Did Bush Admin. lie us into Iraq - GWB's CIA Briefer: "On some aspects."


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
On some aspects?
Are you kidding me?

Bush CIA Deputy Director Admits We Were Lied Into Iraq War

Host Chris Matthews asked Morell [ex-CIA Deputy Director (and Acting Director) under George W. Bush, Michael Morrell] about a statement Cheney made in 2003: "We know he [Saddam Hussein] has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." Here's the conversation that followed:

MATTHEWS: Was that true?
MORELL: We were saying—
MATTHEWS: Can you answer that question? Was that true?
MORELL: That's not true.
MATTHEWS: Well, why'd you let them get away with it?
MORELL: Look, my job Chris—
MATTHEWS: You're the briefer for the president on intelligence, you're the top person to go in and tell him what's going on. You see Cheney make this charge he's got a nuclear bomb and then they make subsequent charges he knew how to deliver it…and nobody raised their hand and said, "No that's not what we told him."
MORELL: Chris, Chris Chris, what's my job, right? My job—
MATTHEWS: To tell the truth.
MORELL: My job—no, as the briefer? As the briefer?
MATTHEWS: Okay, go ahead.
MORELL: As the briefer, my job is to carry CIA's best information and best analysis to the president of the United States and make sure he understands it. My job is to not watch what they're saying on TV.
The discussion went on:
MATTHEWS: So you're briefing the president on the reasons for war, they're selling the war, using your stuff, saying you made that case when you didn't. So they're using your credibility to make the case for war dishonestly, as you just admitted.
MORELL: Look, I'm just telling you—
MATTHEWS: You just admitted it.
MORELL: I'm just telling you what we said—

MATTHEWS: They gave a false presentation of what you said to them.
MORELL: On some aspects. On some aspects.

Morell would know all about lying....eh?

Would-Be Hillary Campaign Adviser Lied About CIA’s Role Editing Benghazi Talking Points

Catherine Herridge of Fox News is all over new evidence that former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morrell was responsible for editing the Benghazi talking points, while attempting to blame the FBI.

As President Obama continues to cling to revisionist history about his administration’s PR campaign to downplay the “self-evident” terrorist attack(which the White House was notified of within hours), and to spin the organized raid on the diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya as a protest that took place due to a YouTube video, the testimony of the #2 diplomat in Libya at the time Gregory Hicks and surveillance camera footage fly in the face of such assertions.

Now it appears that the Obama administration is still trying to hold on to that false narrative, which was trotted out to mislead the American people ahead of a fairly closely contested election. The president had made a statement at the DNC convention that al Qaeda was “on the path to defeat.”
Reminds me of Obama's healthcare architect, Jonathon Gruber's comment stating that the passing of Obamacre was dependent upon the "stupidity of the American people".
I watched this interview and when the guy said "thats not true" I hit the roof. So instead of letting people know we were being lied into a war he determined that his job was more important.

Trillions of dollars later, thousands of lives affected and he gets on TV with "my bad"

Shit, he didnt even say my bad, he just got caught
Reminds me of Obama's healthcare architect, Jonathon Gruber's comment stating that the passing of Obamacre was dependent upon the "stupidity of the American people".

Bush and Cheney were not misled by flawed intelligence; they used the flawed intelligence to mislead.

Are you going to at least try-----try to debunk what Michael Morrell said on Hardball with Chris Matthews or-----or are you just going to continue to whine and do the cowardly thing and try to change the subject? I'd be LMAO @U if the subject of this thread hadn't cost

trillions of dollars

millions of displaced persons

hundreds of thousands of wounded and dead

plus the extraneous cost to


the overwhelmed VA system that Republicans refuse to fully fund

plus, plus, plus...

What wasteful spenders Republicans are.

...issued by the intelligence officer who briefed Bush and Cheney: The Bush White House made a "false presentation" on "some aspects" of the case for war. "That's a big deal," Matthews exclaimed. Morell replied, "It's a big deal."

And there's more. Referring to the claims made by Bush, Cheney, and other administration officials that Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda, Morell noted, "What they were saying about the link between Iraq and Al Qaeda publicly was not what the intelligence community" had concluded. He added, "I think they were trying to make a stronger case for the war." That is, stronger than the truth would allow.

