Did Ivanka Trump Commit Perjury?

It's looking that way.

Accusing someone of being a liar with an avatar of Ilhan Omar. America hater.

Obviously this fool is into sibling love making...................Plus goats for side action

Synthaholic sounds like she gave her opinion when asked...like she said

y’all are just the fish eating the propagandist click bait
Hillary's husband cited the statute of limitations when a credible victim accused him of rape. Hillary wasn't sworn in but she must have known about Bill's sodomy/pizza parties with an intern barely older than her daughter when she stood in front of the cameras in a ludicrous defense of her husband. Republicans weren't as bloodthirsty and vindictive as lefties seem to be today so they let it slide.

Really Synth? You want to lock up a woman because you think she help plan a party? Do you understand what a fascist is----and that is america?
During a December 1 deposition—in which she swore to tell the truth—Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of Donald Trump who was an executive at the Trump Organization before becoming a White House adviser to her father, was asked if she had any “involvement in the process of planning the inauguration.” She replied, “I really didn’t have an involvement.” Ivanka testified that if her “opinion was solicited” regarding an inauguration event, she “would give feedback to my father or to anyone who asked my perspective or opinion.” And that was as far as her participation went.

But this wasn’t accurate, according to the documents, which indicate she was part of the decision-making for various aspects of the inauguration, including even the menus for events.

One email chain shows that Ivanka Trump was directly involved in the planning of at least one proposed event for the inauguration. On November 29, 2016, Rick Gates, then the deputy chairman of the Presidential Inauguration Committee (known as the PIC), emailed her the current schedule of inauguration events. He noted that Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a lead producer working with the PIC, “is going to call you to discuss some additional ideas she has about some other events that we would like to see if you would be willing to do based on our meetings.” Ivanka replied to Gates and Winston Wolkoff, “Great. I am looping in my assistant Suzie who can coordinate a time for us to connect.”

A few days later, Winston Wolkoff sent a long “Dear Ivanka and Jared” email to Ivanka Trump and her husband. She thanked them for “our meeting yesterday” and presented them with a “high-level summary” of the inauguration plans “for your review.” This was a detailed report on the assorted events and themes being created for Trump’s inauguration. The “overarching strategic objective,” she reported, was “reinforcing” the theme “With the People: Making America Great.” She laid out “key” messages, including “Our greatest strength is our people” and “Americans deserve to be heard, and their government needs to listen.” She noted that in their recent meeting, she and Ivanka Trump had discussed how to include Donald Trump’s “constituency” in the events, and Winston Wolkoff referred to proposals for doing so. This included inviting “families from all 50 states to attend official functions” and provide them “Airfare. Accommodations. Hair & makeup.”
Wow, she picked what was on the menu and you want to throw her in jail.

Jesus you people are hopeless.
i didn't hear you scum demonRATS bitch when hit-lery traded AMERICAN service members lives for weapons...that's treason
so is using a unsecured server for government business, that's another TRAITOR move by one of the scum clintons...and then LYING about it...that's perjury...but hey, your sick mind is delusional
but yet, scum demonRATS didn't say anything about that, why? denial?

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