Divide And Conquer

I expect I will be seeing responses involving "free stuff", "systemic racism", and "stop calling me a racist". Not that I'm trying to poison the well or anything. :)

Struggling white people are told by their "news" outlets it is all the blacks and browns' fault. They are shown regular episodes of Black Behaving Badly to feed their confirmation bias. They are shown misleading and carefully edited clips to strengthen the false narratives. They are told blacks and browns are given unfair advantages in the workplace. They are told most blacks use welfare money to buy steaks and wine. Ripple? Malt liquor? The jokes write themselves. Highly questionable anecdotes abound. (Anecdotes are useless, by the way.) They are told their misdirected patriotism, and their hypocritical religiosity, make THEM the minority in America.

Most importantly, whites are carefully trained to avoid any other sources of information lest they be exposed to harsh truths.

Struggling black people are told by their "news" outlets they are the victims of the white man. If a black man is shot in the act of committing a violent crime, he is martyred. The result is that those black men who are shot while NOT committing a violent crime become indistinguishable and meaningless. It's like overusing the word "holocaust" to define the absence of toilet paper in the supermarket. Black people are not only told these things from their TVs, much of the misguided messaging about martyrs comes from the pulpit.

Most importantly, blacks are carefully trained to avoid any other sources of information lest they be exposed to harsh truths.

Regardless of the validity or merits of these narratives everyone is being fed, the purpose behind all of it is to provide both financial and political gain for the pushers of misinformation.

They own your mind.

Here's the thing.

You are a commodity. You are the golden goose.

The internal communications which were revealed by the Dominion lawsuit against Fox News revealed the Fox hosts didn't believe a word they were pushing on the air. They were worried their golden geese would fly away to another network if they were told the truth.

The truth would kill their golden geese. They understood this and acted accordingly.

Think about that. Think about what this means about what these propagandists think of you. They have made the deliberate decision to not tell you the truth and to tell you whatever will keep you coming back and being a good consumer of what they are peddling.

IF you have any sense of dignity, you would think real hard about what they think about you and your demands to be lied to.

You are a commodity.

From the top of your ballcapped head down to your emblazoned T-shirt right down to your golden sneakers.

Human growth hormones.


Gold-plated commemorative coins.

Sloganeering flags.

Magical thinking pills, potions, and powders.




Summons to rallies where you can buy no end of merch.

They own your body.

Most importantly, while preachers and politicians pay lip service to Jesus, they wield their false prophecy to inculcate nothing but hate against the opposition. They incite violence. They use every logical fallacy in the book to deceive their followers and lead them astray. Far, far away from the teachings of Jesus.

They own your very soul.

The last thing any of these vile creatures wants is for struggling white people and struggling black and brown people to band together and wake up to who the real enemy is.

Divide and conquer.

Everyone can feel it. They can feel someone else's hand in their pocket. This provokes a visceral emotion. But understanding the complex causes of this theft against the common man is a difficult task. And that's on purpose.

This provides a wide open field for demagogues who simplify things for the mob. It's those Jews! It's those freeloading negroes! It's those illegal immigrants! It's the entire racist white race!

Send money! Buy my gewgaws. My private plane needs fuel. My trophy wife wants more jewels.

But whatever you do, don't listen to anyone else but me. I am sole proprietor of Truth.

Am I exempt from these influences? Hardly. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I carry a lot of hate in my heart. I have allowed my mind, body, and soul to be conquered.

I hope to change that.

I'd give this a like and agree with you, but you are far from;
I am sole proprietor of Truth.

I have seen you deny so many things which to intelligent folks, has become self-evident.

And you having bought into so much garbage? It really is hard to take you serious. Hell. . . look at your avatar. :rolleyes:

The ignorance about vaccines among MAGA tards is massive.



gipper said it best. . . you are spouting the type of rhetoric a populist agrees with, but yet? You support all the lies of the billionaires that run the system.

This from a guy who thinks the vax safe and effective. Supported lock downs and mandates. Supported locking up the unvaxxed.

You’ve proven yourself a dupe of the establishment. STFU!

g5000 is just sore that so many people that are not establishment friendly are getting confirmed.


Dave Smith | Bobby Kennedy vs. The Senate | Part Of The Problem 1225​

Well, I could go and find all the Blacks Behaving Badly topics which have been posted on this forum, but I'll tell you what I am going to do instead.

For all future Blacks Behaving Badly topics in the future, I will @ your name so you can see for yourself.

I'm afraid your favorite sources have shown you so many Blacks Behaving Badly stories, you have become numb to them and they fly under your radar right into your captive mind.

