Did Kim Jung Dung Blow Himself Up?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
No photos of his April 14th rocket test....hmmm....first time ever. Did the missile do a figure 8 and tear the little tub of shit a new bung hole? Hope springs eternal. :hands:


No photos of his April 14th rocket test....hmmm....first time ever. Did the missile do a figure 8 and tear the little tub of shit a new bung hole? Hope springs eternal. :hands:


Reports suggesting he has died, may be premature.
South Korea says it has 'enough intelligence' to say Kim Jong Un is still alive
Hope not Will. Your Donnie would be very sad.
I mean, which dictator would he emulate then? Putin, Duterte or Erdogan? ;)

Don't forget his murderous buddy the Saudi prince.
I'd be a hoot if the coronavirus got him!!
Who knows. Last I heard, his private train had been seen on satellite photography at is resort property on the coast. I suspect he is holed up, distancing from the virus.
Yep, he won't run out of murderous autocratic heroes to emulate! ;)

Oh? And who has the President "murdered" other than the jackals in the Lame Stream and the democRAT party metaphorically? Stumped? stop going to bath houses ya perv.
I'd be a hoot if the coronavirus got him!!
Who knows. Last I heard, his private train had been seen on satellite photography at is resort property on the coast. I suspect he is holed up, distancing from the virus.

Probably killed every staff member who had the sniffles on the way there.
No photos of his April 14th rocket test....hmmm....first time ever. Did the missile do a figure 8 and tear the little tub of shit a new bung hole? Hope springs eternal. :hands:


Reports suggesting he has died, may be premature.
South Korea says it has 'enough intelligence' to say Kim Jong Un is still alive
Could be....but, they have a lot of skin in the game to have the kid dead.

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