Did Carson lie about his relationship with Mannatech?

go get'em , knock Carson down a few notches . I'll appreciate the work you do Jimh !! Spread the news or rumors , spin , whatever it is far and wide . ----- Go Trump !!
please tell me "Mannatech" is not a play on manna to appeal to thumpers :eusa_pray: who would think carson would approve of that *cough* "supplement" since he claims to be a thumper as well
Didn't Ben think that people would actually look into his assertion? He said he has no "involvement" with the company and yet he has made commercials and many endorsements of the products/ Ben, I expected better from you.
This is one of the questions republicans are mad about form the debate. They are mad because the moderator called out a blatant lie. Same with the other candidates. They want the moderators to just smile and nod.
please tell me "Mannatech" is not a play on manna to appeal to thumpers :eusa_pray: who would think carson would approve of that *cough* "supplement" since he claims to be a thumper as well

Unfortunately, it is.

Didn't Ben think that people would actually look into his assertion? He said he has no "involvement" with the company and yet he has made commercials and many endorsements of the products/ Ben, I expected better from you.

In addition to the egregiousness of the lie, there's the lack of sophistication about how "that Internet thing" works. Neither mendacity nor naivete are qualities a rational person would want in the Leader of the Free World.
please tell me "Mannatech" is not a play on manna to appeal to thumpers :eusa_pray: who would think carson would approve of that *cough* "supplement" since he claims to be a thumper as well

Unfortunately, it is.

Didn't Ben think that people would actually look into his assertion? He said he has no "involvement" with the company and yet he has made commercials and many endorsements of the products/ Ben, I expected better from you.

In addition to the egregiousness of the lie, there's the lack of sophistication about how "that Internet thing" works. Neither mendacity nor naivete are qualities a rational person would want in the Leader of the Free World.
fleecing thumpers. How christian of Carson :rofl:
Here Are 7 Crazy Things Ben Carson Said In One Speech To Quack Mannatech Group - The Daily Banter

“I actually toyed with the idea of not having surgery done…But then I began to realize that having a high profile, that if I did that, a lot of other people might follow that example, too, but they may not be quite as diligent about taking the product as I was, and there would be a lot of needless deaths, and I didn’t feel as though I could have that on my conscience. So I went ahead and had the surgery done.”
<much more>
If he does get the nomination, he can expect to have to answer that question again. This time, the videos, commercials, and stump speeches will definitely be ready......just a total lie....
hey lib- did bill lie? did hillary lie? did teddy lie? yes to all three. Focus on the true proven liars in your own party first libtard; then worry about if a con is lying. Carson has more character in his pinky than in obamas body.
Adding to the "Carson is a liar" category of news, nobody who knew Carson as a teenager can remember the supposedly violent past he talks about. Everyone recalls him as quite gentle. Carson appears to be doing that fundie thing where you score brownie points by lying about how demonic you were before you found Jesus.

CNN: Ben Carson's Ex-Classmates Cast Doubt On His Tales Of A Violent Past

Naturally, Carson is refusing to address it, calling it another liberal conspiracy against him, and his eternal-victim fans will eat it up.

Carson also thinks Joseph (of the coat of many colors) had the pyramids built to store grain. He gave a speech on that in 1998, and just confirmed that he still thinks that.

Carson Confirms He Believes Pyramids Were Built To Store Grain

Why is that a problem? There's mildly stupid, which is forgivable, and there's bonehead stupid, which is not. Carson is the latter. Possessing minimal common sense would tell a person that making almost entirely solid pyramids would be an insanely stupid way to make a granary. Carson lacked that minimal common sense, and still lacks it.

Also, the pyramids were finished by 2450BC, and Bible chronology (all we have, as there's no historical evidence for Joseph) dates the Joseph story to 1876BC. But if you're Carson, such a 600 year error can be explained by simply declaring all the archaeologists are wrong. Carson is one of those personalities who is pathologically incapable of admitting error. That's okay for a surgeon, as someone has to be the confident absolute boss there, but it's a quality you don't want in a president.
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hey lib- did bill lie? did hillary lie? did teddy lie? yes to all three. Focus on the true proven liars in your own party first libtard; then worry about if a con is lying. Carson has more character in his pinky than in obamas body.

Can't wait for the DNC commercials featuring Caron's statement superimposed over his testimonials of what a miracle drug the company produces. Nice Deflection, by the way.....

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