Here is one such episode on this forum: Drunk grandma stabs daughter, grandson during Thanksgiving Day argument: reports

They recycle every incident as a standing b-roll to accent whatever race baiting claim they happen to be peddling at the moment.
Americans are struggling

They follow the rules, work hard and find they are not getting ahead.

When they ask why, they are told you are struggling because poor people receive too much. You are struggling because of immigrants. You are struggling because of gays.

Meanwhile, their employers have strangled wages and benefits for a generation. You are told if we demand higher wages or tax them that they will go away and you will lose your job. You need to be thankful for the wealthy

By and large you're correct, however there does need to be some reform of H-1B visas. There have many examples of those being used to replace American workers with instances of the displaced workers even having to train their replacements as part of the severance agreement. Overseas outsourcing isn't helping either. The company I work for shut down our domestic employee call centers a few years ago and shifted it to the Philippines.

But, yeah, a lot of the people doing the complaining aren't qualified for those jobs in the first place.
Over a hundred and twenty years of US history says otherwise. Try harder. Businesses would still be taxed, albeit at a competitive rate to keep them here. Why do support enslaving yourself to the IRS?
Over 200 years of US history says we can't balance a budget to save our lives.

Again, only a fool believes tariffs can replace the personal income tax.
Lefties tried it but failed. How about doing what's best for America for change? USA USA
Anyone who proposes what is best for America is crucified, vilified, and run out of town on a rail.
They tried to bankrupt Trump and throw him in prison on frivolous charges. They impeached him on faked evidence and the weaponized judicial system invaded his home and went through his wife's underwear drawer. They tried to bankrupt Trump's supporters and when all else failed you could make a case that they set him up for assassination. Now they lecture us about division. No surprise here.
No, he described right wing media and it’s slavish audience accurately and illustrated it with the most obvious of evidence.

I’m sure you have your TV on Fox noise, and you’re still sucking up their content and f]regurgitating it dispite the established FACT that they lie to you deliberately as a matter of corporate policy for ratings.
You sure sound bitter
By and large you're correct, however there does need to be some reform of H-1B visas. There have many examples of those being used to replace American workers with instances of the displaced workers even having to train their replacements as part of the severance agreement. Overseas outsourcing isn't helping either. The company I work for shut down our domestic employee call centers a few years ago and shifted it to the Philippines.

But, yeah, a lot of the people doing the complaining aren't qualified for those jobs in the first place.
Our immigration quota system is badly broken. Yet, going all the way back to Bush, every time a reform bill is put on the table, it is murdered.

When Republican Minority Whip Eric Cantor put a reform bill on the table in 2014, he was primaried out of existence.

Ask any largescale farmer and he will tell you he is forced to hire illegals because of the quota system. That, and because Americans won't do migrant work which requires constant relocating. Not at any wage.

And some people want to punish employers who hire illegals.

Scylla and Charybdis for our farmers.
I expect I will be seeing responses involving "free stuff", "systemic racism", and "stop calling me a racist". Not that I'm trying to poison the well or anything. :)

Struggling white people are told by their "news" outlets it is all the blacks and browns' fault. They are shown regular episodes of Black Behaving Badly to feed their confirmation bias. They are shown misleading and carefully edited clips to strengthen the false narratives. They are told blacks and browns are given unfair advantages in the workplace. They are told most blacks use welfare money to buy steaks and wine. Ripple? Malt liquor? The jokes write themselves. Highly questionable anecdotes abound. (Anecdotes are useless, by the way.) They are told their misdirected patriotism, and their hypocritical religiosity, make THEM the minority in America.

Most importantly, whites are carefully trained to avoid any other sources of information lest they be exposed to harsh truths.

Struggling black people are told by their "news" outlets they are the victims of the white man. If a black man is shot in the act of committing a violent crime, he is martyred. The result is that those black men who are shot while NOT committing a violent crime become indistinguishable and meaningless. It's like overusing the word "holocaust" to define the absence of toilet paper in the supermarket. Black people are not only told these things from their TVs, much of the misguided messaging about martyrs comes from the pulpit.

Most importantly, blacks are carefully trained to avoid any other sources of information lest they be exposed to harsh truths.

Regardless of the validity or merits of these narratives everyone is being fed, the purpose behind all of it is to provide both financial and political gain for the pushers of misinformation.

They own your mind.

Here's the thing.

You are a commodity. You are the golden goose.

The internal communications which were revealed by the Dominion lawsuit against Fox News revealed the Fox hosts didn't believe a word they were pushing on the air. They were worried their golden geese would fly away to another network if they were told the truth.

The truth would kill their golden geese. They understood this and acted accordingly.

