Did these Swedish cops school the NYPD?

Good thing they weren't armed or we'd be hearing about the Swedish tourists who got gunned down on the train.

Good thing they werent suicide bombers or...

Good thing they werent the Joker from Batman or..

Yeah....because we all know that never happens right?
Those douche bags wouldnt last a week in some of Americas nastier ghettos.

Yep. Its well known that foreign cops do tend to get more training in hand to hand stuff. Why? Because they have time to do it. The low crime rate doesnt mandate all.boots on the ground. They can take entire shifts to train...because so little crime actually happens.

People have no clue what it takes to police rough neighborhoods.

And when the bullets start flying that training is useless.
Good thing they weren't armed or we'd be hearing about the Swedish tourists who got gunned down on the train.

Good thing they werent suicide bombers or...

Good thing they werent the Joker from Batman or..

Yeah....because we all know that never happens right?
Those douche bags wouldnt last a week in some of Americas nastier ghettos.

No the Joker is fictional, just like your post
Simple minds like yours will say 1 video represents the actions of an entire group

who are these imaginary people you keep referring to? If they arent imaginary there must be proof everywhere since everyone is doing it
God you cop haters get more retarded by the day.

NYPD cops restrain people the same way these Swedes did....thousands of times a year....without anyone getting hurt.
Now that's NEWS ... real news ........ hey, you reckon all those stories and videos are fake, fabricated, and lies? ... Gee, if you're right, the public sure has been mislead and lied to, for a long time now. Thanks for setting the record straight for us..... Oh, could you pass this information along to the widow of the man shot and killed while returning home from grocery shopping, and climbing the stairs to his apartment? ... I'm sure that you wouldn't mind easing the minds of those that have lost loved ones, the families of those brutalized, raped, robbed, and stolen from. Thanks in advance from all of us.

NYPD makes a million arrests per year. A few...like a handful...went bad.

I know math isnt a strong point for rednecks from rural Alabama like you. But a couple videos doesnt mean all those millions of arrests....which didnt go bad...never happened.
Very cute ... a good one .... nice.................. Well, I hate to disappoint you, and burst your bubble about Alabama folks, but math was my strongest course in school. You can't be poor in math and go through electronics school, and hold management positions in large companies that specialize in production and manufacturing.... Oh, I failed to mention my few years as a machinist ... darn.............. Anyway, it really matters not what percentage of cop activities end badly, it's the fact that it's almost approved of, and condoned by law enforcement all across this country. Believe it or not, it happens almost daily somewhere in this country. Police do NOT police their own profession, and the judicial system gives them a free pass 99% of the time.... So, defend them all you want with numbers and excuses, but facts speak for themselves, videos speak for themselves, and funerals are no laughing matter for the families and victims of police misconduct. ... By the way, just curious, do you happen to have the numbers ( since you're so good with math and all ) of the cops convicted and sentenced for their crimes? How many cops are serving time in the big house for the same crimes that you and I would be placed behind bars for? Any numbers for me math whiz? I take it since you're not from Alabama, those numbers should be easy for you, right?

Its simple math. 0.1% of cops will kill someone on duty. Pure math...I already provided threads on this. Look it up. Of those 0.1%....most are clearly justified. Simple minds like yours will say 1 video represents the actions of an entire group...just like saying one black guy caught on tape doing a crime means all blacks do it. Or...like saying a few military officers committing crimes means ALL of them are doing it. Right?

I see I hit a nerve. Haha good. Let me guess...you became a Bammer fan around....2009.
I think that you missed the questions. Please go back and read the questions that I have asked you, if you don't mind. I'm not interested in the percentage that commit crimes, I asked how many are serving time in prison for the exact same crimes that you and I would be behind bars for? How many are actually convicted and sentenced for their misconduct? How many get a free pass in the judicial system? Also, I did NOT mention " 1 " video, I have said that videos come out daily, and it can be proven on several web sites and in the news media. I have never ever said that one of anything is representative of a group, never. Please do NOT say that I have said things that I have NOT said. Please quote me correctly if you're going to quote me at all.

No, you have NOT hit a nerve, not in the least. It takes more than a simple conversation on a forum to hit one of my nerves, seriously. In addition, you guess wrong. I was born and raised in Alabama, been an Alabama fan all of my life, and will be until the day that I die. But, that has absolutely nothing to do with our conversation, nothing. Trying to turn this conversation on me is a waste of your time. I don't play those silly childish games on here. You'll have to find someone else to play your immature silly personal attack games with. Please, address the points of this conversation in and civil manner, if you know how. Thanks.

Well...lots of the cops who commit a crime are charged. If you're arguing some just dont get caught...thats a hypothetical that cant be proven.

The cops who do get charged? Well...once in the system...they're first time offenders. ..because you cant become a cop if you have a rap sheet.

So just like ALL other first time offenders. ...theres room for leniency. See our constitution guarantees all citizens be treated equally. So a first time offender charged with assault or theft...wont be sentenced more or less harsh because of his profession.

Unless of course you dont believe in our constitutions equal protection guarantees?

You demanded I do the research to disprove a claim you made. Sorry Bammer. YOU have to show me. YOU tell me...and I want an exact number...how many cops havent been charged for their crime or didnt get punished for it.

You're making that claim. Burden of proof is on you....because I call.bullshit on it.

Oh...and do all rural Georgia rednecks jump on the Bammer fanhood wagon...or just you?
Now that's NEWS ... real news ........ hey, you reckon all those stories and videos are fake, fabricated, and lies? ... Gee, if you're right, the public sure has been mislead and lied to, for a long time now. Thanks for setting the record straight for us..... Oh, could you pass this information along to the widow of the man shot and killed while returning home from grocery shopping, and climbing the stairs to his apartment? ... I'm sure that you wouldn't mind easing the minds of those that have lost loved ones, the families of those brutalized, raped, robbed, and stolen from. Thanks in advance from all of us.

NYPD makes a million arrests per year. A few...like a handful...went bad.

I know math isnt a strong point for rednecks from rural Alabama like you. But a couple videos doesnt mean all those millions of arrests....which didnt go bad...never happened.
Very cute ... a good one .... nice.................. Well, I hate to disappoint you, and burst your bubble about Alabama folks, but math was my strongest course in school. You can't be poor in math and go through electronics school, and hold management positions in large companies that specialize in production and manufacturing.... Oh, I failed to mention my few years as a machinist ... darn.............. Anyway, it really matters not what percentage of cop activities end badly, it's the fact that it's almost approved of, and condoned by law enforcement all across this country. Believe it or not, it happens almost daily somewhere in this country. Police do NOT police their own profession, and the judicial system gives them a free pass 99% of the time.... So, defend them all you want with numbers and excuses, but facts speak for themselves, videos speak for themselves, and funerals are no laughing matter for the families and victims of police misconduct. ... By the way, just curious, do you happen to have the numbers ( since you're so good with math and all ) of the cops convicted and sentenced for their crimes? How many cops are serving time in the big house for the same crimes that you and I would be placed behind bars for? Any numbers for me math whiz? I take it since you're not from Alabama, those numbers should be easy for you, right?

Its simple math. 0.1% of cops will kill someone on duty. Pure math...I already provided threads on this. Look it up. Of those 0.1%....most are clearly justified. Simple minds like yours will say 1 video represents the actions of an entire group...just like saying one black guy caught on tape doing a crime means all blacks do it. Or...like saying a few military officers committing crimes means ALL of them are doing it. Right?

I see I hit a nerve. Haha good. Let me guess...you became a Bammer fan around....2009.
I think that you missed the questions. Please go back and read the questions that I have asked you, if you don't mind. I'm not interested in the percentage that commit crimes, I asked how many are serving time in prison for the exact same crimes that you and I would be behind bars for? How many are actually convicted and sentenced for their misconduct? How many get a free pass in the judicial system? Also, I did NOT mention " 1 " video, I have said that videos come out daily, and it can be proven on several web sites and in the news media. I have never ever said that one of anything is representative of a group, never. Please do NOT say that I have said things that I have NOT said. Please quote me correctly if you're going to quote me at all.

No, you have NOT hit a nerve, not in the least. It takes more than a simple conversation on a forum to hit one of my nerves, seriously. In addition, you guess wrong. I was born and raised in Alabama, been an Alabama fan all of my life, and will be until the day that I die. But, that has absolutely nothing to do with our conversation, nothing. Trying to turn this conversation on me is a waste of your time. I don't play those silly childish games on here. You'll have to find someone else to play your immature silly personal attack games with. Please, address the points of this conversation in and civil manner, if you know how. Thanks.