Morell's remarks support the basic charge: Bush and Cheney were not misled by flawed intelligence; they used the flawed intelligence to mislead.

What the F--K, who gives a shit! Let this historians wrestle with this one based on evidence that has yet to be released. Lets talk about the real current world and stop detracting from the realities and failures of the past 6.5 years, nothing more than the bait and switch crap we have had shoved down our throats shall we!
The left wants to distract attention from the failures directly attributed to the current administration and his fellow travelers, don't fall prey! I must admit its just another great scam.
What the F--K, who gives a shit! Let this historians wrestle with this one based on evidence that has yet to be released. Lets talk about the real current world and stop detracting from the realities and failures of the past 6.5 years, nothing more than the bait and switch crap we have had shoved down our throats shall we!
The left wants to distract attention from the failures directly attributed to the current administration and his fellow travelers, don't fall prey! I must admit its just another great scam.

"If you're a Republican right now you're no doubt wishing we could talk about something else, but failing that... " ~ Paul Waldman

Nope you're wrong, dead as an Iraqi war victim wrong.

Right now, we have Republican candidates for POTUS running around the country trying to reinvent the clusterfuck the Bush administration created, but... George W. Bush didn't just lie about the Iraq War. What he did was much worse

May 20, 2015

None of the conservatives running for president want to be associated with the last Republican president — not even his brother (for whom stepping away is rather complicated). After all, George W. Bush left office with an approval rating hovering in the low 30s, and his grandest project was the gigantic catastrophe of the Iraq War, which we're still dealing with and still debating. If you're a Republican right now you're no doubt wishing we could talk about something else, but failing that, you'd like the issue framed in a particular way: The war was an honest mistake, nobody lied to the public, and anything bad that's happening now is Barack Obama's fault.

For the moment I want to focus on the part about the lies. I've found over the years that conservatives who supported the war get particularly angry at the assertion that Bush lied us into war. No, they'll insist, it wasn't his fault: There was mistaken intelligence, he took that intelligence in good faith, and presented what he believed to be true at the time. It's the George Costanza defense : It's not a lie if you believe it.


And each and every time the message was the same: If we didn't wage war, Iraq was going to attack the United States homeland with its enormous arsenal of ghastly weapons, and who knows how many Americans would perish. When you actually spell it out like that it sounds almost comical, but that was the Bush administration's assertion, repeated hundreds upon hundreds of time to a public still skittish in the wake of September 11. (Remember, the campaign for the war began less than a year after the September 11 attacks.)


The intelligence wasn't "mistaken," as the Bush administration's defenders would have us believe today. The intelligence was a mass of contradictions and differing interpretations. The administration picked out the parts that they wanted — supported, unsupported, plausible, absurd, it didn't matter — and used them in their campaign to turn up Americans' fear.

This is one of the many sins for which Bush and those who supported him ought to spend a lifetime atoning. He looked out at the American public and decided that the way to get what he wanted was to terrify them. If he could convince them that any day now their children would die a horrible death, that they and everything they knew would be turned to radioactive ash, and that the only chance of averting this fate was to say yes to him, then he could have his war. Lies were of no less value than truth, so long as they both created enough fear.

And it worked.
On some aspects?
Are you kidding me?

Bush CIA Deputy Director Admits We Were Lied Into Iraq War

Host Chris Matthews asked Morell [ex-CIA Deputy Director (and Acting Director) under George W. Bush, Michael Morrell] about a statement Cheney made in 2003: "We know he [Saddam Hussein] has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." Here's the conversation that followed:

