Diplomats Say Iran Removed Equipment

what did they do, slap a new by-line on one of judy miller's old stories getting the drums going for iraq?
Anyone with any common sense should suspect Iran is playing with developing a nuclear weapon. They are lying their asses off when they claim it's all for energy.
Anyone with any common sense should suspect Iran is playing with developing a nuclear weapon. They are lying their asses off when they claim it's all for energy.

oh..of course they are. i was referring to the article.
So i guess our troops will be dug in over there for years to come.
All I know is that I see no end of murders and attempted murders of Jews by the Satanic worshipping Islamics.

Anybody who has studied Iranian history knows that the northern Tribes of Israel (The Northern Kingdom) were transplanted to the northern valley areas of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers by the Assyrians. These lands were eventually taken over by the Babylonians and then the Medes (Kurds) and the Persians. Most of the Israelites ended up living in Persia (Iran) where they were very numerous.

They were a very intelligent people who were allowed to practice their religion by the Persian royalty. Those Jews developed a lot of the present day understandings of their religion. Their writings remain, but most of them disappeared from history.

Why? Simple, most of them were given the opportunity to convert to Islam starting 1400 years ago, and had their throats slit if they did not. So much for the people of the Book. Sometimes they were just attacked out of jealous rage and had their throats slit and were slowly beheaded in front of their wives and children just like Muhammet showed his murderous thieving followers in Medina when he first started raping and pillaging to support his band of thieves.

So many Jews were killed from successive generations that it is believed the number of beheaded come to over Nine Million. Luckily a very small number of Jews escaped. They are now referred to as Bukharan Jews. Most of them maintain that they are the descendants of the "Lost Tribes of Israel." If they think they are, it would be logical to assume that they know where they came from. They only number in the tens of thousands world wide, when they should have numbered in the Millions if they had not been killed in the Iranian Holocaust.
You would think we almost have to. But who knows?

Attack and kill a bunch of people to stop them from attacking and killing a bunch of people?

I'm not sure that's consistent reasoning. If you look at Iran-U.S. relations during the last 70 years, it mostly consists of us completely screwing up their country.
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All I know is that I see no end of murders and attempted murders of Jews by the Satanic worshipping Islamics.

Anybody who has studied Iranian history knows that the northern Tribes of Israel (The Northern Kingdom) were transplanted to the northern valley areas of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers by the Assyrians. These lands were eventually taken over by the Babylonians and then the Medes (Kurds) and the Persians. Most of the Israelites ended up living in Persia (Iran) where they were very numerous.

They were a very intelligent people who were allowed to practice their religion by the Persian royalty. Those Jews developed a lot of the present day understandings of their religion. Their writings remain, but most of them disappeared from history.

Why? Simple, most of them were given the opportunity to convert to Islam starting 1400 years ago, and had their throats slit if they did not. So much for the people of the Book. Sometimes they were just attacked out of jealous rage and had their throats slit and were slowly beheaded in front of their wives and children just like Muhammet showed his murderous thieving followers in Medina when he first started raping and pillaging to support his band of thieves.

So many Jews were killed from successive generations that it is believed the number of beheaded come to over Nine Million. Luckily a very small number of Jews escaped. They are now referred to as Bukharan Jews. Most of them maintain that they are the descendants of the "Lost Tribes of Israel." If they think they are, it would be logical to assume that they know where they came from. They only number in the tens of thousands world wide, when they should have numbered in the Millions if they had not been killed in the Iranian Holocaust.

did this rant have a point? most countries that are now powerful had to genocide someone to get there
is this where the government replaces all the Qs with Ns in the war propaganda?
The same kind of shit was espoused by the BA during the run up to the Iraq occupation. I guess you can actually fool simple minds most of the time.
Anyone with any common sense should suspect Iran is playing with developing a nuclear weapon. They are lying their asses off when they claim it's all for energy.

how do you know that!? why Iran have to always lie and US always say truth? huh?

You would think we almost have to. But who knows?

there is a reason US with all those troops around don't dare to do it...most likely you're high ups don't say a thing about it.but let me say it that if US attack iran,iran will easily seal Strait of Hormuz and 40% of world oil will be trapped in persian gulf.you can imagine what a chaos will world go through.it's one of the several reasons why they don't dare to attack iran.
Anyone with any common sense should suspect Iran is playing with developing a nuclear weapon. They are lying their asses off when they claim it's all for energy.

how do you know that!? why Iran have to always lie and US always say truth? huh?

You would think we almost have to. But who knows?

there is a reason US with all those troops around don't dare to do it...most likely you're high ups don't say a thing about it.but let me say it that if US attack iran,iran will easily seal Strait of Hormuz and 40% of world oil will be trapped in persian gulf.you can imagine what a chaos will world go through.it's one of the several reasons why they don't dare to attack iran.

One US Carrier group could easily keep the Straits of Hormuz open. And if I'm not mistaken we have about 6 groups available. With at least two of them already within striking distance of your pitiful Navy.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Sounds like more war propaganda to me.

And that is all it is. The warhawks on this site will get their silly war. I hope they're ready for the consequences.

The Democrats screamed for 4 years that Bush was gonna attack Iran. He never did. Now you retards are screaming Obama plans to attack Iran? OBAMA? REALLY? YOU ARE SERIOUS? Obama?
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Sounds like more war propaganda to me.

And that is all it is. The warhawks on this site will get their silly war. I hope they're ready for the consequences.

The Democrats screamed for 4 years that Bush was gonna attack Iran. He never did. Now you retards are screaming Obama plans to attack Iran? OBAMA? REALLY? YOU ARE SERIOUS? Obama?
ya never know
he might do it if he's lagging in the polls
He upped the Afghan war and enacted sanctions on Iran. Obama is no more a dove than Bush was.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Sounds like more war propaganda to me.

And that is all it is. The warhawks on this site will get their silly war. I hope they're ready for the consequences.

The Democrats screamed for 4 years that Bush was gonna attack Iran. He never did. Now you retards are screaming Obama plans to attack Iran? OBAMA? REALLY? YOU ARE SERIOUS? Obama?

I'm really not exactly anti-war and I'm definitely not a democrat, but what you need to understand, and I can expand on this if you like, is that Iran, and Iraq were prefabricated by the intellectual foreign policy think tanks before Bush or Obama. Iraq was the first step to actually acheiving stability in the ME because it was the most secular and offered the fewest risks. The second goal was always Iran. Afghanistan was an unnecessary distraction and waste of resources that these foreign policy advisors didn't forsee, unfortunately, it was politically necessary and 9-11 sewed the seeds for Iraq. Because the draftees of this foreign policy sought "another pearl harbor" is why you see so many truthers running about the place claiming it was an inside job when it was really nothing more than a coincidence of history repeating itself. Further, there is really very little difference between Bush and Obama when it comes to foreign policy. They just needed Iraq first. Now that is done it's on to Iran. You don't get selected for president by rocking the boat.

There are 2 foreign policy ways of thinking that are shaping Obama's decsions. You have the hawks, the Robert Kagan types who are gearing up for war, and you have the Zbigniew Brzezinski types that tried unsucessfully to topple the regime through internal means which did not work through the work of front organizations for George Soros etc. The hawks have won. Patraeus is a hawk and a student of Kagan among others. This media blitz about Iran day in a day out is further proof.

You'll have your war soon so enjoy.

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