Well...lots of the cops who commit a crime are charged. If you're arguing some just dont get caught...thats a hypothetical that cant be proven.

The cops who do get charged? Well...once in the system...they're first time offenders. ..because you cant become a cop if you have a rap sheet.

So just like ALL other first time offenders. ...theres room for leniency. See our constitution guarantees all citizens be treated equally. So a first time offender charged with assault or theft...wont be sentenced more or less harsh because of his profession.

Unless of course you dont believe in our constitutions equal protection guarantees?

You demanded I do the research to disprove a claim you made. Sorry Bammer. YOU have to show me. YOU tell me...and I want an exact number...how many cops havent been charged for their crime or didnt get punished for it.

You're making that claim. Burden of proof is on you....because I call.bullshit on it.

Oh...and do all rural Georgia rednecks jump on the Bammer fanhood wagon...or just you?
Excuse me, but they are not "first time offenders". Haven't you been keeping up with the shootings over the past year or so? Many cops have a long history of misconduct. Please do your research before just guessing. FYI - There is NO "first time offender" rules for murder. There is NO equal protection in this country, none. Do you honestly believe that a court would take your word over that of a cop? Pleeeeease

Wait, I challenged you to support your argument since you didn't believe what I was telling you. So, don't turn this on me since you're the one that can't dispute what I have said with facts. Nice try, but it doesn't float. But, yes, I can give you many links to back up what I have said, many. I have posted many links before on this forum to support what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, someone just posted another article of a police shooting an unarmed man on this forum. It happens every single day somewhere in this country. I can provide links, as I have in the past when this subject comes up.

Also, your childish silly remarks about Georgia and Alabama no longer merit a response. Grow up, mature, and at least try to conduct a conversation in an adult and civil manner, even though it may be hard for you to do so. This subject and conversation is not about me, it's about low-life POS cops. You age?
NYPD makes a million arrests per year. A few...like a handful...went bad.

I know math isnt a strong point for rednecks from rural Alabama like you. But a couple videos doesnt mean all those millions of arrests....which didnt go bad...never happened.
Very cute ... a good one .... nice.................. Well, I hate to disappoint you, and burst your bubble about Alabama folks, but math was my strongest course in school. You can't be poor in math and go through electronics school, and hold management positions in large companies that specialize in production and manufacturing.... Oh, I failed to mention my few years as a machinist ... darn.............. Anyway, it really matters not what percentage of cop activities end badly, it's the fact that it's almost approved of, and condoned by law enforcement all across this country. Believe it or not, it happens almost daily somewhere in this country. Police do NOT police their own profession, and the judicial system gives them a free pass 99% of the time.... So, defend them all you want with numbers and excuses, but facts speak for themselves, videos speak for themselves, and funerals are no laughing matter for the families and victims of police misconduct. ... By the way, just curious, do you happen to have the numbers ( since you're so good with math and all ) of the cops convicted and sentenced for their crimes? How many cops are serving time in the big house for the same crimes that you and I would be placed behind bars for? Any numbers for me math whiz? I take it since you're not from Alabama, those numbers should be easy for you, right?

Its simple math. 0.1% of cops will kill someone on duty. Pure math...I already provided threads on this. Look it up. Of those 0.1%....most are clearly justified. Simple minds like yours will say 1 video represents the actions of an entire group...just like saying one black guy caught on tape doing a crime means all blacks do it. Or...like saying a few military officers committing crimes means ALL of them are doing it. Right?

I see I hit a nerve. Haha good. Let me guess...you became a Bammer fan around....2009.
I think that you missed the questions. Please go back and read the questions that I have asked you, if you don't mind. I'm not interested in the percentage that commit crimes, I asked how many are serving time in prison for the exact same crimes that you and I would be behind bars for? How many are actually convicted and sentenced for their misconduct? How many get a free pass in the judicial system? Also, I did NOT mention " 1 " video, I have said that videos come out daily, and it can be proven on several web sites and in the news media. I have never ever said that one of anything is representative of a group, never. Please do NOT say that I have said things that I have NOT said. Please quote me correctly if you're going to quote me at all.

No, you have NOT hit a nerve, not in the least. It takes more than a simple conversation on a forum to hit one of my nerves, seriously. In addition, you guess wrong. I was born and raised in Alabama, been an Alabama fan all of my life, and will be until the day that I die. But, that has absolutely nothing to do with our conversation, nothing. Trying to turn this conversation on me is a waste of your time. I don't play those silly childish games on here. You'll have to find someone else to play your immature silly personal attack games with. Please, address the points of this conversation in and civil manner, if you know how. Thanks.

Well...lots of the cops who commit a crime are charged. If you're arguing some just dont get caught...thats a hypothetical that cant be proven.

The cops who do get charged? Well...once in the system...they're first time offenders. ..because you cant become a cop if you have a rap sheet.

So just like ALL other first time offenders. ...theres room for leniency. See our constitution guarantees all citizens be treated equally. So a first time offender charged with assault or theft...wont be sentenced more or less harsh because of his profession.

Unless of course you dont believe in our constitutions equal protection guarantees?

You demanded I do the research to disprove a claim you made. Sorry Bammer. YOU have to show me. YOU tell me...and I want an exact number...how many cops havent been charged for their crime or didnt get punished for it.

You're making that claim. Burden of proof is on you....because I call.bullshit on it.

Oh...and do all rural Georgia rednecks jump on the Bammer fanhood wagon...or just you?
Excuse me, but they are not "first time offenders". Haven't you been keeping up with the shootings over the past year or so? Many cops have a long history of misconduct. Please do your research before just guessing. FYI - There is NO "first time offender" rules for murder. There is NO equal protection in this country, none. Do you honestly believe that a court would take your word over that of a cop? Pleeeeease

Wait, I challenged you to support your argument since you didn't believe what I was telling you. So, don't turn this on me since you're the one that can't dispute what I have said with facts. Nice try, but it doesn't float. But, yes, I can give you many links to back up what I have said, many. I have posted many links before on this forum to support what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, someone just posted another article of a police shooting an unarmed man on this forum. It happens every single day somewhere in this country. I can provide links, as I have in the past when this subject comes up.

Also, your childish silly remarks about Georgia and Alabama no longer merit a response. Grow up, mature, and at least try to conduct a conversation in an adult and civil manner, even though it may be hard for you to do so. This subject and conversation is not about me, it's about low-life POS cops. You age?

Um...if you are arrested. ..and you have no prior arrests...that means you are a FIRST time offender...and likely to get some leniency in the system. Again....math isnt strong in you.

Cops shoot an unarmed person every day? Hmmm. Yes. You're gonna have to provide me 365 links to 2014 shootings of unarmed people. Make it a new thread.

You're making the allegation of something. Burden of proof is on you...not me. 365 links to the shooting of unarmed people in 2014.

I'll make any comments I want. Your vile and nasty remarks on so many occassions opened the door for it. So ill wait on those 365 links. I only hope you dont get distracted impregnating your cousin out there. Focus buddy. Focus.
Very cute ... a good one .... nice.................. Well, I hate to disappoint you, and burst your bubble about Alabama folks, but math was my strongest course in school. You can't be poor in math and go through electronics school, and hold management positions in large companies that specialize in production and manufacturing.... Oh, I failed to mention my few years as a machinist ... darn.............. Anyway, it really matters not what percentage of cop activities end badly, it's the fact that it's almost approved of, and condoned by law enforcement all across this country. Believe it or not, it happens almost daily somewhere in this country. Police do NOT police their own profession, and the judicial system gives them a free pass 99% of the time.... So, defend them all you want with numbers and excuses, but facts speak for themselves, videos speak for themselves, and funerals are no laughing matter for the families and victims of police misconduct. ... By the way, just curious, do you happen to have the numbers ( since you're so good with math and all ) of the cops convicted and sentenced for their crimes? How many cops are serving time in the big house for the same crimes that you and I would be placed behind bars for? Any numbers for me math whiz? I take it since you're not from Alabama, those numbers should be easy for you, right?

Its simple math. 0.1% of cops will kill someone on duty. Pure math...I already provided threads on this. Look it up. Of those 0.1%....most are clearly justified. Simple minds like yours will say 1 video represents the actions of an entire group...just like saying one black guy caught on tape doing a crime means all blacks do it. Or...like saying a few military officers committing crimes means ALL of them are doing it. Right?

I see I hit a nerve. Haha good. Let me guess...you became a Bammer fan around....2009.
I think that you missed the questions. Please go back and read the questions that I have asked you, if you don't mind. I'm not interested in the percentage that commit crimes, I asked how many are serving time in prison for the exact same crimes that you and I would be behind bars for? How many are actually convicted and sentenced for their misconduct? How many get a free pass in the judicial system? Also, I did NOT mention " 1 " video, I have said that videos come out daily, and it can be proven on several web sites and in the news media. I have never ever said that one of anything is representative of a group, never. Please do NOT say that I have said things that I have NOT said. Please quote me correctly if you're going to quote me at all.

