Oh boy, we’re going to look like Germany, or England, or France,“ and I think ”Jeese.” I mean, first of all, for England and France and Germany to become non-empires it took the deaths of millions and millions of people, so let’s remember that."

Bill Ayers Tells University of Oregon Students that America’s Game is Over and a New World is Coming | Video | TheBlaze.com

"And that means, for me that means, that it’s our responsibility to fight here and now for a little more democracy, a little more participation, a little more peace, and keep putting our shoulder on that wheel because the opposition is fighting for– you know, another world is definitely coming, but that doesn‘t mean it’s going to be a better world, and it’s our responsibility to jump in."

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