DHS Words that Will Get You Flagged for Surveillance

And the government already has volunteer and paid informers on all the major sites, including ours, I would think.

We have been here for years

We are much more effective than a bunch of amateurs like the IRS

You're a fucking liar.

AssassinationAttack Domestic securityDrillExerciseCopsLaw enforcementAuthoritiesDisaster assistanceDisaster managementDNDO (Domestic NuclearDetection Office)National preparednessMitigationPreventionResponseRecoveryDirty bombDomestic nuclear detectionEmergency managementEmergency responseFirst responderHomeland securityMaritime domain awareness(MDA)National preparednessinitiativeMilitiaShootingShots firedEvacuationDeathsHostageExplosion (explosive)PoliceDisaster medical assistanceteam (DMAT)Organized crimeGangsNational securityState of emergencySecurityBreachThreatStandoff SWATScreeningLockdownBomb (squad or threat)CrashLootingRiotEmergency LandingPipe bombIncidentFacilit
From the comments :

Rick, Cuiaba Brasil, 1 year ago

Muppets! Anyone planning dirty deeds will code their intentions. What a waste of time and money. George Orwell was so correct.

And what was the FIRST word I looked for?
"Herb," because it's my nick-name for Mary Juana!

But, seriously, No One with 2 brain cells to rub together
is going to plan some horrendous blitzkrieg using the real words,
and if they had 4 brain cells, they'd encrypt it.
And the government already has volunteer and paid informers on all the major sites, including ours, I would think.

We have been here for years

We are much more effective than a bunch of amateurs like the IRS

You're a fucking liar.

AssassinationAttack Domestic securityDrillExerciseCopsLaw enforcementAuthoritiesDisaster assistanceDisaster managementDNDO (Domestic NuclearDetection Office)National preparednessMitigationPreventionResponseRecoveryDirty bombDomestic nuclear detectionEmergency managementEmergency responseFirst responderHomeland securityMaritime domain awareness(MDA)National preparednessinitiativeMilitiaShootingShots firedEvacuationDeathsHostageExplosion (explosive)PoliceDisaster medical assistanceteam (DMAT)Organized crimeGangsNational securityState of emergencySecurityBreachThreatStandoff SWATScreeningLockdownBomb (squad or threat)CrashLootingRiotEmergency LandingPipe bombIncidentFacilit

Yes, paid lefties and righties have been on the site for years, I am sure, with private and public paymasters.

The gub'mint is aware of what goes on here.
You are asking the wrong question, the question to ask is have the feds ask for any personal info on this site.
You are asking the wrong question, the question to ask is have the feds ask for any personal info on this site.

Under the Bush Administrations's Patriot Act this site is prevented by law from revealing whether the feds have asked for any personal info.

So here is what is the most likely scenario given the nature of this site;

1. Yes the feds have requested personal info.

2. No, you don't have a right to know if the feds are looking into your own personal info.

3. The site admins are prevented from providing you with that information under penalty of the law.​

FYI they will not only be looking for potential threats posed by "foreign terrorists". They will also be monitoring for "domestic terrorists" which would include anyone making threats against elected officials. So if you "high five'd" those stupid remarks by Ted Nugent you might already be a "person of interest".
You are asking the wrong question, the question to ask is have the feds ask for any personal info on this site.

Under the Bush Administrations's Patriot Act this site is prevented by law from revealing whether the feds have asked for any personal info.

So here is what is the most likely scenario given the nature of this site;

1. Yes the feds have requested personal info.

2. No, you don't have a right to know if the feds are looking into your own personal info.

3. The site admins are prevented from providing you with that information under penalty of the law.​

FYI they will not only be looking for potential threats posed by "foreign terrorists". They will also be monitoring for "domestic terrorists" which would include anyone making threats against elected officials. So if you "high five'd" those stupid remarks by Ted Nugent you might already be a "person of interest".

tax dollars being wasted. A bleak thought. out of ??? millions of posts --fewer than 100 that make any sort of sense--that would be my estimate.

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