Think about that. Think about what this means about what these propagandists think of you. They have made the deliberate decision to not tell you the truth and to tell you whatever will keep you coming back and being a good consumer of what they are peddling.

IF you have any sense of dignity, you would think real hard about what they think about you and your demands to be lied to.

You are a commodity.

From the top of your ballcapped head down to your emblazoned T-shirt right down to your golden sneakers.

Human growth hormones.


Gold-plated commemorative coins.

Sloganeering flags.

Magical thinking pills, potions, and powders.




Summons to rallies where you can buy no end of merch.

They own your body.

Most importantly, while preachers and politicians pay lip service to Jesus, they wield their false prophecy to inculcate nothing but hate against the opposition. They incite violence. They use every logical fallacy in the book to deceive their followers and lead them astray. Far, far away from the teachings of Jesus.

They own your very soul.

The last thing any of these vile creatures wants is for struggling white people and struggling black and brown people to band together and wake up to who the real enemy is.

Divide and conquer.

Everyone can feel it. They can feel someone else's hand in their pocket. This provokes a visceral emotion. But understanding the complex causes of this theft against the common man is a difficult task. And that's on purpose.

This provides a wide open field for demagogues who simplify things for the mob. It's those Jews! It's those freeloading negroes! It's those illegal immigrants! It's the entire racist white race!

Send money! Buy my gewgaws. My private plane needs fuel. My trophy wife wants more jewels.

But whatever you do, don't listen to anyone else but me. I am sole proprietor of Truth.

Am I exempt from these influences? Hardly. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I carry a lot of hate in my heart. I have allowed my mind, body, and soul to be conquered.

I hope to change that.
And yet you support the criminal state that allows and supports massive income inequality, but only when a D is potus.
They tried to bankrupt Trump and throw him in prison on frivolous charges.
A coup attempt is not frivolous.

They impeached him on faked evidence and the weaponized judicial system invaded his home and went through his wife's underwear drawer.
His wife's underwear drawer. What a great narrative! Perfectly crafted to make you angry. Well done, MAGA media! Well done!

I guess every criminal can take a lesson from this and hide any contraband in their wife's underwear drawer from now on and make a phone call to Fox if the police dare touch their wife's unmentionables.
But, yeah, a lot of the people doing the complaining aren't qualified for those jobs in the first place.
My company is desperate for qualified Americans for our hi tech jobs. But they just aren't there.

It's very frustrating.

This is what I keep saying. Our schools are tooled to teach the jobs of our fathers and grandfathers and not the jobs of today and tomorrow.

As a result, we have a significant number of H-1B workers. They are wonderful, and they are grateful.

Immigrants are flooding our country's universities, because we do have the best colleges in the world.

The thing about this is that every foreign student becomes a de facto US goodwill ambassador when they return home, which is why we should be encouraging them to come here for their higher education.
They tried to bankrupt Trump and throw him in prison on frivolous charges.

The charges were not frivolous and he was convicted.
They impeached him on faked evidence

This is 100% false. bBoth impeachment trials were rigged by the GOP leadership which wrote rules that disallowed evidence or testimony, even though both were matters of public record.
and the weaponized judicial system invaded his home and went through his wife's underwear drawer.

Trump stole documents, lied about it, ordered his lawyers to lie about it, and defied a subpoena.
If he didn’t want a search warrant., he should have obeyed the law.
They tried to bankrupt Trump's supporters and when all else failed you could make a case that they set him up for assassination. Now they lecture us about division. No surprise here.

Made up BS. 100%
Am I exempt from these influences? Hardly. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I carry a lot of hate in my heart. I have allowed my mind, body, and soul to be conquered.

I hope to change that.

Turn it off (while you're young) and realize the value in yourself as your own commodity in the real world you live in day to day. Also the world is yours. But that's expanding on the topic. Make it yours. Expanding even further. You've actually stumbled over a potentially good topic. Have to see how it goes, I guess...
. . . . .

Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.
Gabbard has been recently parroting Russian talking points.

She's a useful idiot. A Russian asset.
And Trump is definitely a Putin asset.
Russian asset Tucker got a hardon over it.
Russian asset Marjorie Traitor Greene is an embarrassment to America.
Russian asset James Comer
Meet Donald Trump's campaign manager, Russian asset Paul Manafort

They tried to bankrupt Trump and throw him in prison on frivolous charges. They impeached him on faked evidence and the weaponized judicial system invaded his home and went through his wife's underwear drawer. They tried to bankrupt Trump's supporters and when all else failed you could make a case that they set him up for assassination. Now they lecture us about division. No surprise here.
And they asked for “unity”

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