dim Party Has DESTROYED Journalism


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Ever read any Camille Paglia? You should read this. And she's a dim.... A Big Time dim....

And yes, this is totally, completely and 100% about politics. And the damage dims do wherever they go.

CNN Publishes Single-Source Claim on Russia Investigation, Then Stealthily Retracts;
Forbids Reporters From Running Any Russia Story Without Permission, Promises "Discipline"

Before getting to that, Camille Paglia said last week that the Democrat Party had broken journalism, and that it would take "decades" to heal the wounds.

It would take decades to recover if they ever self-critiqued and self-corrected, which they're psychologically incapable of doing.

"It's obscene," she said. "It's outrageous, OK? It shows that the Democrats are nothing now but words and fantasy and hallucination and Hollywood. There’s no journalism left. What’s happened to The New York Times? What's happened to the major networks? It's an outrage."
"I'm a professor of media studies, in addition to a professor of humanities, OK?" she continued. "And I think it's absolutely grotesque the way my party has destroyed journalism. Right now, it is going to take decades to recover from this atrocity that's going on where the news media have turned themselves over to the most childish fraternity, kind of buffoonish behavior.”

Now on to the newest CNN #FakeNews: CNN reported, on the basis of a single anonymous source, that a Trump associate did business with Russia, and that he's now the target of a criminal probe.

They then retracted. First, they seem to have done so without acknowledging the retraction, just deleting all mentions of the story in their Twitter fed and nuking links to it.

But after Buzzfeed asked where the story went to, they issued a note stating it had been retracted, and failed to even meet CNN's Like Whatever Man exacting editorial standards for Russia reporting. If you can imagine such a thing.

CNN claimed Senate investigators are looking into whether or not Scaramucci discussed lifting sanctions with Kirill Dmitriev, the chief executive of the $10-billion Russian Direct Investment Fund, in a meeting just four days before President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
“CNN.com published a story connecting Anthony Scaramucci with investigations into the Russian Direct Investment Fund,” CNN said in its editor’s note, “That story did not meet CNN’s editorial standards and has been retracted. Links to the story have been disabled. CNN apologizes to Mr. Scaramucci.”

Given that CNN is actually apologizing, and nuking the story from orbit, I have to guess that this story didn't just fail to meet their "editorial standards," whatever those might turn out to be when discovered, but was objectively and perhaps actionably false.

CNN is now forcing reporters to pre-clear all "Russia-related" stories by high ranking editors before publishing anywhere -- including social media -- and promising "discipline" over this error:

Over the weekend, CNN's executives busied themselves with a new process for reporting on Russia, Buzzfeed later learned. According to an internal memo, all reporting from CNN on that topic will have to get specific approval from executives before appearing on any of their platforms. Jon Passantino's source says that disciplinary action will also be forthcoming over last week’s debacle...

When a report is so fake that even CNN is panicking over it-- well, that's CNN showing us what it really is. A hotbed of conspiracy theorists and vulgar partisans.


The dimocrap party destroys everything it touches. They have the 'Turd' touch.

Even when they don't mean to destroy it, they do. Even when it's one of their staunchest allies, they still destroy it.

Journalism is dead, people. Soon to be followed by Hollywood and Academia.

Believe it. I'm right. I usually am
journalists destroyed journalism. You cant blame a bunch of retards for them throwing away their credibility.
journalists destroyed journalism. You cant blame a bunch of retards for them throwing away their credibility.

Read the interview. She ties it all together.

It's dims. They did it. They infiltrate, corrupt, pollute and destroy everything they touch.

Every tie. Every single time.

Everything scumbag dims touch, they destroy.

Here is her interview with Hannity. It's really good --

Feminist Camille Paglia on Hannity: ‘There’s No Journalism Left’ – My Party Has Destroyed It
well, unless the DNC put a gun to the journalists head, i will still blame the people. I like to put the blame where blame belongs.
I was raised in the USSR behind the Iron Curtain and Soviets were stuffing us with a lot of communist propaganda. Everybody had to repeat it in official places, but everybody was laughing at it in the kitchens, even the Communist party members. And USA was criticizing Soviet journalism. But it all was taking place last century.

Now, in 21st century, who would have thought that liberals and their bosses Globalists would kill all Western journalism and substitute it with spreading fake stories. And the most astonishing is that a lot of Western people are buying that crap. What a shame for the West: liberals not only have rebuilt and gladly support that Iron Curtain-2 but also are trying to use it as an "evidence" against Trump and conservatives.
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The only quibble I have is that the writer seems to think there is a difference between a Rabid Mad Dog Democrat and a Journalist.

Folks in the Heartland have known that there is no difference for some time now.

Good stuff here. We all know won't matter one bit with the left.

I don't have a problem with persons and organizations that "own" their mistakes and lapses in judgment. I do, however, have a problem with people, who after having been shown their error fail to correct it.

Why have I that position? Because everyone makes mistakes, but the difference in integrity and honestly between people who merely make a mistake and those who are willful prevaricators, instigators, and conspirators is found (1) in their intentions for taking whatever action that is errant and (2) in the actions they take after learning about the verity and reliability of their action.

It's important to distinguish between lying and being mistaken. The defining difference between the two is intent, which becomes apparent by how the person handles the revelation that their statement was inaccurate in "spirit and/or letter." When mature people find they were honestly mistaken, they fully "own" their mistake, apologizing or not, and move on. They often enough also may explain how they came to make the mistake. Liars, on the other hand, try to defend and/or offer exculpations for the untruth, often blaming "something" about it on someone or something other than themselves; however and most importantly, they don't unequivocally "own" that they made the mistake and that was their own action/inaction that allowed that to happen.


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