Did Anglos Steal Thanksgiving?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Did the Anglos steal Thanksgiving? - CNN.com

Who are the Americanos? We are the 50 million U.S. citizens of all skin colors, nationalities and religions who descend from a rich Spanish culture -- a culture that Anglophile academics like Huntington have erased from our history books.

I observed this firsthand while serving on Florida's State Board of Education, overseeing the approval of statewide textbooks. American history books typically ignore the epic northward advance by Spanish pioneers into the southern tier of the United States and fail to discuss the far-reaching contributions of Americanos from our country's inception to its present day.

While Garcia makes some good points one should note that:

1. Other Anglo state histories have been submerged beneath the Yankee mythology as well, such as Virginia being the first colony, not Plymoth, as many think is true today.

2. No one can steal 'Thanksgiving', as it is our holiday to commemorate our debt to the Creator, something that most cultures have done for millenia in various forms. If one can say we stole it from the Spanish because they did it first, then one could just as well say the Romans had it stolen from them, etc back to the Egyptians celebrating such feasts to their gods.

Cant we ever get past the rivalry nonsense and just celebrate the fact that all of us human beings are in debted to God the Creator?
Plymouth was the first successful colony. The Virginia colonists died.

It is a commentary on the American educational system that we do not today know why we celebrate Thanksgiving.

The Harvest Feast occurred every fall after the work of harvesting was done and the people prepared for the winter to come. Likely such celebrations have always occurred to enjoy the fruits of backbreaking labor. Thanksgiving did not become a holiday until Abraham Lincoln proclaimed it so to give Thanks that the union was preserved.

Everything else is a nice story.
Perhaps we SHOULD oppose Thanksgiving, as a statement that we would have been better off had the union not been preserved.
Plymouth was the first successful colony. The Virginia colonists died.


Massachusetts played a significant historical, cultural, and commercial role in American history. Plymouth was the second permanent English settlement in North America,..

The first English settlers in Massachusetts, the Pilgrims, established their settlement at Plymouth in 1620

Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The London Company was incorporated as a joint stock company by the proprietary Charter of 1606, which granted land rights to this area. The Company financed the first permanent English settlement in the "New World", Jamestown. Named for King James I, it was founded in May 1607 by Christopher Newport.

Colony of Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh sent his first colonization mission to the island of Roanoke (in present-day North Carolina). This was the first English settlement, although it did not survive, it was a military research expedition with a very narrow focus.

It is a commentary on the American educational system that we do not today know why we celebrate Thanksgiving.

The Harvest Feast occurred every fall after the work of harvesting was done and the people prepared for the winter to come. Likely such celebrations have always occurred to enjoy the fruits of backbreaking labor. Thanksgiving did not become a holiday until Abraham Lincoln proclaimed it so to give Thanks that the union was preserved.

Everything else is a nice story.

Plymouth was the first successful colony. The Virginia colonists died.

Massachusetts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Massachusetts played a significant historical, cultural, and commercial role in American history. Plymouth was the second permanent English settlement in North America,..

The first English settlers in Massachusetts, the Pilgrims, established their settlement at Plymouth in 1620

Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Colony of Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh sent his first colonization mission to the island of Roanoke (in present-day North Carolina). This was the first English settlement, although it did not survive, it was a military research expedition with a very narrow focus.

It is a commentary on the American educational system that we do not today know why we celebrate Thanksgiving.

The Harvest Feast occurred every fall after the work of harvesting was done and the people prepared for the winter to come. Likely such celebrations have always occurred to enjoy the fruits of backbreaking labor. Thanksgiving did not become a holiday until Abraham Lincoln proclaimed it so to give Thanks that the union was preserved.

Everything else is a nice story.


Wikipedia isn't the best source for information.
Yet, you just can't get away from the fact that the Virginial colony all died! To the last one, unless the last few just wandered off.
Yet, you just can't get away from the fact that the Virginial colony all died! To the last one, unless the last few just wandered off.

The first Virginia colony was established in the late 1500's and did die off, but Jamestown, which was established in the early 1600's did not doe off.
The Indians taught the White people how to survive in America. The Indians showed them what plants
to plant, which ones would be best to eat, and where to go to hunt wild Turkey and other game.
They helped them survive through the winters.

Then more European whites came over, wanted more of the Indians land and food, murdered the Indians on some insane treaty that the Indians never really agreed to, took their land and continued the
process over the next 150 years.

Is this what you white people are celebrating?, the systematic murder and deceit of a race of people?
give me a break, I am part Indian, and I don't celebrate thanksgiving.
Its bad enoguh thath the State of Massachusettes stole the man name " Massasoit".
The Indians taught the White people how to survive in America. The Indians showed them what plants
to plant, which ones would be best to eat, and where to go to hunt wild Turkey and other game.
They helped them survive through the winters.

True enough, but the below diatribe is simply a modern myth and a slander on our country.

Then more European whites came over, wanted more of the Indians land and food, murdered the Indians on some insane treaty that the Indians never really agreed to, took their land and continued the
process over the next 150 years.

That is simply the biggest load of horse shit I have read since graduating from college.

1. Europeans generally had to make agreements with Amerindians because had the Amerindian tribes united the Europeans would have been swept off the continent prior to 1750 or so.

