Did the Mob Kill JFK?

Oswald read the paper one morning and found out that the JFK motorcade would pass right under his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

It would seem that simple. Except for Jack Ruby's involvement along with the CIA involvement with the Mob from the 50's to that time.

Jack Ruby was a local mobster wanna-be

Biggest proof of Jack Rubys non involvement in a mob hit was that at the announced time that Oswald was to be transfered, Ruby was at a Western Union Office sending money to one of his strippers. Anyone who intended to shoot Oswald would have been there at the time Oswald was supposed to be transfered.
Ruby wandered over to the Police Station later and it was only because they delayed transfering Oswald that he was able to get a shot at the "smirking" Oswald
Nope. I think people want to believe it was something with more moving parts than it really was.

Except there is concrete evidence, concrete links, motives, opportunity.

A Commission even concluded that Marcello had the motive, means, and opportunity to have Kennedy killed. What has happened is too many people focus on only whether Oswald was the one pulling the trigger. However, the debate whether he was doing this for someone or himself is lost in the byway.

Yeah, and people keep sticking to the myth that Jackie was scrabbling across the trunk of the car to try and recover his brains when she was actually just trying to get the fuck out of there because she was panicked and terrified.

I think she was trying to get his brains only for the simple fact it would be instinct to put him back together, it is a women thing. ;) But you could also be alright because that is what I would be doing.
One question

Oswald shot JFK with a $19.95 Italian bolt action single shot rifle

If the Mob or CIA wanted JFK killed, wouldn't they get the guy a semi-automatic sniper rifle that could have fired twenty shots on JFK rather than just three?
Except there is concrete evidence, concrete links, motives, opportunity.

A Commission even concluded that Marcello had the motive, means, and opportunity to have Kennedy killed. What has happened is too many people focus on only whether Oswald was the one pulling the trigger. However, the debate whether he was doing this for someone or himself is lost in the byway.

Yeah, and people keep sticking to the myth that Jackie was scrabbling across the trunk of the car to try and recover his brains when she was actually just trying to get the fuck out of there because she was panicked and terrified.

I think she was trying to get his brains only for the simple fact it would be instinct to put him back together, it is a women thing. ;) But you could also be alright because that is what I would be doing.

I've seen the film often enough to understand the reality of the situation.
One question

Oswald shot JFK with a $19.95 Italian bolt action single shot rifle

If the Mob or CIA wanted JFK killed, wouldn't they get the guy a semi-automatic sniper rifle that could have fired twenty shots on JFK rather than just three?

and have it maybe traced back to them? What better way to cover it up. :D
One question

Oswald shot JFK with a $19.95 Italian bolt action single shot rifle

If the Mob or CIA wanted JFK killed, wouldn't they get the guy a semi-automatic sniper rifle that could have fired twenty shots on JFK rather than just three?

46 years ago, a sniper rifle wasn't semi-automatic, but you are still right.
Yeah, and people keep sticking to the myth that Jackie was scrabbling across the trunk of the car to try and recover his brains when she was actually just trying to get the fuck out of there because she was panicked and terrified.

I think she was trying to get his brains only for the simple fact it would be instinct to put him back together, it is a women thing. ;) But you could also be alright because that is what I would be doing.

I've seen the film often enough to understand the reality of the situation.

If you are talking about Oliver Stone's movie I have never seen it. When I was in high school I was into reading about the assassination but never watched it, I heard it was out there so I thought I would pass. I have seen Nixon. Talk about dark!
I have no idea how people can come to any conclusion but that the mob did it.
I think she was trying to get his brains only for the simple fact it would be instinct to put him back together, it is a women thing. ;) But you could also be alright because that is what I would be doing.

I've seen the film often enough to understand the reality of the situation.

If you are talking about Oliver Stone's movie I have never seen it. When I was in high school I was into reading about the assassination but never watched it, I heard it was out there so I thought I would pass. I have seen Nixon. Talk about dark!

No, not the Oliver stone movie.
The Zapruder film.
I always just assumed it was the mob. Afterall they did stuff all those ballot boxes to get him elected and then he pays them back by sic'n Bobby on them.
Nope. I think people want to believe it was something with more moving parts than it really was.