No, you have NOT hit a nerve, not in the least. It takes more than a simple conversation on a forum to hit one of my nerves, seriously. In addition, you guess wrong. I was born and raised in Alabama, been an Alabama fan all of my life, and will be until the day that I die. But, that has absolutely nothing to do with our conversation, nothing. Trying to turn this conversation on me is a waste of your time. I don't play those silly childish games on here. You'll have to find someone else to play your immature silly personal attack games with. Please, address the points of this conversation in and civil manner, if you know how. Thanks.

Well...lots of the cops who commit a crime are charged. If you're arguing some just dont get caught...thats a hypothetical that cant be proven.

The cops who do get charged? Well...once in the system...they're first time offenders. ..because you cant become a cop if you have a rap sheet.

So just like ALL other first time offenders. ...theres room for leniency. See our constitution guarantees all citizens be treated equally. So a first time offender charged with assault or theft...wont be sentenced more or less harsh because of his profession.

Unless of course you dont believe in our constitutions equal protection guarantees?

You demanded I do the research to disprove a claim you made. Sorry Bammer. YOU have to show me. YOU tell me...and I want an exact number...how many cops havent been charged for their crime or didnt get punished for it.

You're making that claim. Burden of proof is on you....because I call.bullshit on it.

Oh...and do all rural Georgia rednecks jump on the Bammer fanhood wagon...or just you?
Excuse me, but they are not "first time offenders". Haven't you been keeping up with the shootings over the past year or so? Many cops have a long history of misconduct. Please do your research before just guessing. FYI - There is NO "first time offender" rules for murder. There is NO equal protection in this country, none. Do you honestly believe that a court would take your word over that of a cop? Pleeeeease

Wait, I challenged you to support your argument since you didn't believe what I was telling you. So, don't turn this on me since you're the one that can't dispute what I have said with facts. Nice try, but it doesn't float. But, yes, I can give you many links to back up what I have said, many. I have posted many links before on this forum to support what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, someone just posted another article of a police shooting an unarmed man on this forum. It happens every single day somewhere in this country. I can provide links, as I have in the past when this subject comes up.

Also, your childish silly remarks about Georgia and Alabama no longer merit a response. Grow up, mature, and at least try to conduct a conversation in an adult and civil manner, even though it may be hard for you to do so. This subject and conversation is not about me, it's about low-life POS cops. You age?

Um...if you are arrested. ..and you have no prior arrests...that means you are a FIRST time offender...and likely to get some leniency in the system. Again....math isnt strong in you.

Cops shoot an unarmed person every day? Hmmm. Yes. You're gonna have to provide me 365 links to 2014 shootings of unarmed people. Make it a new thread.

You're making the allegation of something. Burden of proof is on you...not me. 365 links to the shooting of unarmed people in 2014.

I'll make any comments I want. Your vile and nasty remarks on so many occassions opened the door for it. So ill wait on those 365 links. I only hope you dont get distracted impregnating your cousin out there. Focus buddy. Focus.
FYI - I happen to be very good at math. What math are you talking about? FYI - First time murder will get you life or either the death penalty. In some cases, yes, murderers get less. I have never ever said that cops shoot unarmed citizens every day. Please do NOT say that I said something that I did not say. Thanks. If you're going to quote me, please say exactly what I have said, and please do not add anything to it to mean something else. Thanks. I don't have to prove something that I have never ever said.

What vile and nasty remarks have I made? Please, tell me what vile and nasty remarks have I made? Again, your childish and pathetic remarks merit no response from me. Why are you being so immature about this conversation? Attacking me doesn't give weight to your argument, it only makes you look immature and silly. Why are you attacking me? This conversation isn't about me, it's about cops. Please act adult and civil. Again, I have never ever said that cops shoot an unarmed person every single day of the year. I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day of the year, and I can give you links to back that up, as I have done several times already on this forum.
Its simple math. 0.1% of cops will kill someone on duty. Pure math...I already provided threads on this. Look it up. Of those 0.1%....most are clearly justified. Simple minds like yours will say 1 video represents the actions of an entire group...just like saying one black guy caught on tape doing a crime means all blacks do it. Or...like saying a few military officers committing crimes means ALL of them are doing it. Right?

I see I hit a nerve. Haha good. Let me guess...you became a Bammer fan around....2009.
I think that you missed the questions. Please go back and read the questions that I have asked you, if you don't mind. I'm not interested in the percentage that commit crimes, I asked how many are serving time in prison for the exact same crimes that you and I would be behind bars for? How many are actually convicted and sentenced for their misconduct? How many get a free pass in the judicial system? Also, I did NOT mention " 1 " video, I have said that videos come out daily, and it can be proven on several web sites and in the news media. I have never ever said that one of anything is representative of a group, never. Please do NOT say that I have said things that I have NOT said. Please quote me correctly if you're going to quote me at all.

No, you have NOT hit a nerve, not in the least. It takes more than a simple conversation on a forum to hit one of my nerves, seriously. In addition, you guess wrong. I was born and raised in Alabama, been an Alabama fan all of my life, and will be until the day that I die. But, that has absolutely nothing to do with our conversation, nothing. Trying to turn this conversation on me is a waste of your time. I don't play those silly childish games on here. You'll have to find someone else to play your immature silly personal attack games with. Please, address the points of this conversation in and civil manner, if you know how. Thanks.

Well...lots of the cops who commit a crime are charged. If you're arguing some just dont get caught...thats a hypothetical that cant be proven.

The cops who do get charged? Well...once in the system...they're first time offenders. ..because you cant become a cop if you have a rap sheet.

So just like ALL other first time offenders. ...theres room for leniency. See our constitution guarantees all citizens be treated equally. So a first time offender charged with assault or theft...wont be sentenced more or less harsh because of his profession.

Unless of course you dont believe in our constitutions equal protection guarantees?

You demanded I do the research to disprove a claim you made. Sorry Bammer. YOU have to show me. YOU tell me...and I want an exact number...how many cops havent been charged for their crime or didnt get punished for it.

You're making that claim. Burden of proof is on you....because I call.bullshit on it.

Oh...and do all rural Georgia rednecks jump on the Bammer fanhood wagon...or just you?
Excuse me, but they are not "first time offenders". Haven't you been keeping up with the shootings over the past year or so? Many cops have a long history of misconduct. Please do your research before just guessing. FYI - There is NO "first time offender" rules for murder. There is NO equal protection in this country, none. Do you honestly believe that a court would take your word over that of a cop? Pleeeeease

Wait, I challenged you to support your argument since you didn't believe what I was telling you. So, don't turn this on me since you're the one that can't dispute what I have said with facts. Nice try, but it doesn't float. But, yes, I can give you many links to back up what I have said, many. I have posted many links before on this forum to support what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, someone just posted another article of a police shooting an unarmed man on this forum. It happens every single day somewhere in this country. I can provide links, as I have in the past when this subject comes up.

Also, your childish silly remarks about Georgia and Alabama no longer merit a response. Grow up, mature, and at least try to conduct a conversation in an adult and civil manner, even though it may be hard for you to do so. This subject and conversation is not about me, it's about low-life POS cops. You age?

Um...if you are arrested. ..and you have no prior arrests...that means you are a FIRST time offender...and likely to get some leniency in the system. Again....math isnt strong in you.

Cops shoot an unarmed person every day? Hmmm. Yes. You're gonna have to provide me 365 links to 2014 shootings of unarmed people. Make it a new thread.

You're making the allegation of something. Burden of proof is on you...not me. 365 links to the shooting of unarmed people in 2014.

I'll make any comments I want. Your vile and nasty remarks on so many occassions opened the door for it. So ill wait on those 365 links. I only hope you dont get distracted impregnating your cousin out there. Focus buddy. Focus.
FYI - I happen to be very good at math. What math are you talking about? FYI - First time murder will get you life or either the death penalty. In some cases, yes, murderers get less. I have never ever said that cops shoot unarmed citizens every day. Please do NOT say that I said something that I did not say. Thanks. If you're going to quote me, please say exactly what I have said, and please do not add anything to it to mean something else. Thanks. I don't have to prove something that I have never ever said.

