Distressed Rabbi: ‘What Have You Done to the Western Wall?’


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz protested an egalitarian provocation by the Women of the Wall at the Kotel on Sunday morning, pointing to police protection of a women's group creating a provocation at the holy site, in the face of protests by observant worshipers.

Thousands of hareidi-religious men were urged to respond to a call published in Jewish newspapers for quiet, mass prayer at the Western Wall at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday morning. The date falls on the first day of the Hebrew month of Tamuz, and the same time that Reform Movement-led, self-titled "Women of the Wall" worshipers hold their monthly Rosh Chodesh (head of the month) prayer at the holy site.

A letter published by a wide range of hareidi-religious groups warned, however, that rabbinic leaders had ruled only married men would be allowed to participate in the rally. No young yeshiva students were to be permitted to attend, in an effort to avoid violence and other provocations. Police did not allow them to approach the Wall to pray.


?What Have You Done to the Western Wall?? - Jewish World - News - Israel National News


May they succeed in their protest against this awful Chillul HaShem :(
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This thread ought to be in the Religion and Ethics room.

It really have nothing to do with the Israel and Palestine issue
This thread ought to be in the Religion and Ethics room.

It really have nothing to do with the Israel and Palestine issue

While I agree with you the Kotel ( as well as all Jerusalem ) is not on the negotiation table concerning the Israel / Arab peace talks - it is does indeed belong on the Israel and Palestine board because the Kotel is in Israel. It is an important story, Editec.

The politics of Israel including the religious politics of Israel should be on the Israel and Palestine board. Imo. - Jeri
Mr editec, the first debate concerning the issue was brought up by Anti-Zionists on this board, who tried to gain on this subject on political grounds.

And this entire subject is very political, as much as it is religious.

I just went on with it and keep updating on this.

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