Diane Feinstein Blames Obstruction Of Justice on 'BRAIN CONGESTION'

She just proved she's just as crooked, just as seditious, just as criminal, and every bit as much of a liar as Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Trzok, Steele, Hillary, and Obama are...
On the Age of Trump -- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”
Yup, Feinstein fessed up to why she committed 'Obstruction', and it had nothing to do with 'Brain Congestion':

Feinstein Confirms Fusion GPS Lawyers Asked For Release Of Testimony Transcript

"California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein told The Daily Caller that Fusion GPS lawyers asked her to release company co-founder Glenn Simpson’s testimony transcript.

She released the testimony Tuesday before consulting with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, which she told TheDC she regrets. Feinstein is the top Democrat on the committee.

“We were written to by the lawyers of the company asking that it be released, and the reason, of course, is because it has been used by rumor and innuendo and falsity so much that the time came for people to see exactly what was said”

She and other criminal snowflakes had no problem using an unsubstantiated document - ' rumor and innuendo and falsity' - to obtain illegal FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during the election and use it to execute their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump - the Mueller Witch Hunt.

Feinstein demonstrated that being a Democrat - according to Democrats / snowflakes - means you are above the law, how you can do whatever you want - even Obstruct justice.

Sessions / the DOJ need to perp-walk her ass, setting an example to the rest of the seditious / treasonous Liberals that Obama is no longer President and all their criminal BS ends now.
Let me get this straight...

She released a classified, confidential conversation because a potential DEFNDANT in a TREASON case asker her to release it?

This is GROSS MISCONDUCT by a sitting senator and potential criminal act to obstruct a criminal investigation. She needs to be relieved of her duties pending ethics review and potential criminal charges. Grassley needs to deny her access to the committee.
What ''justice'' was obstructed by Feinstein releasing unclassified testimony at the company's request?

I'm afraid it is looking like you Trumpsters belong in an insane asylum, just like your cult leader....

or should move to your favorite country, the one you admire most, Russia...who has no problem arresting and locking up political foes for nothing criminal....
Fusion GPS is facing potential Treason charges.. Releasing any confidential interview or transcript is classic Obstruction of Justice. She revealed information that a potential defendant should have no access to during the investigative phase..

She needs to be handcuffed and perp walked.. She told the suspect what to hide and what they know...

They are not facing any treason charges. If anyone were facing treason charges it should be Trump Jr, Manafort and anyone else who attended the meeting with the Russian who was supposed to be giving them dirt on Trump. All she released was the testimony that the Fusion GPS people wanted released publicly. The reason? Because Republicans were leaking portions of it out of context. Now they can't do that anymore. That is why they are mad.
Yup, Feinstein fessed up to why she committed 'Obstruction', and it had nothing to do with 'Brain Congestion':

Feinstein Confirms Fusion GPS Lawyers Asked For Release Of Testimony Transcript

"California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein told The Daily Caller that Fusion GPS lawyers asked her to release company co-founder Glenn Simpson’s testimony transcript.

She released the testimony Tuesday before consulting with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, which she told TheDC she regrets. Feinstein is the top Democrat on the committee.

“We were written to by the lawyers of the company asking that it be released, and the reason, of course, is because it has been used by rumor and innuendo and falsity so much that the time came for people to see exactly what was said”

She and other criminal snowflakes had no problem using an unsubstantiated document - ' rumor and innuendo and falsity' - to obtain illegal FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during the election and use it to execute their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump - the Mueller Witch Hunt.

Feinstein demonstrated that being a Democrat - according to Democrats / snowflakes - means you are above the law, how you can do whatever you want - even Obstruct justice.

Sessions / the DOJ need to perp-walk her ass, setting an example to the rest of the seditious / treasonous Liberals that Obama is no longer President and all their criminal BS ends now.
Let me get this straight...

She released a classified, confidential conversation because a potential DEFNDANT in a TREASON case asker her to release it?

This is GROSS MISCONDUCT by a sitting senator and potential criminal act to obstruct a criminal investigation. She needs to be relieved of her duties pending ethics review and potential criminal charges. Grassley needs to deny her access to the committee.
What ''justice'' was obstructed by Feinstein releasing unclassified testimony at the company's request?

I'm afraid it is looking like you Trumpsters belong in an insane asylum, just like your cult leader....

or should move to your favorite country, the one you admire most, Russia...who has no problem arresting and locking up political foes for nothing criminal....
Fusion GPS is facing potential Treason charges.. Releasing any confidential interview or transcript is classic Obstruction of Justice. She revealed information that a potential defendant should have no access to during the investigative phase..

