Did Katie Hobbs legit win Arizona?

No. And we are not relying on nutcases like Lin Wood (ugh) and Sidney Powell this time. There will be no bloviated promises like "kraken" with Kari Lake. The lawyers behind the scenes are doing their work quietly, but methodically.

The Dems should be very nervous about that.

And even more so: we are praying people, and God hates liars.
The next 3-4 weeks will be explosive, right?
Winning the House and beating down the likes of Beta and the Georgian Fatfuck, is more than enough winning for me.

I'm still giddy :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Let the investigations into the biden crime family begin.

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Normally I enjoy his special kind of sarcastic humor but this one is more serious and he raises quite a few points worth saying "how did Katie Hobbs win"?

Like I wasn't aware kati Hobbs was in charge of the election she was running in.

yeah she legit won and the easter bunny and tooth fairy are for real as well.
Unfortunately, there is no law requiring a Secretary of State to step down while running for higher office.

Republicans had no problem when Brian Kemp did the same thing in Georgia
Buy Kemp is not in the party of known election fraudsters.
Maricopa Co is a disaster. If it happened to Democrats they would be crying down the moon over "voter suppression"
Yes, like I always say 'flip the script' on these stories. If Trump were in charge of elections, they'd all be screaming like stuck pigs.
Yes, like I always say 'flip the script' on these stories. If Trump were in charge of elections, they'd all be screaming like stuck pigs.
Well, yeah because presidents aren't supposed to be in charge of elections. You really haven't thought this through, have you? I mean, we'd be just as upset if Biden was in charge of elections.

If you were rational and honest, you'd talk about what policies Hobbs pushed that were supposedly cheating, instead of just attacking the person like a blind partisan hack.

So, give it a try. Tell us what specific policies Hobbs instituted that tilted the scales to her.

Any of your Trump cult sore-losers, feel free to do the same. Just make sure you back up your BS. No unsourced claims, no "I heard this", no quoting deranged conspiracy loons as a source.

Needless to say, I don't think any Trump cultist will be up to that challenge. They never have been before. If they can't cut and paste from a conspiracy blog, they're helpless.
Katie Hobbs won shit.

That POS stole the election from American voters in AZ and from Kari Lake!

Hobbs was running the election herself!

Like this other monster said:

Those "Voting machines" breaking down in Repub districts sure stinks.


Normally I enjoy his special kind of sarcastic humor but this one is more serious and he raises quite a few points worth saying "how did Katie Hobbs win"?

Like I wasn't aware kati Hobbs was in charge of the election she was running in.

Katie Hobbs won because Kari Lake was an awful candidate.
I say she takes it to Twitter and does not let up. I say she keeps calling out the media that will not report on it. I think she will.

This really is a good time for Twitter to be coming back to the right side of life. I hope she's able to use it to her advantage. I finally joined. We'll see.

This really is a good time for Twitter to be coming back to the right side of life. I hope she's able to use it to her advantage. I finally joined. We'll see.


She could parlay this into a VP slot.

Trump/Lake 2024: twice the losers, all the conspiracy!

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