Did you vote for Obama in 2008 because you HATED George W. Bush?

I didnt vote for that fuck. In fact, everyone I know didnt vote for him. People in TN like their guns, money, freedom and the American way!
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I did not vote for Obama in 2008. I will never vote for Obama.

I did not vote for McCain, either, and I won't vote for Mitt "Blows With Polls" Romney.

My vote has to be earned. I don't give it to some shitbird just because the other party has a bigger shitbird. Voting for someone makes them believe they are doing something right, and it has been many years since my party (the GOP) has done anything right.

It has gotten even worse than I thought possible. The GOP has become a suicide cult.

Here's a better question to ask:

Is the reason that Mitt didn't campaign with George W. Bush after Mitt won the 2012 GOP nomination because he hates him?
It seems I missed gwb name on the ballot in 2008, why? Because it wasn't there. It was Obama vs. McCain.

agreed. GWB was gone anyway. McCain of 2000, I would have voted for. But after watching him turn into what he did - in order to kiss the butts of the hyper-zealots who were calling the shots in 2008, I bailed on him. Voted for Obama because he was the better of the two choices.

2012 is just a different verse of the same song for me.
I would vote for Bush again.

Then you would likely cue up to invest with Bernie Madoff, and buy a house in Love Canal, given the chance while telling everyone you meet that Ishtar is the best movie you've ever seen in your life.
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I would vote for Bush again.

Then you would likely cue up to invest with Bernie Madoff, and buy a house in Love Canal, and given the chance while telling everyone you meet that Ishtar is the best movie you've ever seen in your life.

Why, because you say so? You're an idiot.

When a person says something foolish, he shouldn't be surprised when other people think he's a fool.
I voted for Obama because the Republican Party has become toxic to democracy and has destroyed the Economy.

But Obama was not my first choice. Kucinich was. Obama has been a major disappointment in relation to his promises but he is still a major improvement over Bush.

I voted for Obama again but only because he is by far the lesser of two evils. The candidates I would like to see are Bernie Sanders, Eliot Spitzer, Sheerrod Brown and Elizabeth Warren. I would even vote for Anthony Weiner if he re-entered politics. Because he is a hell-raiser and that is exactly what we need.

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