I have to agree with Polk.

It's an understandable emotion. I mean, it's kinda scary to think that one lone nut can cause that much damage.

Riiiiiiiight. One nutjob working alone is sooooo much scarier than a well connected underground outfit with enough reach to have a sitting president whacked. :cuckoo:
On DSC right now (and 11 pm EST), a new document of sorts is being shown about the evidence that JFK was in fact killed by the Mob.

The Who, The Why, The What, etc all answered. Although it is forty six years later, it is good to see the truth finally emerging. Though for anyone following some of my posts here, I have talked about several times about how the Mob was behind the killing of JFK.

A bunch of disconnected, circumstantial evidence and a vivid imagination.

The History Channel shows one that completely supports the known facts and debunks a lot of ignorant speculation using misinformation.

No way is the mod going to use EITHER Oswald or Ruby to rob a 7-11, much less assassinate a President.
On DSC right now (and 11 pm EST), a new document of sorts is being shown about the evidence that JFK was in fact killed by the Mob.

The Who, The Why, The What, etc all answered. Although it is forty six years later, it is good to see the truth finally emerging. Though for anyone following some of my posts here, I have talked about several times about how the Mob was behind the killing of JFK.

A bunch of disconnected, circumstantial evidence and a vivid imagination.

The History Channel shows one that completely supports the known facts and debunks a lot of ignorant speculation using misinformation.

No way is the mod going to use EITHER Oswald or Ruby to rob a 7-11, much less assassinate a President.
if they don't want to be tied to it they will! :D
and I had no idea the mods were in on the assassination. I say it was echo who did it, she is a little shifty!:tongue:
Don't buy it.

You don't believe the Mob was involved?

Nope. I think people want to believe it was something with more moving parts than it really was.
It gives them comfort, telling them that the world is not so fucked up of a place where a lone, deranged, angry failure of a loser can single-handedly gun down the POTUS, the most powerful and most protected man on the planet. They refuse to accept the reality that the world was, and still is, that fucked up of a place and therefore cling to this conspiracy nonsense. Disregarding forensics, ballistics, and all science in favor of cloak and dagger shit.
What the fuck are you idiots talking about? Jackie shot him. She got tired of his wandering rod.
It's an understandable emotion. I mean, it's kinda scary to think that one lone nut can cause that much damage.

Riiiiiiiight. One nutjob working alone is sooooo much scarier than a well connected underground outfit with enough reach to have a sitting president whacked. :cuckoo:

On some level, it is. Lot easier to catch a group than a lone wolf.

I say the exact opposite.

Ever see Arlington Road? They say the same thing. Thinking it's one lone, disgruntled individual actually puts people's minds at ease. That means it's a one-off event and when the guy is caught/killed, it's over. If it's known that there was a group behind it, people get scared because they're still out there. Think Oklahoma City vs. 9/11. Which one scares people more?
On DSC right now (and 11 pm EST), a new document of sorts is being shown about the evidence that JFK was in fact killed by the Mob.

The Who, The Why, The What, etc all answered. Although it is forty six years later, it is good to see the truth finally emerging. Though for anyone following some of my posts here, I have talked about several times about how the Mob was behind the killing of JFK.

A bunch of disconnected, circumstantial evidence and a vivid imagination.

The History Channel shows one that completely supports the known facts and debunks a lot of ignorant speculation using misinformation.

No way is the mod going to use EITHER Oswald or Ruby to rob a 7-11, much less assassinate a President.
if they don't want to be tied to it they will! :D
and I had no idea the mods were in on the assassination. I say it was echo who did it, she is a little shifty!:tongue:

Incorrect. Neither the mob nor the CIA are going to use amateurs as screwy as Oswald or Ruby.
I believe it was a conspiracy.

Involving who?

Beats me.

But the assassination of LHO was too damned convenient for me to think otherwise.

I doubt we'll ever know the details.

I do think LHO fired the shots that killed him, though, FWTW.
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