She needs to be handcuffed and perp walked.. She told the suspect what to hide and what they know...
Oh dear Lord, you've got it bad!!! Trump Fever is making you crazy....

No one committed Treason, for goodness sake! Where did you get that garbage from, and WHY did you believe it? ;)

Fusion GPS was suppose to testify before Congress in a public hearing.... but Fusion GPS did not want to at the time, so congress agreed to have the hearing in private per GPS's request. so to avoid a media circus.

After the hearings were over, GPS requested the testimony be released in print.... and even Grassley said he would release it, when asked by a constituent at a townhall, as long as he got permission from Fusion GPS to do that....

Grassley then decided not to release it, even though GPS gave permission BECAUSE he and other republicans began spreading lies and stories with the right wing press and media about the testimony by taking things completely out of context, and he did not want to get caught in his deceitfulness.

Grassley is a dirty republican establishment weasel. That's a fact!

Feinstein released the testimony at fusion gps's request AFTER CONSULTING with government lawyers, and NOTHING in the testimony was classified, but it sure brought to light the FALSE Republican spin....!!!
Maybe she caught her brain congestion from Maxine just for being within 3 feet of her fumes?

I think it’s safe to say the cause of her brain congestion is from having her head so far up her own ass.
Yup, Feinstein fessed up to why she committed 'Obstruction', and it had nothing to do with 'Brain Congestion':

Feinstein Confirms Fusion GPS Lawyers Asked For Release Of Testimony Transcript

"California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein told The Daily Caller that Fusion GPS lawyers asked her to release company co-founder Glenn Simpson’s testimony transcript.

She released the testimony Tuesday before consulting with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, which she told TheDC she regrets. Feinstein is the top Democrat on the committee.

“We were written to by the lawyers of the company asking that it be released, and the reason, of course, is because it has been used by rumor and innuendo and falsity so much that the time came for people to see exactly what was said”

She and other criminal snowflakes had no problem using an unsubstantiated document - ' rumor and innuendo and falsity' - to obtain illegal FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during the election and use it to execute their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump - the Mueller Witch Hunt.

Feinstein demonstrated that being a Democrat - according to Democrats / snowflakes - means you are above the law, how you can do whatever you want - even Obstruct justice.

Sessions / the DOJ need to perp-walk her ass, setting an example to the rest of the seditious / treasonous Liberals that Obama is no longer President and all their criminal BS ends now.
Let me get this straight...

She released a classified, confidential conversation because a potential DEFNDANT in a TREASON case asker her to release it?

This is GROSS MISCONDUCT by a sitting senator and potential criminal act to obstruct a criminal investigation. She needs to be relieved of her duties pending ethics review and potential criminal charges. Grassley needs to deny her access to the committee.
What ''justice'' was obstructed by Feinstein releasing unclassified testimony at the company's request?

I'm afraid it is looking like you Trumpsters belong in an insane asylum, just like your cult leader....

or should move to your favorite country, the one you admire most, Russia...who has no problem arresting and locking up political foes for nothing criminal....
Fusion GPS is facing potential Treason charges.. Releasing any confidential interview or transcript is classic Obstruction of Justice. She revealed information that a potential defendant should have no access to during the investigative phase..

She needs to be handcuffed and perp walked.. She told the suspect what to hide and what they know...
Oh dear Lord, you've got it bad!!! Trump Fever is making you crazy....

No one committed Treason, for goodness sake! Where did you get that garbage from, and WHY did you believe it? ;)

Fusion GPS was suppose to testify before Congress in a public hearing.... but Fusion GPS did not want to at the time, so congress agreed to have the hearing in private per GPS's request. so to avoid a media circus.

After the hearings were over, GPS requested the testimony be released in print.... and even Grassley said he would release it, when asked by a constituent at a townhall, as long as he got permission from Fusion GPS to do that....

Grassley then decided not to release it, even though GPS gave permission BECAUSE he and other republicans began spreading lies and stories with the right wing press and media about the testimony by taking things completely out of context, and he did not want to get caught in his deceitfulness.

Grassley is a dirty republican establishment weasel. That's a fact!

Feinstein released the testimony at fusion gps's request AFTER CONSULTING with government lawyers, and NOTHING in the testimony was classified, but it sure brought to light the FALSE Republican spin....!!!

If she consulted lawyers then why is she making up a lame excuse about the decision and why did she apologize?
Yup, Feinstein fessed up to why she committed 'Obstruction', and it had nothing to do with 'Brain Congestion':

Feinstein Confirms Fusion GPS Lawyers Asked For Release Of Testimony Transcript

"California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein told The Daily Caller that Fusion GPS lawyers asked her to release company co-founder Glenn Simpson’s testimony transcript.

