Diebold officials admit actual vote rigging


Oh yes it is too!
Aug 25, 2008
Diebold Vote Company Whistleblower and GOP Cyber Security Expert Both State That Chambliss Senate Race Was Rigged

WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In an exclusive interview, a former Diebold vote machine contractor who was in charge of preparing the 2002 election between Saxby Chambliss and Max Cleland has stated that the software patches placed on the voting machines in the weeks prior to the election could have rigged the election in favor of Republican Chambliss. The contractor, Chris Hood, was ordered by the President of Diebold, Bob Urosevich, to install uncertified patches on machines in predominantly Democratic counties supposedly to fix a clock function which it did not do, according to Mr. Hood. Saxby Chambliss won a surprising victory after trailing badly in the pre-election polls.

Diebold Vote Company Whistleblower and GOP Cyber Security Expert Both State That Chambliss Senate Race Was Rigged

I told you so.

Well, not you actually, but other cyberpeople four years ago.

And, actually, I never said it about Chambliss because I didn't follow Georgia. I said it about Bush.

It'll come out. He never won.
Diebold Vote Company Whistleblower and GOP Cyber Security Expert Both State That Chambliss Senate Race Was Rigged

I told you so.

Well, not you actually, but other cyberpeople four years ago.

And, actually, I never said it about Chambliss because I didn't follow Georgia. I said it about Bush.

It'll come out. He never won.
um, did you miss the "could", not "did"

well, its not really your fault for missing it, the reporter was dishonest in the title of that story
I hope your wrong.

Do you think it is possible that the machines have been built so that they can be coded to throw the vote?

After ten years, ten years of stating categorically otherwise, Diebold admits their code is flawed and drops votes. Others have written code, again and again, to show that the machines are trivial to hack. They can be hacked to drop votes and flip votes, without leaving a trace. The hack can be uploaded from a thumbdrive in less than a minute.

Given that, do you think any politicians might be tempted to take advantage of the shortcoming? Politicians, who take money and gifts, take sexual favors, etc etc, would they be corruptible? Or, how about people interested in having certain politicians in office. Would those people be corruptible? Is it possible that people interested in fixing an election might find a way to get access to the machines?


The testimony from these security experts in the original post is damning. They say they think they were ordered to patch democratic machines to throw the election, and the patches didn't do what they said they were supposed to do (fix the clock.)


Velvet revolution (FWIW) says Rove (who famously said of the 2006 elections "you have your math I have THE math") is a major player behind throwing elections. Now, coincidentally, Rove just wrote an article in the last couple days saying which of the battleground states McCain must win to win the electoral college. Here is the list:

Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, Colorado and Nevada.

Obama Hasn't Closed the Sale - WSJ.com

Any bets on how secure the machines in these states are? Like, do you want to bet if they have paper trails, if election officials allow pre-election "sleepovers," if the machines are notoriously hackable? That the secretary of state in those states is republican? I don't know, but it would be interesting to see, don't you think?

See also:

VELVETREVOLUTION.US : Protect Elections, Prosecute Rove
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As hard as I try, I can think of nothing, no matter how despicable, lowdown or dirty, that I wouldn't put past a politician.
um, did you miss the "could", not "did"

well, its not really your fault for missing it, the reporter was dishonest in the title of that story

Here's an interview, see what you think....


Makes me ill.
Forgive me, but I didn't see anywhere in the article you posted where is says that Diebold officials admitted to vote rigging. Still looking...
Forgive me, but I didn't see anywhere in the article you posted where is says that Diebold officials admitted to vote rigging. Still looking...

Watch the video.

And take note of how you feel inside as you make excuses for the obvious loopholes purposefully written into Diebold machines. And consider the mathematical probability of all machine errors going to favor the same candidate whose party built, owns, and runs the machines.

And then add to that two diebold technicians saying the patch may have been what accounted for the >5point upset in the senate race.
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Watch the video.

And take note of how you feel inside as you make excuses for the obvious loopholes purposefully written into Diebold machines. And consider the mathematical probability of all machine errors going to favor the same candidate whose party built, owns, and runs the machines.

No one party built owns or runs the machines. But do pretend otherwise.
Looks to me that the Democratic Party has found its excuse if Obama loses.

I am not the democratic party, I am an american who becomes ill at the thought that our elections are fixed, and even more ill that people on either side (you on one and the likes of Chris to name a couple examples) are a[pparently more interested in partisanship than in fair elections.

Makes me absolutely ill.
No one party built owns or runs the machines. But do pretend otherwise.

The fact that no party operates the machines doesn't mean that a supporter of one party (who owns the company in question) couldn't affect their accuracy.

I am not saying that is the case. I am just saying that your post is not disputed, but nonetheless pointless.
No one party built owns or runs the machines. But do pretend otherwise.

You're right, to be more precise the CEOs of all major vendors are GOP, all contribute to the GOP, and at least one has written memos saying that he will deliver votes to bush.

But no, the GOP doesn't build the machines, mea culpa. <rolleyes>
You're right, to be more precise the CEOs of all major vendors are GOP, all contribute to the GOP, and at least one has written memos saying that he will deliver votes to bush.

But no, the GOP doesn't build the machines, mea culpa. <rolleyes>

Sure thing and of course EVERYONE that has any control over the machines is a Republican. What a fucking fantansy world you live in.

Your story does not say what you claim it does.
I am not the democratic party, I am an american who becomes ill at the thought that our elections are fixed, and even more ill that people on either side (you on one and the likes of Chris to name a couple examples) are a[pparently more interested in partisanship than in fair elections.

Makes me absolutely ill.

I'm more interested in partisanship? Really? I am concerned about fair elections, but nowhere in the article that you posted did it state that Diebold officials admitted to vote rigging as the title of your thread alluded. As for the feeling that I got from watching the video, it doesn't matter. I felt that OJ was guilty, guess what under the law he is innocent. See what I'm saying. My job doesn't allow me to process feelings, I process facts. Your article and video is lacking.
You're right, to be more precise the CEOs of all major vendors are GOP, all contribute to the GOP, and at least one has written memos saying that he will deliver votes to bush.

But no, the GOP doesn't build the machines, mea culpa. <rolleyes>
well, why did the dems all scream for these machines after 2000 then
you got what you wanted, now your crying again
well, why did the dems all scream for these machines after 2000 then
you got what you wanted, now your crying again

I think the emphasis after 2000 was accuracy and transparency (and I don't mean the abolition of the secret ballot) in the voting process - not merely machines regardless of their accuracy or transparency.

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