Did the Jimmy Carter family helped Obama win?

Could be the answer to JRK's question about which lie......

No one lied. Willard's problem was that he spoke his mind. He screwed himself. Probably the greatest blunder in Presidential campaign history. :clap2:
The moment the election was lost was during the Candy Crowley debate and she lied, giving Obama cover on the 9-11 attacks.

She later admitted that she was wrong, but that was to too small of an audience, didn't get the airplay, and Mitt was seen as liar instead of Obama being seen as the one who was lying.

Mitt never brought it up again, and that lost the election.
It wasn't the team of I beat the bunny till it drowned that beat Romney (oh and by the way Jimmeh killed a bunny in his canoe) it was he set Romney up.

I still cant believe Jimmy made that bunny drown. Shit after all the years seeing Carter kill that bunny with the oar of his boat.

It's disgusting. He killed a bunny with his oar because the bunny was drowning.
Please tell me everyone realizes Jimmy beat a drowning bunny to death? With his paddle?

Could be the answer to JRK's question about which lie......

No one lied. Willard's problem was that he spoke his mind. He screwed himself. Probably the greatest blunder in Presidential campaign history. :clap2:

Mittens most certianly was lying about the 47% of Americans who recieve some kind of government benefit being completely in the camp of the Democrats. My parents who are both vets, worked all their lives, are in that 47%. They are completely Republican. It was a blunderous and insulting lie, played well to the crowd I'll bet.
It would certainly have been of benefit to family Carter to back Obama. Best way possible to remove the "worst president ever" stigma from the rabbit-fearing peanut man.

Carter was right and we should have follow the path he set us on towards more energy independence. Raygun took the easy path.
It wasn't the team of I beat the bunny till it drowned that beat Romney (oh and by the way Jimmeh killed a bunny in his canoe) it was he set Romney up.

I still cant believe Jimmy made that bunny drown. Shit after all the years seeing Carter kill that bunny with the oar of his boat.

It's disgusting. He killed a bunny with his oar because the bunny was drowning.

I am sure there are some very fine drug rehabilitiation facilities in your area. You should try one.
The election was not close enough that it was won or lost based on any single moment. That's just wishful thinking and ego.
The election was not close enough that it was won or lost based on any single moment. That's just wishful thinking and ego.

That is true. I don't think it was ever close, unlike Karl Rove.
The election was not close enough that it was won or lost based on any single moment. That's just wishful thinking and ego.

Did we just watch the same video clip? :laugh2: good gawd, what world do you inhabit?

47% was a major factor if not the major factor. Isn't what Carter said the GOP line? Obama won by demonizing Romney as a wealthy elite, clueless about average Americans?
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Bottom line....Willard did himself in. He showed the world how arrogant and self serving that an unfeeling billionaire can be.
The election was not close enough that it was won or lost based on any single moment. That's just wishful thinking and ego.

Perhaps. But what Crowley did was demonstrate the depth that the Mainstream press will go to, to campaign for the democrats.

When Crowley lied, she did what newspapers and television stations across the nation do every day; she discarded any hint of integrity in favor of promoting her party.

The American press is simply part of the democratic party.

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