She released the testimony Tuesday before consulting with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, which she told TheDC she regrets. Feinstein is the top Democrat on the committee.

“We were written to by the lawyers of the company asking that it be released, and the reason, of course, is because it has been used by rumor and innuendo and falsity so much that the time came for people to see exactly what was said”

She and other criminal snowflakes had no problem using an unsubstantiated document - ' rumor and innuendo and falsity' - to obtain illegal FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during the election and use it to execute their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump - the Mueller Witch Hunt.

Feinstein demonstrated that being a Democrat - according to Democrats / snowflakes - means you are above the law, how you can do whatever you want - even Obstruct justice.

Sessions / the DOJ need to perp-walk her ass, setting an example to the rest of the seditious / treasonous Liberals that Obama is no longer President and all their criminal BS ends now.
Let me get this straight...

She released a classified, confidential conversation because a potential DEFNDANT in a TREASON case asker her to release it?

This is GROSS MISCONDUCT by a sitting senator and potential criminal act to obstruct a criminal investigation. She needs to be relieved of her duties pending ethics review and potential criminal charges. Grassley needs to deny her access to the committee.
What ''justice'' was obstructed by Feinstein releasing unclassified testimony at the company's request?

I'm afraid it is looking like you Trumpsters belong in an insane asylum, just like your cult leader....

or should move to your favorite country, the one you admire most, Russia...who has no problem arresting and locking up political foes for nothing criminal....
Fusion GPS is facing potential Treason charges.. Releasing any confidential interview or transcript is classic Obstruction of Justice. She revealed information that a potential defendant should have no access to during the investigative phase..

She needs to be handcuffed and perp walked.. She told the suspect what to hide and what they know...
Oh dear Lord, you've got it bad!!! Trump Fever is making you crazy....

No one committed Treason, for goodness sake! Where did you get that garbage from, and WHY did you believe it? ;)

Fusion GPS was suppose to testify before Congress in a public hearing.... but Fusion GPS did not want to at the time, so congress agreed to have the hearing in private per GPS's request. so to avoid a media circus.

After the hearings were over, GPS requested the testimony be released in print.... and even Grassley said he would release it, when asked by a constituent at a townhall, as long as he got permission from Fusion GPS to do that....

Grassley then decided not to release it, even though GPS gave permission BECAUSE he and other republicans began spreading lies and stories with the right wing press and media about the testimony by taking things completely out of context, and he did not want to get caught in his deceitfulness.

Grassley is a dirty republican establishment weasel. That's a fact!

Feinstein released the testimony at fusion gps's request AFTER CONSULTING with government lawyers, and NOTHING in the testimony was classified, but it sure brought to light the FALSE Republican spin....!!!
Only a snowflake would buy something so incredibly f*ing stupid - uttered by a Democrat - as 'Brain Congestion'...
Yup, Feinstein fessed up to why she committed 'Obstruction', and it had nothing to do with 'Brain Congestion':

Feinstein Confirms Fusion GPS Lawyers Asked For Release Of Testimony Transcript

"California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein told The Daily Caller that Fusion GPS lawyers asked her to release company co-founder Glenn Simpson’s testimony transcript.

She released the testimony Tuesday before consulting with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, which she told TheDC she regrets. Feinstein is the top Democrat on the committee.

“We were written to by the lawyers of the company asking that it be released, and the reason, of course, is because it has been used by rumor and innuendo and falsity so much that the time came for people to see exactly what was said”

She and other criminal snowflakes had no problem using an unsubstantiated document - ' rumor and innuendo and falsity' - to obtain illegal FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate during the election and use it to execute their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump - the Mueller Witch Hunt.

Feinstein demonstrated that being a Democrat - according to Democrats / snowflakes - means you are above the law, how you can do whatever you want - even Obstruct justice.

Sessions / the DOJ need to perp-walk her ass, setting an example to the rest of the seditious / treasonous Liberals that Obama is no longer President and all their criminal BS ends now.

The fact is that Republicans have apparently been leaking the testimony out of context. If Feinstein has created a crime so have Republicans. When are they going to be led off in cuffs? Grassley has abused his authority by trying to get the DOJ to institute a false investigation against Michael Steele. There is no onstruction of justice when Fusion GPS execs expressed their desire to have the transcript made public.
Steel fabricated information in an effort to obtain a FISA warrant by FRAUD... Pull your head out..

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