What vile and nasty remarks have I made? Please, tell me what vile and nasty remarks have I made? Again, your childish and pathetic remarks merit no response from me. Why are you being so immature about this conversation? Attacking me doesn't give weight to your argument, it only makes you look immature and silly. Why are you attacking me? This conversation isn't about me, it's about cops. Please act adult and civil. Again, I have never ever said that cops shoot an unarmed person every single day of the year. I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day of the year, and I can give you links to back that up, as I have done several times already on this forum.

You deny making vile and nasty remarks??? Wow. Have you read ANY of your police related posts on USMB??

You said it happens daily. Thats the same as "every day". Now...math and English tutors may be necessary for you Bocephus.
I think that you missed the questions. Please go back and read the questions that I have asked you, if you don't mind. I'm not interested in the percentage that commit crimes, I asked how many are serving time in prison for the exact same crimes that you and I would be behind bars for? How many are actually convicted and sentenced for their misconduct? How many get a free pass in the judicial system? Also, I did NOT mention " 1 " video, I have said that videos come out daily, and it can be proven on several web sites and in the news media. I have never ever said that one of anything is representative of a group, never. Please do NOT say that I have said things that I have NOT said. Please quote me correctly if you're going to quote me at all.

No, you have NOT hit a nerve, not in the least. It takes more than a simple conversation on a forum to hit one of my nerves, seriously. In addition, you guess wrong. I was born and raised in Alabama, been an Alabama fan all of my life, and will be until the day that I die. But, that has absolutely nothing to do with our conversation, nothing. Trying to turn this conversation on me is a waste of your time. I don't play those silly childish games on here. You'll have to find someone else to play your immature silly personal attack games with. Please, address the points of this conversation in and civil manner, if you know how. Thanks.

Well...lots of the cops who commit a crime are charged. If you're arguing some just dont get caught...thats a hypothetical that cant be proven.

The cops who do get charged? Well...once in the system...they're first time offenders. ..because you cant become a cop if you have a rap sheet.

So just like ALL other first time offenders. ...theres room for leniency. See our constitution guarantees all citizens be treated equally. So a first time offender charged with assault or theft...wont be sentenced more or less harsh because of his profession.

Unless of course you dont believe in our constitutions equal protection guarantees?

You demanded I do the research to disprove a claim you made. Sorry Bammer. YOU have to show me. YOU tell me...and I want an exact number...how many cops havent been charged for their crime or didnt get punished for it.

You're making that claim. Burden of proof is on you....because I call.bullshit on it.

Oh...and do all rural Georgia rednecks jump on the Bammer fanhood wagon...or just you?
Excuse me, but they are not "first time offenders". Haven't you been keeping up with the shootings over the past year or so? Many cops have a long history of misconduct. Please do your research before just guessing. FYI - There is NO "first time offender" rules for murder. There is NO equal protection in this country, none. Do you honestly believe that a court would take your word over that of a cop? Pleeeeease

Wait, I challenged you to support your argument since you didn't believe what I was telling you. So, don't turn this on me since you're the one that can't dispute what I have said with facts. Nice try, but it doesn't float. But, yes, I can give you many links to back up what I have said, many. I have posted many links before on this forum to support what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, someone just posted another article of a police shooting an unarmed man on this forum. It happens every single day somewhere in this country. I can provide links, as I have in the past when this subject comes up.

Also, your childish silly remarks about Georgia and Alabama no longer merit a response. Grow up, mature, and at least try to conduct a conversation in an adult and civil manner, even though it may be hard for you to do so. This subject and conversation is not about me, it's about low-life POS cops. You age?

Um...if you are arrested. ..and you have no prior arrests...that means you are a FIRST time offender...and likely to get some leniency in the system. Again....math isnt strong in you.

Cops shoot an unarmed person every day? Hmmm. Yes. You're gonna have to provide me 365 links to 2014 shootings of unarmed people. Make it a new thread.

You're making the allegation of something. Burden of proof is on you...not me. 365 links to the shooting of unarmed people in 2014.

I'll make any comments I want. Your vile and nasty remarks on so many occassions opened the door for it. So ill wait on those 365 links. I only hope you dont get distracted impregnating your cousin out there. Focus buddy. Focus.
FYI - I happen to be very good at math. What math are you talking about? FYI - First time murder will get you life or either the death penalty. In some cases, yes, murderers get less. I have never ever said that cops shoot unarmed citizens every day. Please do NOT say that I said something that I did not say. Thanks. If you're going to quote me, please say exactly what I have said, and please do not add anything to it to mean something else. Thanks. I don't have to prove something that I have never ever said.

What vile and nasty remarks have I made? Please, tell me what vile and nasty remarks have I made? Again, your childish and pathetic remarks merit no response from me. Why are you being so immature about this conversation? Attacking me doesn't give weight to your argument, it only makes you look immature and silly. Why are you attacking me? This conversation isn't about me, it's about cops. Please act adult and civil. Again, I have never ever said that cops shoot an unarmed person every single day of the year. I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day of the year, and I can give you links to back that up, as I have done several times already on this forum.

You deny making vile and nasty remarks??? Wow. Have you read ANY of your police related posts on USMB??

You said it happens daily. Thats the same as "every day". Now...math and English tutors may be necessary for you Bocephus.
Yes, I have made nasty comments about cops, but not about members of this forum. Yes, I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day somewhere in this country. I did NOT say that cops shoot unarmed citizens every single day. My math and English are fine, thank you. Again your personal attacks are uncalled for and very childish. Grow up, and at least appear to be somewhat adult on this forum. Your age?
Well...lots of the cops who commit a crime are charged. If you're arguing some just dont get caught...thats a hypothetical that cant be proven.

The cops who do get charged? Well...once in the system...they're first time offenders. ..because you cant become a cop if you have a rap sheet.

So just like ALL other first time offenders. ...theres room for leniency. See our constitution guarantees all citizens be treated equally. So a first time offender charged with assault or theft...wont be sentenced more or less harsh because of his profession.

Unless of course you dont believe in our constitutions equal protection guarantees?

You demanded I do the research to disprove a claim you made. Sorry Bammer. YOU have to show me. YOU tell me...and I want an exact number...how many cops havent been charged for their crime or didnt get punished for it.

You're making that claim. Burden of proof is on you....because I call.bullshit on it.

Oh...and do all rural Georgia rednecks jump on the Bammer fanhood wagon...or just you?
Excuse me, but they are not "first time offenders". Haven't you been keeping up with the shootings over the past year or so? Many cops have a long history of misconduct. Please do your research before just guessing. FYI - There is NO "first time offender" rules for murder. There is NO equal protection in this country, none. Do you honestly believe that a court would take your word over that of a cop? Pleeeeease

Wait, I challenged you to support your argument since you didn't believe what I was telling you. So, don't turn this on me since you're the one that can't dispute what I have said with facts. Nice try, but it doesn't float. But, yes, I can give you many links to back up what I have said, many. I have posted many links before on this forum to support what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, someone just posted another article of a police shooting an unarmed man on this forum. It happens every single day somewhere in this country. I can provide links, as I have in the past when this subject comes up.

Also, your childish silly remarks about Georgia and Alabama no longer merit a response. Grow up, mature, and at least try to conduct a conversation in an adult and civil manner, even though it may be hard for you to do so. This subject and conversation is not about me, it's about low-life POS cops. You age?

Um...if you are arrested. ..and you have no prior arrests...that means you are a FIRST time offender...and likely to get some leniency in the system. Again....math isnt strong in you.

Cops shoot an unarmed person every day? Hmmm. Yes. You're gonna have to provide me 365 links to 2014 shootings of unarmed people. Make it a new thread.

You're making the allegation of something. Burden of proof is on you...not me. 365 links to the shooting of unarmed people in 2014.

I'll make any comments I want. Your vile and nasty remarks on so many occassions opened the door for it. So ill wait on those 365 links. I only hope you dont get distracted impregnating your cousin out there. Focus buddy. Focus.
FYI - I happen to be very good at math. What math are you talking about? FYI - First time murder will get you life or either the death penalty. In some cases, yes, murderers get less. I have never ever said that cops shoot unarmed citizens every day. Please do NOT say that I said something that I did not say. Thanks. If you're going to quote me, please say exactly what I have said, and please do not add anything to it to mean something else. Thanks. I don't have to prove something that I have never ever said.

What vile and nasty remarks have I made? Please, tell me what vile and nasty remarks have I made? Again, your childish and pathetic remarks merit no response from me. Why are you being so immature about this conversation? Attacking me doesn't give weight to your argument, it only makes you look immature and silly. Why are you attacking me? This conversation isn't about me, it's about cops. Please act adult and civil. Again, I have never ever said that cops shoot an unarmed person every single day of the year. I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day of the year, and I can give you links to back that up, as I have done several times already on this forum.