MATTHEWS: Was that true?
MORELL: We were saying—
MATTHEWS: Can you answer that question? Was that true?
MORELL: That's not true.
MATTHEWS: Well, why'd you let them get away with it?
MORELL: Look, my job Chris—
MATTHEWS: You're the briefer for the president on intelligence, you're the top person to go in and tell him what's going on. You see Cheney make this charge he's got a nuclear bomb and then they make subsequent charges he knew how to deliver it…and nobody raised their hand and said, "No that's not what we told him."
MORELL: Chris, Chris Chris, what's my job, right? My job—
MATTHEWS: To tell the truth.
MORELL: My job—no, as the briefer? As the briefer?
MATTHEWS: Okay, go ahead.
MORELL: As the briefer, my job is to carry CIA's best information and best analysis to the president of the United States and make sure he understands it. My job is to not watch what they're saying on TV.
The discussion went on:
MATTHEWS: So you're briefing the president on the reasons for war, they're selling the war, using your stuff, saying you made that case when you didn't. So they're using your credibility to make the case for war dishonestly, as you just admitted.
MORELL: Look, I'm just telling you—
MATTHEWS: You just admitted it.
MORELL: I'm just telling you what we said—

MATTHEWS: They gave a false presentation of what you said to them.
MORELL: On some aspects. On some aspects.


We all know Bush/Chaney lied us into Iraq and Chaney's company Haloburton/Blackwater made a killing. Well heads up everyone because Erik Prince is back

Another Donald Trump-Russia contact: Eric Prince met with Russian sources just before inauguration

The brother of Betsy DeVos was talking to Russia recently, while Carter Page was talking to Russia a few years ago

OMG I had no idea he was Betsy's brother??? This shit goes deeper than I thought. The DeVos family has been fucking this country up for a lot longer than I thought. I remember Dick DeVos tried to be Governor of Michigan and we said FUCK NO to him. But then Betsy gives a lot of money to Republicans and all of the sudden she's running the Department of Education? Wow.

Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel


this shit again?

are you running out of steam on shit to be outraged with Trump over?

we had intel that Iraq had WMD & planned to use them - this intel came from several countries

making a decision based on info you have at the time is not a lie

but I like this distraction, we still have Obamacare repeal, tax cuts & a wall to build - FORWARD!

this shit again?

are you running out of steam on shit to be outraged with Trump over?

we had intel that Iraq had WMD & planned to use them - this intel came from several countries

making a decision based on info you have at the time is not a lie

but I like this distraction, we still have Obamacare repeal, tax cuts & a wall to build - FORWARD!
Liar. But we've already discussed that ad nauseum. The point I want to make here is how Trump is now in bed with Haloburton/Blackwater the same way Bush was. And I didn't know Betsy Devos was related to Erik Prince. Did you? Scary shit.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky Calls for Investigation Into Trump’s Ties to Blackwater Founder Erik Prince
That's what you said about Chaney haloburton blackwater and now we see Erik prince is related to Betsy devos. What this tells us is that our government is doing a lot for the rich because the rich own our government. Betsy gets to ruin the Dept of education and Erik prince makes billions off these wars and now we see Erik has Russian ties
That's what you said about Chaney haloburton blackwater and now we see Erik prince is related to Betsy devos. What this tells us is that our government is doing a lot for the rich because the rich own our government. Betsy gets to ruin the Dept of education and Erik prince makes billions off these wars and now we see Erik has Russian ties
You guys have been beating that dead Haliburton horse for how many years now? Time to find another conspiracy theory to latch onto.
Reminds me of Obama's healthcare architect, Jonathon Gruber's comment stating that the passing of Obamacre was dependent upon the "stupidity of the American people".
Yes, but he was referring to Obama supporters, then they defended Obama for thinking that they were stupid. Lol
That's what you said about Chaney haloburton blackwater and now we see Erik prince is related to Betsy devos. What this tells us is that our government is doing a lot for the rich because the rich own our government. Betsy gets to ruin the Dept of education and Erik prince makes billions off these wars and now we see Erik has Russian ties
You guys have been beating that dead Haliburton horse for how many years now? Time to find another conspiracy theory to latch onto.
Turns out now that Republicans are back so is Erik prince. He's your Soros or one of them.

Better than Benghazi
That's what you said about Chaney haloburton blackwater and now we see Erik prince is related to Betsy devos. What this tells us is that our government is doing a lot for the rich because the rich own our government. Betsy gets to ruin the Dept of education and Erik prince makes billions off these wars and now we see Erik has Russian ties
You guys have been beating that dead Haliburton horse for how many years now? Time to find another conspiracy theory to latch onto.
Turns out now that Republicans are back so is Erik prince. He's your Soros or one of them.

Better than Benghazi
Whatever, man. Far out.

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