2. Treaties were broken by BOTH sides from time to time, but the first deliberate betrayals and violations of agreements were done by Amerindians in Virginia and Massachussettes. In both cases some of the tribes of Amerindians pretended to be friendly, got inside town security and then slaughtered people unexpectedly. Of course, people dont h ere much of that in these politically correct times.

3. Many Amerinidan tribes kept their agreements and still live in east coast states like Virginia, and the Amerindians are more numerous today than they were when Columbus landed, and tens of millions more have mixed European and Amerindian ancestry.

Is this what you white people are celebrating?,

No, we celebrate God's blessing and our nations growth.

the systematic murder and deceit of a race of people?


give me a break, I am part Indian, and I don't celebrate thanksgiving.

Yeah and I am part Amerindian too and you have no idea what happened because you believe everything the reigning culture wants you to think.

Please, go grow a brain.

Its bad enoguh thath the State of Massachusettes stole the man name " Massasoit".
The Indians taught the White people how to survive in America. The Indians showed them what plants
to plant, which ones would be best to eat, and where to go to hunt wild Turkey and other game.
They helped them survive through the winters.

True enough, but the below diatribe is simply a modern myth and a slander on our country.

Then more European whites came over, wanted more of the Indians land and food, murdered the Indians on some insane treaty that the Indians never really agreed to, took their land and continued the
process over the next 150 years.

That is simply the biggest load of horse shit I have read since graduating from college.

1. Europeans generally had to make agreements with Amerindians because had the Amerindian tribes united the Europeans would have been swept off the continent prior to 1750 or so.

2. Treaties were broken by BOTH sides from time to time, but the first deliberate betrayals and violations of agreements were done by Amerindians in Virginia and Massachussettes. In both cases some of the tribes of Amerindians pretended to be friendly, got inside town security and then slaughtered people unexpectedly. Of course, people dont h ere much of that in these politically correct times.

3. Many Amerinidan tribes kept their agreements and still live in east coast states like Virginia, and the Amerindians are more numerous today than they were when Columbus landed, and tens of millions more have mixed European and Amerindian ancestry.

No, we celebrate God's blessing and our nations growth.


give me a break, I am part Indian, and I don't celebrate thanksgiving.

Yeah and I am part Amerindian too and you have no idea what happened because you believe everything the reigning culture wants you to think.

Please, go grow a brain.

Its bad enoguh thath the State of Massachusettes stole the man name " Massasoit".

The Indians medicine man saw into the future, and saw that the white people were after
all of the Indian land, thats why they initiated a preemptive strike against the white trator
European land stealers.
White people had planed all along to take the Indians land.Regardles of what treaties that were signed.
the thanksgiving we celebrate really has nothing to do with the pilgrims or indians.. that is just marketing propoganda.......

prior to the civil war, "thanksgivings" were often declared at state at local levels thru out the year in many states when an area had endured a particularly trying time......

after the civil war, lincoln wanted to help unify the north and south, so he declared a national thanksgiving...

it was until later that the pigrims and indian story was added......
The Indians taught the White people how to survive in America. The Indians showed them what plants
to plant, which ones would be best to eat, and where to go to hunt wild Turkey and other game.
They helped them survive through the winters.

Then more European whites came over, wanted more of the Indians land and food, murdered the Indians on some insane treaty that the Indians never really agreed to, took their land and continued the
process over the next 150 years.

Is this what you white people are celebrating?, the systematic murder and deceit of a race of people?
give me a break, I am part Indian, and I don't celebrate thanksgiving.
Its bad enoguh thath the State of Massachusettes stole the man name " Massasoit".

Ah ha, so you are part Indian eh? I thought you said you were pure black and an afrocentric who only wants Blacks to stay together? you are so full of shit.
The Indians taught the White people how to survive in America. The Indians showed them what plants
to plant, which ones would be best to eat, and where to go to hunt wild Turkey and other game.
They helped them survive through the winters.

True enough, but the below diatribe is simply a modern myth and a slander on our country.

That is simply the biggest load of horse shit I have read since graduating from college.

1. Europeans generally had to make agreements with Amerindians because had the Amerindian tribes united the Europeans would have been swept off the continent prior to 1750 or so.

2. Treaties were broken by BOTH sides from time to time, but the first deliberate betrayals and violations of agreements were done by Amerindians in Virginia and Massachussettes. In both cases some of the tribes of Amerindians pretended to be friendly, got inside town security and then slaughtered people unexpectedly. Of course, people dont h ere much of that in these politically correct times.

3. Many Amerinidan tribes kept their agreements and still live in east coast states like Virginia, and the Amerindians are more numerous today than they were when Columbus landed, and tens of millions more have mixed European and Amerindian ancestry.

No, we celebrate God's blessing and our nations growth.


Yeah and I am part Amerindian too and you have no idea what happened because you believe everything the reigning culture wants you to think.

Please, go grow a brain.

Its bad enoguh thath the State of Massachusettes stole the man name " Massasoit".

The Indians medicine man saw into the future, and saw that the white people were after
all of the Indian land, thats why they initiated a preemptive strike against the white trator
European land stealers.
White people had planed all along to take the Indians land.Regardles of what treaties that were signed.

You're an idjit.
Why are any of you believing this Garcia guy, when he doesn't even know how many are in this country?

50 million? Try over 312 million.
The people who usually post anti-white, anti-Thanksgiving, are usually the ones who enjoy getting the paid holiday and eating turkey and all the fixins with the family. And what's the point? It IS history, as in ancient history, we can't change it.

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