You deny making vile and nasty remarks??? Wow. Have you read ANY of your police related posts on USMB??

You said it happens daily. Thats the same as "every day". Now...math and English tutors may be necessary for you Bocephus.
Yes, I have made nasty comments about cops, but not about members of this forum. Yes, I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day somewhere in this country. I did NOT say that cops shoot unarmed citizens every single day. My math and English are fine, thank you. Again your personal attacks are uncalled for and very childish. Grow up, and at least appear to be somewhat adult on this forum. Your age?

It was in our discussion when you mentioned funerals and I said only 0.1% of cops will ever kill someone...and in THAT conversation you said videos come out "daily". You either meant it....or....you cant keep up with my intellect and got confused about the context of the conversation.

And yes...you make vile disgusting comments about cops. Several USMB members are former or current cops (im former). So...you are making those remarks about members. So ill return it.

Now...you can return to your rural Georgia meth lab/cousin dating shack. And change your avatar. You didnt go to Bama. You arent from there. Bandwagon jumping onto Tide football when you have no connection to that school or state is such a redneck tradition. No shock that you joined. Maybe your cousin/bride went there.
Excuse me, but they are not "first time offenders". Haven't you been keeping up with the shootings over the past year or so? Many cops have a long history of misconduct. Please do your research before just guessing. FYI - There is NO "first time offender" rules for murder. There is NO equal protection in this country, none. Do you honestly believe that a court would take your word over that of a cop? Pleeeeease

Wait, I challenged you to support your argument since you didn't believe what I was telling you. So, don't turn this on me since you're the one that can't dispute what I have said with facts. Nice try, but it doesn't float. But, yes, I can give you many links to back up what I have said, many. I have posted many links before on this forum to support what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, someone just posted another article of a police shooting an unarmed man on this forum. It happens every single day somewhere in this country. I can provide links, as I have in the past when this subject comes up.

Also, your childish silly remarks about Georgia and Alabama no longer merit a response. Grow up, mature, and at least try to conduct a conversation in an adult and civil manner, even though it may be hard for you to do so. This subject and conversation is not about me, it's about low-life POS cops. You age?

Um...if you are arrested. ..and you have no prior arrests...that means you are a FIRST time offender...and likely to get some leniency in the system. Again....math isnt strong in you.

Cops shoot an unarmed person every day? Hmmm. Yes. You're gonna have to provide me 365 links to 2014 shootings of unarmed people. Make it a new thread.

You're making the allegation of something. Burden of proof is on you...not me. 365 links to the shooting of unarmed people in 2014.

I'll make any comments I want. Your vile and nasty remarks on so many occassions opened the door for it. So ill wait on those 365 links. I only hope you dont get distracted impregnating your cousin out there. Focus buddy. Focus.
FYI - I happen to be very good at math. What math are you talking about? FYI - First time murder will get you life or either the death penalty. In some cases, yes, murderers get less. I have never ever said that cops shoot unarmed citizens every day. Please do NOT say that I said something that I did not say. Thanks. If you're going to quote me, please say exactly what I have said, and please do not add anything to it to mean something else. Thanks. I don't have to prove something that I have never ever said.

What vile and nasty remarks have I made? Please, tell me what vile and nasty remarks have I made? Again, your childish and pathetic remarks merit no response from me. Why are you being so immature about this conversation? Attacking me doesn't give weight to your argument, it only makes you look immature and silly. Why are you attacking me? This conversation isn't about me, it's about cops. Please act adult and civil. Again, I have never ever said that cops shoot an unarmed person every single day of the year. I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day of the year, and I can give you links to back that up, as I have done several times already on this forum.

You deny making vile and nasty remarks??? Wow. Have you read ANY of your police related posts on USMB??

You said it happens daily. Thats the same as "every day". Now...math and English tutors may be necessary for you Bocephus.
Yes, I have made nasty comments about cops, but not about members of this forum. Yes, I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day somewhere in this country. I did NOT say that cops shoot unarmed citizens every single day. My math and English are fine, thank you. Again your personal attacks are uncalled for and very childish. Grow up, and at least appear to be somewhat adult on this forum. Your age?

It was in our discussion when you mentioned funerals and I said only 0.1% of cops will ever kill someone...and in THAT conversation you said videos come out "daily". You either meant it....or....you cant keep up with my intellect and got confused about the context of the conversation.

And yes...you make vile disgusting comments about cops. Several USMB members are former or current cops (im former). So...you are making those remarks about members. So ill return it.

Now...you can return to your rural Georgia meth lab/cousin dating shack. And change your avatar. You didnt go to Bama. You arent from there. Bandwagon jumping onto Tide football when you have no connection to that school or state is such a redneck tradition. No shock that you joined. Maybe your cousin/bride went there.
Just simply pathetic, to say the least. Yes, I did mention funerals, but in no way did I ever mean nor say that cops kill unarmed citizens every single day, and you can not show where I did. I meant exactly what I said, and have said, and I stand by it, every single word. Yes, I did say that COPS are low-life POS, and I meant it, and stand by it. If it hits home, so be it. My question to you is. "why didn't you clean up your own profession since you were a cop"? How many corrupt cops did you turn in during your career? Or, were all the cops outstanding public servants during your days as a cop? It concerns me not if we have a hundred cops or ex-cops as members of this forum. I'm sure cops are fully aware of what cops do, and have done. So, if my words are offensive, who's fault is it? If any cop on this forum reads my words, they should be embarrassed by what the other cops are doing to make them look bad. How many BS quota tickets did you write while you were a cop?

If cops want respect, they must give respect. People aren't making this stuff up. We see it, read about it, and hear about it on the news every single day. What do cops expect, for everyone to turn a blind eye to what they're doing and praise them? Do they honestly believe that citizens are so stupid that all of this doesn't matter? And, what's worse, is cops, or ex-cops, actually defend these low-life jerks. Where is their self respect?

And, for the last time, I was born and raised in Alabama, and I'm damn proud of it. No, I didn't attend the university of Alabama, and never claimed that I had. But, the Alabama logo is not a University of Alabama logo. It's simply a logo in support of the Alabama sports teams, period. You don't know me, nothing about me, nor what I have or haven't done. Therefore, your childish silly pathetic personal attacks and name calling is immature and uncalled for. Grow up, and try to be adult and civil. Your age?
Um...if you are arrested. ..and you have no prior arrests...that means you are a FIRST time offender...and likely to get some leniency in the system. Again....math isnt strong in you.

Cops shoot an unarmed person every day? Hmmm. Yes. You're gonna have to provide me 365 links to 2014 shootings of unarmed people. Make it a new thread.

You're making the allegation of something. Burden of proof is on you...not me. 365 links to the shooting of unarmed people in 2014.

I'll make any comments I want. Your vile and nasty remarks on so many occassions opened the door for it. So ill wait on those 365 links. I only hope you dont get distracted impregnating your cousin out there. Focus buddy. Focus.
FYI - I happen to be very good at math. What math are you talking about? FYI - First time murder will get you life or either the death penalty. In some cases, yes, murderers get less. I have never ever said that cops shoot unarmed citizens every day. Please do NOT say that I said something that I did not say. Thanks. If you're going to quote me, please say exactly what I have said, and please do not add anything to it to mean something else. Thanks. I don't have to prove something that I have never ever said.

What vile and nasty remarks have I made? Please, tell me what vile and nasty remarks have I made? Again, your childish and pathetic remarks merit no response from me. Why are you being so immature about this conversation? Attacking me doesn't give weight to your argument, it only makes you look immature and silly. Why are you attacking me? This conversation isn't about me, it's about cops. Please act adult and civil. Again, I have never ever said that cops shoot an unarmed person every single day of the year. I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day of the year, and I can give you links to back that up, as I have done several times already on this forum.

You deny making vile and nasty remarks??? Wow. Have you read ANY of your police related posts on USMB??

You said it happens daily. Thats the same as "every day". Now...math and English tutors may be necessary for you Bocephus.
Yes, I have made nasty comments about cops, but not about members of this forum. Yes, I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day somewhere in this country. I did NOT say that cops shoot unarmed citizens every single day. My math and English are fine, thank you. Again your personal attacks are uncalled for and very childish. Grow up, and at least appear to be somewhat adult on this forum. Your age?

It was in our discussion when you mentioned funerals and I said only 0.1% of cops will ever kill someone...and in THAT conversation you said videos come out "daily". You either meant it....or....you cant keep up with my intellect and got confused about the context of the conversation.

And yes...you make vile disgusting comments about cops. Several USMB members are former or current cops (im former). So...you are making those remarks about members. So ill return it.

