Zone1 Did Jesus really say or imply that most people don't make it to Heaven?


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Well, I have read the entire Bible-- the most reliable version thereof on the Planet. And yes, he did say such

Here is Mt 7:14 (from Bible Gateway)

Matthew 7:14​

New International Version (this is NOT the version I have read but 90% of the time, there are no serious differences)

14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Then there is Luke 13:24

New International Version​

24 “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.

The Douay Rheims version that I have read 1 1/2 times says (I am fairly certain)

many will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough

that is a better way to say it because it takes an awful lot to fight

the world
the flesh
and the devil

all formidable foes, all too strong for a human being without Christ--without HIS True Church

His words and his bibles are all subject to revision, to suit the current situation. It's the kind of stuff that new denominations are made of, when adjustments aren't made.
His words and his bibles are all subject to revision, to suit the current situation. It's the kind of stuff that new denominations are made of, when adjustments aren't made.

The Truth is verifiable through experience as well as through written Words. that's not to say that the Bible is merely written words. I say it is God's Word. Can I prove that to atheists? No... but at least I -- not usually them-- have read it
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
And yes, he did say such

the last of the quote is a forgery - 4th century christian bible ...

the religion of antiquity, parable of noah - both will be the culmination of not an individual but all humanity - being the same - that will render the concluding final judgement.
the last of the quote is a forgery - 4th century christian bible ...

the religion of antiquity, parable of noah - both will be the culmination of not an individual but all humanity - being the same - that will render the concluding final judgement.

typical liberal BS

put out some stupid stuff that only something like 1% of the population believes in

provide ZERO proof

and Voila!

you think that at least some of the less intelligent among us will believe it!

And what a deal! I get to be thought of as "too wise to believe in Jesus!"

Did Jesus really say or imply that most people don't make it to Heaven?​

Matthew 7:14: The verses leading up to Verse 14 (Enter through the narrow gate) were addressing living one's present life, not the afterlife. It is reminiscent of a Greek philosophy that was known about five hundred years before the time of Christ. Epicharmus (Plato once described his as the Prince of Comedy) told knaves to stop desiring a soft life because that way too often leads to disaster. Robert Frost said taking the road less traveled makes all the difference.

Jesus was teaching kingdom living in this life--he said it was in the reach of everyone, not just the rich. The poor were equally able to live the Way of God, loving God, loving their fellow man. That's the narrow way that few find. Instead, people were judging others, finding splinters in others' eyes while ignoring the wooden beam in their own. Jesus said to be prayerful, and to look for the good God gives us. Treat others as you desire to be treated. That is the narrow way. The broad way is going through life judging and complaining. (After verse 14, Jesus is still talking about the present life.)

When we wake up each day, do we approach the new day through the narrow gate, the hard way, the road less traveled?

Did Jesus really say or imply that most people don't make it to Heaven?​

Matthew 7:14: The verses leading up to Verse 14 (Enter through the narrow gate) were addressing living one's present life, not the afterlife.
Are you insane?

Jesus came to help us get into Heaven. He virtually does not care about this life except on THOSE terms!

I didn't read beyond this first sentence because it sounds just loony tunes...

Did Jesus really say or imply that most people don't make it to Heaven?​

Luke 13:24 - Again Jesus focuses on present day life, noting how hard it is to follow his teachings. The seed he sows needs fertile ground to grow and to produce good fruit. This returns us to loving God so much that we are obedient to Him; to loving our fellowman every bit as much as we love ourselves--that we treat everyone the way we would like to be treated. This is hard work indeed. I believe it was St. Therese who phrased by saying no matter what the task, how small, how onerous or frustrating, do it with love.

How loving are we in heavy traffic? When we must wait twenty minutes to be heard or waited on? If we are judgmental or impatient, we missed the narrow door to kingdom living in that moment. Easier to be grumpy and impatient.

Did Jesus really say or imply that most people don't make it to Heaven?​

Luke 13:24 - Again Jesus focuses on present day life, noting how hard it is to follow his teachings.

You seem to be living for this world alone.

Jesus is all about getting to the next one. And He made tht very clear. It's not that He said Forget about this life. And yes, we are to be "loving"... whatever that means anymore. But the whole reason we are to follow His Commands is this:

Heaven is not like this nasty place called Earth. And if your life is not "nasty" a lot of the time, then maybe you are not following Jesus very well? He said tht we would be "hated by all" because of Him.
Jesus taught about living an eternal life--on that we enter into present day and it extends into eternity. Eternal life is not just the afterlife.
Sometimes a person has to CHOOSE which one it will be!

(Maybe more than Sometimes... )

This is why it is called the Narrow Way... It is NOT easy choosing a world we know little to nothing about. Then again, it gets easier to do that as you go along... this world being so snarky and unattractive and all.

Very few people follow Christ anymore..

therefore... This world is just a higher level of Hell
Heaven is not like this nasty place called Earth. And if your life is not "nasty" a lot of the time, then maybe you are not following Jesus very well? He said tht we would be "hated by all" because of Him.
Was Jesus hated by all? Not by a long shot. Jesus' Way and Kingdom living is not via the wide open gate, so it is hard, narrow way. However, in addition, it is the blessed way. I don't consider anything God blesses as nasty. It may be hard...nasty, no.
boo hoo.. what a loss

Wahhh... somebody isn't listening to every word I--Meriweather-- say!

Why should I when the first part doesn't even make sense?
You misunderstand. Note, I did not address you, I simply entered the thread. You have made it clear nothing I say is good enough for you, so I expected no response and nodded in agreement you should ignore anything further I might say on the thread topic.

Others may feel the same, but I chose to enter the discussion in case there was another interested chatting about different perspectives.
Very few people follow Christ anymore..

therefore... This world is just a higher level of Hell
I don't see it that way. I see Christ/a Divine spark in others. That comes from loving God and loving others.

Being critical and judgmental of others is life in that higher level of hell.
Was Jesus hated by all? Not by a long shot. Jesus' Way and Kingdom living is not via the wide open gate, so it is hard, narrow way. However, in addition, it is the blessed way. I don't consider anything God blesses as nasty. It may be hard...nasty, no.
So since Jesus was not hated by all, Him saying that WE his followers will be is

what? a false interpretation of Scrpture? !

Is that what you're saying? So you just pick and choose what parts of the Word you will accept and which ones you won't? How unCatholic of you.

Why do I want to say

That's the novus ordo for ya, Everyone!


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