Now...you can return to your rural Georgia meth lab/cousin dating shack. And change your avatar. You didnt go to Bama. You arent from there. Bandwagon jumping onto Tide football when you have no connection to that school or state is such a redneck tradition. No shock that you joined. Maybe your cousin/bride went there.
Just simply pathetic, to say the least. Yes, I did mention funerals, but in no way did I ever mean nor say that cops kill unarmed citizens every single day, and you can not show where I did. I meant exactly what I said, and have said, and I stand by it, every single word. Yes, I did say that COPS are low-life POS, and I meant it, and stand by it. If it hits home, so be it. My question to you is. "why didn't you clean up your own profession since you were a cop"? How many corrupt cops did you turn in during your career? Or, were all the cops outstanding public servants during your days as a cop? It concerns me not if we have a hundred cops or ex-cops as members of this forum. I'm sure cops are fully aware of what cops do, and have done. So, if my words are offensive, who's fault is it? If any cop on this forum reads my words, they should be embarrassed by what the other cops are doing to make them look bad. How many BS quota tickets did you write while you were a cop?

If cops want respect, they must give respect. People aren't making this stuff up. We see it, read about it, and hear about it on the news every single day. What do cops expect, for everyone to turn a blind eye to what they're doing and praise them? Do they honestly believe that citizens are so stupid that all of this doesn't matter? And, what's worse, is cops, or ex-cops, actually defend these low-life jerks. Where is their self respect?

And, for the last time, I was born and raised in Alabama, and I'm damn proud of it. No, I didn't attend the university of Alabama, and never claimed that I had. But, the Alabama logo is not a University of Alabama logo. It's simply a logo in support of the Alabama sports teams, period. You don't know me, nothing about me, nor what I have or haven't done. Therefore, your childish silly pathetic personal attacks and name calling is immature and uncalled for. Grow up, and try to be adult and civil. Your age?

I didnt turn any corrupt cops in. Because I never had to. In 8 years at APD I saw 2....out of thousands....and both got arrested. Corruption is overblown. Cop haters are just too ignorant to know the media is playing them. The rest of your post is jibberish.

Next...um...the Alabama Crimson Tide....is the University of Alabama. They're one in the same. That logo is trademarked by the University. You're not from there. Your profile clearly says Georgia. Rural Georgia. And like many uneducated rural rednecks...you fly the Bama banner. Or...at least since 2009. Pretty sure you were a Florida fan before that.
FYI - I happen to be very good at math. What math are you talking about? FYI - First time murder will get you life or either the death penalty. In some cases, yes, murderers get less. I have never ever said that cops shoot unarmed citizens every day. Please do NOT say that I said something that I did not say. Thanks. If you're going to quote me, please say exactly what I have said, and please do not add anything to it to mean something else. Thanks. I don't have to prove something that I have never ever said.

What vile and nasty remarks have I made? Please, tell me what vile and nasty remarks have I made? Again, your childish and pathetic remarks merit no response from me. Why are you being so immature about this conversation? Attacking me doesn't give weight to your argument, it only makes you look immature and silly. Why are you attacking me? This conversation isn't about me, it's about cops. Please act adult and civil. Again, I have never ever said that cops shoot an unarmed person every single day of the year. I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day of the year, and I can give you links to back that up, as I have done several times already on this forum.

You deny making vile and nasty remarks??? Wow. Have you read ANY of your police related posts on USMB??

You said it happens daily. Thats the same as "every day". Now...math and English tutors may be necessary for you Bocephus.
Yes, I have made nasty comments about cops, but not about members of this forum. Yes, I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day somewhere in this country. I did NOT say that cops shoot unarmed citizens every single day. My math and English are fine, thank you. Again your personal attacks are uncalled for and very childish. Grow up, and at least appear to be somewhat adult on this forum. Your age?

It was in our discussion when you mentioned funerals and I said only 0.1% of cops will ever kill someone...and in THAT conversation you said videos come out "daily". You either meant it....or....you cant keep up with my intellect and got confused about the context of the conversation.

And yes...you make vile disgusting comments about cops. Several USMB members are former or current cops (im former). So...you are making those remarks about members. So ill return it.

Now...you can return to your rural Georgia meth lab/cousin dating shack. And change your avatar. You didnt go to Bama. You arent from there. Bandwagon jumping onto Tide football when you have no connection to that school or state is such a redneck tradition. No shock that you joined. Maybe your cousin/bride went there.
Just simply pathetic, to say the least. Yes, I did mention funerals, but in no way did I ever mean nor say that cops kill unarmed citizens every single day, and you can not show where I did. I meant exactly what I said, and have said, and I stand by it, every single word. Yes, I did say that COPS are low-life POS, and I meant it, and stand by it. If it hits home, so be it. My question to you is. "why didn't you clean up your own profession since you were a cop"? How many corrupt cops did you turn in during your career? Or, were all the cops outstanding public servants during your days as a cop? It concerns me not if we have a hundred cops or ex-cops as members of this forum. I'm sure cops are fully aware of what cops do, and have done. So, if my words are offensive, who's fault is it? If any cop on this forum reads my words, they should be embarrassed by what the other cops are doing to make them look bad. How many BS quota tickets did you write while you were a cop?

If cops want respect, they must give respect. People aren't making this stuff up. We see it, read about it, and hear about it on the news every single day. What do cops expect, for everyone to turn a blind eye to what they're doing and praise them? Do they honestly believe that citizens are so stupid that all of this doesn't matter? And, what's worse, is cops, or ex-cops, actually defend these low-life jerks. Where is their self respect?

And, for the last time, I was born and raised in Alabama, and I'm damn proud of it. No, I didn't attend the university of Alabama, and never claimed that I had. But, the Alabama logo is not a University of Alabama logo. It's simply a logo in support of the Alabama sports teams, period. You don't know me, nothing about me, nor what I have or haven't done. Therefore, your childish silly pathetic personal attacks and name calling is immature and uncalled for. Grow up, and try to be adult and civil. Your age?

I didnt turn any corrupt cops in. Because I never had to. In 8 years at APD I saw 2....out of thousands....and both got arrested. Corruption is overblown. Cop haters are just too ignorant to know the media is playing them. The rest of your post is jibberish.

Next...um...the Alabama Crimson Tide....is the University of Alabama. They're one in the same. That logo is trademarked by the University. You're not from there. Your profile clearly says Georgia. Rural Georgia. And like many uneducated rural rednecks...you fly the Bama banner. Or...at least since 2009. Pretty sure you were a Florida fan before that.
Damn pathetic, really. I live in Georgia. I'm from Alabama. Born and raised in Alabama. I have always been an Alabama fan, always. Yes, I live in Georgia now. You are so pathetic and childish, honestly. Yes, I do not like cops. Cops bring dislike on themselves. How many quota tickets did you write during your career? Hate is a strong word, but I intensely dislike cops. Cops do not respect the public, and the public shouldn't respect them. If they would conduct themselves with respect, then people would respect them. Honest decent people wouldn't write BS quota tickets, and practice brutality. How many cops, what percentage, write BS quota tickets?
You deny making vile and nasty remarks??? Wow. Have you read ANY of your police related posts on USMB??

You said it happens daily. Thats the same as "every day". Now...math and English tutors may be necessary for you Bocephus.
Yes, I have made nasty comments about cops, but not about members of this forum. Yes, I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day somewhere in this country. I did NOT say that cops shoot unarmed citizens every single day. My math and English are fine, thank you. Again your personal attacks are uncalled for and very childish. Grow up, and at least appear to be somewhat adult on this forum. Your age?

It was in our discussion when you mentioned funerals and I said only 0.1% of cops will ever kill someone...and in THAT conversation you said videos come out "daily". You either meant it....or....you cant keep up with my intellect and got confused about the context of the conversation.

And yes...you make vile disgusting comments about cops. Several USMB members are former or current cops (im former). So...you are making those remarks about members. So ill return it.

Now...you can return to your rural Georgia meth lab/cousin dating shack. And change your avatar. You didnt go to Bama. You arent from there. Bandwagon jumping onto Tide football when you have no connection to that school or state is such a redneck tradition. No shock that you joined. Maybe your cousin/bride went there.
Just simply pathetic, to say the least. Yes, I did mention funerals, but in no way did I ever mean nor say that cops kill unarmed citizens every single day, and you can not show where I did. I meant exactly what I said, and have said, and I stand by it, every single word. Yes, I did say that COPS are low-life POS, and I meant it, and stand by it. If it hits home, so be it. My question to you is. "why didn't you clean up your own profession since you were a cop"? How many corrupt cops did you turn in during your career? Or, were all the cops outstanding public servants during your days as a cop? It concerns me not if we have a hundred cops or ex-cops as members of this forum. I'm sure cops are fully aware of what cops do, and have done. So, if my words are offensive, who's fault is it? If any cop on this forum reads my words, they should be embarrassed by what the other cops are doing to make them look bad. How many BS quota tickets did you write while you were a cop?

If cops want respect, they must give respect. People aren't making this stuff up. We see it, read about it, and hear about it on the news every single day. What do cops expect, for everyone to turn a blind eye to what they're doing and praise them? Do they honestly believe that citizens are so stupid that all of this doesn't matter? And, what's worse, is cops, or ex-cops, actually defend these low-life jerks. Where is their self respect?

And, for the last time, I was born and raised in Alabama, and I'm damn proud of it. No, I didn't attend the university of Alabama, and never claimed that I had. But, the Alabama logo is not a University of Alabama logo. It's simply a logo in support of the Alabama sports teams, period. You don't know me, nothing about me, nor what I have or haven't done. Therefore, your childish silly pathetic personal attacks and name calling is immature and uncalled for. Grow up, and try to be adult and civil. Your age?

I didnt turn any corrupt cops in. Because I never had to. In 8 years at APD I saw 2....out of thousands....and both got arrested. Corruption is overblown. Cop haters are just too ignorant to know the media is playing them. The rest of your post is jibberish.

Next...um...the Alabama Crimson Tide....is the University of Alabama. They're one in the same. That logo is trademarked by the University. You're not from there. Your profile clearly says Georgia. Rural Georgia. And like many uneducated rural rednecks...you fly the Bama banner. Or...at least since 2009. Pretty sure you were a Florida fan before that.
Damn pathetic, really. I live in Georgia. I'm from Alabama. Born and raised in Alabama. I have always been an Alabama fan, always. Yes, I live in Georgia now. You are so pathetic and childish, honestly. Yes, I do not like cops. Cops bring dislike on themselves. How many quota tickets did you write during your career? Hate is a strong word, but I intensely dislike cops. Cops do not respect the public, and the public shouldn't respect them. If they would conduct themselves with respect, then people would respect them. Honest decent people wouldn't write BS quota tickets, and practice brutality. How many cops, what percentage, write BS quota tickets?

Quota tickets? None. We didnt have quotas at APD. Most departments dont. There are occassionally idiot small town mayors who try it. Its almost always the COPS who leak it to the media.

Yeah...you claim to be from Bama. Just like the Yankees and Lakers fans here in SC claim they're from NYC and LA despite a strong Southern accent. Its ok. Millions of posers like you out there.
Yes, I have made nasty comments about cops, but not about members of this forum. Yes, I did say that cop misconduct happens every single day somewhere in this country. I did NOT say that cops shoot unarmed citizens every single day. My math and English are fine, thank you. Again your personal attacks are uncalled for and very childish. Grow up, and at least appear to be somewhat adult on this forum. Your age?

It was in our discussion when you mentioned funerals and I said only 0.1% of cops will ever kill someone...and in THAT conversation you said videos come out "daily". You either meant it....or....you cant keep up with my intellect and got confused about the context of the conversation.

And yes...you make vile disgusting comments about cops. Several USMB members are former or current cops (im former). So...you are making those remarks about members. So ill return it.

Now...you can return to your rural Georgia meth lab/cousin dating shack. And change your avatar. You didnt go to Bama. You arent from there. Bandwagon jumping onto Tide football when you have no connection to that school or state is such a redneck tradition. No shock that you joined. Maybe your cousin/bride went there.
Just simply pathetic, to say the least. Yes, I did mention funerals, but in no way did I ever mean nor say that cops kill unarmed citizens every single day, and you can not show where I did. I meant exactly what I said, and have said, and I stand by it, every single word. Yes, I did say that COPS are low-life POS, and I meant it, and stand by it. If it hits home, so be it. My question to you is. "why didn't you clean up your own profession since you were a cop"? How many corrupt cops did you turn in during your career? Or, were all the cops outstanding public servants during your days as a cop? It concerns me not if we have a hundred cops or ex-cops as members of this forum. I'm sure cops are fully aware of what cops do, and have done. So, if my words are offensive, who's fault is it? If any cop on this forum reads my words, they should be embarrassed by what the other cops are doing to make them look bad. How many BS quota tickets did you write while you were a cop?

If cops want respect, they must give respect. People aren't making this stuff up. We see it, read about it, and hear about it on the news every single day. What do cops expect, for everyone to turn a blind eye to what they're doing and praise them? Do they honestly believe that citizens are so stupid that all of this doesn't matter? And, what's worse, is cops, or ex-cops, actually defend these low-life jerks. Where is their self respect?

And, for the last time, I was born and raised in Alabama, and I'm damn proud of it. No, I didn't attend the university of Alabama, and never claimed that I had. But, the Alabama logo is not a University of Alabama logo. It's simply a logo in support of the Alabama sports teams, period. You don't know me, nothing about me, nor what I have or haven't done. Therefore, your childish silly pathetic personal attacks and name calling is immature and uncalled for. Grow up, and try to be adult and civil. Your age?

I didnt turn any corrupt cops in. Because I never had to. In 8 years at APD I saw 2....out of thousands....and both got arrested. Corruption is overblown. Cop haters are just too ignorant to know the media is playing them. The rest of your post is jibberish.

Next...um...the Alabama Crimson Tide....is the University of Alabama. They're one in the same. That logo is trademarked by the University. You're not from there. Your profile clearly says Georgia. Rural Georgia. And like many uneducated rural rednecks...you fly the Bama banner. Or...at least since 2009. Pretty sure you were a Florida fan before that.
Damn pathetic, really. I live in Georgia. I'm from Alabama. Born and raised in Alabama. I have always been an Alabama fan, always. Yes, I live in Georgia now. You are so pathetic and childish, honestly. Yes, I do not like cops. Cops bring dislike on themselves. How many quota tickets did you write during your career? Hate is a strong word, but I intensely dislike cops. Cops do not respect the public, and the public shouldn't respect them. If they would conduct themselves with respect, then people would respect them. Honest decent people wouldn't write BS quota tickets, and practice brutality. How many cops, what percentage, write BS quota tickets?

Quota tickets? None. We didnt have quotas at APD. Most departments dont. There are occassionally idiot small town mayors who try it. Its almost always the COPS who leak it to the media.

Yeah...you claim to be from Bama. Just like the Yankees and Lakers fans here in SC claim they're from NYC and LA despite a strong Southern accent. Its ok. Millions of posers like you out there.
Damn pathetic and so ridiculous. You honestly need help, or at least a course in reading comprehension. By any chance, are you on some kind of strong medication?
It was in our discussion when you mentioned funerals and I said only 0.1% of cops will ever kill someone...and in THAT conversation you said videos come out "daily". You either meant it....or....you cant keep up with my intellect and got confused about the context of the conversation.

And yes...you make vile disgusting comments about cops. Several USMB members are former or current cops (im former). So...you are making those remarks about members. So ill return it.

Now...you can return to your rural Georgia meth lab/cousin dating shack. And change your avatar. You didnt go to Bama. You arent from there. Bandwagon jumping onto Tide football when you have no connection to that school or state is such a redneck tradition. No shock that you joined. Maybe your cousin/bride went there.
Just simply pathetic, to say the least. Yes, I did mention funerals, but in no way did I ever mean nor say that cops kill unarmed citizens every single day, and you can not show where I did. I meant exactly what I said, and have said, and I stand by it, every single word. Yes, I did say that COPS are low-life POS, and I meant it, and stand by it. If it hits home, so be it. My question to you is. "why didn't you clean up your own profession since you were a cop"? How many corrupt cops did you turn in during your career? Or, were all the cops outstanding public servants during your days as a cop? It concerns me not if we have a hundred cops or ex-cops as members of this forum. I'm sure cops are fully aware of what cops do, and have done. So, if my words are offensive, who's fault is it? If any cop on this forum reads my words, they should be embarrassed by what the other cops are doing to make them look bad. How many BS quota tickets did you write while you were a cop?

If cops want respect, they must give respect. People aren't making this stuff up. We see it, read about it, and hear about it on the news every single day. What do cops expect, for everyone to turn a blind eye to what they're doing and praise them? Do they honestly believe that citizens are so stupid that all of this doesn't matter? And, what's worse, is cops, or ex-cops, actually defend these low-life jerks. Where is their self respect?

And, for the last time, I was born and raised in Alabama, and I'm damn proud of it. No, I didn't attend the university of Alabama, and never claimed that I had. But, the Alabama logo is not a University of Alabama logo. It's simply a logo in support of the Alabama sports teams, period. You don't know me, nothing about me, nor what I have or haven't done. Therefore, your childish silly pathetic personal attacks and name calling is immature and uncalled for. Grow up, and try to be adult and civil. Your age?

I didnt turn any corrupt cops in. Because I never had to. In 8 years at APD I saw 2....out of thousands....and both got arrested. Corruption is overblown. Cop haters are just too ignorant to know the media is playing them. The rest of your post is jibberish.

Next...um...the Alabama Crimson Tide....is the University of Alabama. They're one in the same. That logo is trademarked by the University. You're not from there. Your profile clearly says Georgia. Rural Georgia. And like many uneducated rural rednecks...you fly the Bama banner. Or...at least since 2009. Pretty sure you were a Florida fan before that.
Damn pathetic, really. I live in Georgia. I'm from Alabama. Born and raised in Alabama. I have always been an Alabama fan, always. Yes, I live in Georgia now. You are so pathetic and childish, honestly. Yes, I do not like cops. Cops bring dislike on themselves. How many quota tickets did you write during your career? Hate is a strong word, but I intensely dislike cops. Cops do not respect the public, and the public shouldn't respect them. If they would conduct themselves with respect, then people would respect them. Honest decent people wouldn't write BS quota tickets, and practice brutality. How many cops, what percentage, write BS quota tickets?

Quota tickets? None. We didnt have quotas at APD. Most departments dont. There are occassionally idiot small town mayors who try it. Its almost always the COPS who leak it to the media.

Yeah...you claim to be from Bama. Just like the Yankees and Lakers fans here in SC claim they're from NYC and LA despite a strong Southern accent. Its ok. Millions of posers like you out there.
Damn pathetic and so ridiculous. You honestly need help, or at least a course in reading comprehension. By any chance, are you on some kind of strong medication?

I think I answered your questions just fine. You just dont like the answers.

Medication? No. Im perfectly healthy. Unlike your kind...im not obese from decades of honey buns and Milwaukee's Best at Tide tailgates.

But...speaking of cops....you and your pals should call New Orleans Police and press charges for that raping Ohio State did to you.
Just simply pathetic, to say the least. Yes, I did mention funerals, but in no way did I ever mean nor say that cops kill unarmed citizens every single day, and you can not show where I did. I meant exactly what I said, and have said, and I stand by it, every single word. Yes, I did say that COPS are low-life POS, and I meant it, and stand by it. If it hits home, so be it. My question to you is. "why didn't you clean up your own profession since you were a cop"? How many corrupt cops did you turn in during your career? Or, were all the cops outstanding public servants during your days as a cop? It concerns me not if we have a hundred cops or ex-cops as members of this forum. I'm sure cops are fully aware of what cops do, and have done. So, if my words are offensive, who's fault is it? If any cop on this forum reads my words, they should be embarrassed by what the other cops are doing to make them look bad. How many BS quota tickets did you write while you were a cop?

If cops want respect, they must give respect. People aren't making this stuff up. We see it, read about it, and hear about it on the news every single day. What do cops expect, for everyone to turn a blind eye to what they're doing and praise them? Do they honestly believe that citizens are so stupid that all of this doesn't matter? And, what's worse, is cops, or ex-cops, actually defend these low-life jerks. Where is their self respect?

And, for the last time, I was born and raised in Alabama, and I'm damn proud of it. No, I didn't attend the university of Alabama, and never claimed that I had. But, the Alabama logo is not a University of Alabama logo. It's simply a logo in support of the Alabama sports teams, period. You don't know me, nothing about me, nor what I have or haven't done. Therefore, your childish silly pathetic personal attacks and name calling is immature and uncalled for. Grow up, and try to be adult and civil. Your age?

I didnt turn any corrupt cops in. Because I never had to. In 8 years at APD I saw 2....out of thousands....and both got arrested. Corruption is overblown. Cop haters are just too ignorant to know the media is playing them. The rest of your post is jibberish.

Next...um...the Alabama Crimson Tide....is the University of Alabama. They're one in the same. That logo is trademarked by the University. You're not from there. Your profile clearly says Georgia. Rural Georgia. And like many uneducated rural rednecks...you fly the Bama banner. Or...at least since 2009. Pretty sure you were a Florida fan before that.
Damn pathetic, really. I live in Georgia. I'm from Alabama. Born and raised in Alabama. I have always been an Alabama fan, always. Yes, I live in Georgia now. You are so pathetic and childish, honestly. Yes, I do not like cops. Cops bring dislike on themselves. How many quota tickets did you write during your career? Hate is a strong word, but I intensely dislike cops. Cops do not respect the public, and the public shouldn't respect them. If they would conduct themselves with respect, then people would respect them. Honest decent people wouldn't write BS quota tickets, and practice brutality. How many cops, what percentage, write BS quota tickets?

Quota tickets? None. We didnt have quotas at APD. Most departments dont. There are occassionally idiot small town mayors who try it. Its almost always the COPS who leak it to the media.

Yeah...you claim to be from Bama. Just like the Yankees and Lakers fans here in SC claim they're from NYC and LA despite a strong Southern accent. Its ok. Millions of posers like you out there.
Damn pathetic and so ridiculous. You honestly need help, or at least a course in reading comprehension. By any chance, are you on some kind of strong medication?

I think I answered your questions just fine. You just dont like the answers.

Medication? No. Im perfectly healthy. Unlike your kind...im not obese from decades of honey buns and Milwaukee's Best at Tide tailgates.

But...speaking of cops....you and your pals should call New Orleans Police and press charges for that raping Ohio State did to you.
I'm glad to hear that you're healthy and well. Thank GOD. Well, I wouldn't call 5' 6" and 160 pounds obese. I don't drink beer, or any alcohol, period. Yes, I do eat Honey Buns maybe twice a year. No, I've never been to a tailgate party. I wouldn't mind going someday though. Nope, no need to call cops about the game. Ohio State beat us fair and square. They had the better team that night. But, they only beat us by 7, so it wasn't a thumping. It was a good game right up until the end. I really enjoyed it. We didn't play very well in the second half, and they took full advantage of our mistakes. They obviously had the better team that night.
I didnt turn any corrupt cops in. Because I never had to. In 8 years at APD I saw 2....out of thousands....and both got arrested. Corruption is overblown. Cop haters are just too ignorant to know the media is playing them. The rest of your post is jibberish.

Next...um...the Alabama Crimson Tide....is the University of Alabama. They're one in the same. That logo is trademarked by the University. You're not from there. Your profile clearly says Georgia. Rural Georgia. And like many uneducated rural rednecks...you fly the Bama banner. Or...at least since 2009. Pretty sure you were a Florida fan before that.
Damn pathetic, really. I live in Georgia. I'm from Alabama. Born and raised in Alabama. I have always been an Alabama fan, always. Yes, I live in Georgia now. You are so pathetic and childish, honestly. Yes, I do not like cops. Cops bring dislike on themselves. How many quota tickets did you write during your career? Hate is a strong word, but I intensely dislike cops. Cops do not respect the public, and the public shouldn't respect them. If they would conduct themselves with respect, then people would respect them. Honest decent people wouldn't write BS quota tickets, and practice brutality. How many cops, what percentage, write BS quota tickets?

Quota tickets? None. We didnt have quotas at APD. Most departments dont. There are occassionally idiot small town mayors who try it. Its almost always the COPS who leak it to the media.

Yeah...you claim to be from Bama. Just like the Yankees and Lakers fans here in SC claim they're from NYC and LA despite a strong Southern accent. Its ok. Millions of posers like you out there.
Damn pathetic and so ridiculous. You honestly need help, or at least a course in reading comprehension. By any chance, are you on some kind of strong medication?

I think I answered your questions just fine. You just dont like the answers.

Medication? No. Im perfectly healthy. Unlike your kind...im not obese from decades of honey buns and Milwaukee's Best at Tide tailgates.

But...speaking of cops....you and your pals should call New Orleans Police and press charges for that raping Ohio State did to you.
I'm glad to hear that you're healthy and well. Thank GOD. Well, I wouldn't call 5' 6" and 160 pounds obese. I don't drink beer, or any alcohol, period. Yes, I do eat Honey Buns maybe twice a year. No, I've never been to a tailgate party. I wouldn't mind going someday though. Nope, no need to call cops about the game. Ohio State beat us fair and square. They had the better team that night. But, they only beat us by 7, so it wasn't a thumping. It was a good game right up until the end. I really enjoyed it. We didn't play very well in the second half, and they took full advantage of our mistakes. They obviously had the better team that night.

Thats more like the tone I expect out of you from now on.

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