- Sep 16, 2012
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I expect I will be seeing responses involving "free stuff", "systemic racism", and "stop calling me a racist". Not that I'm trying to poison the well or anything.
Struggling white people are told by their "news" outlets it is all the blacks and browns' fault. They are shown regular episodes of Black Behaving Badly to feed their confirmation bias. They are shown misleading and carefully edited clips to strengthen the false narratives. They are told blacks and browns are given unfair advantages in the workplace. They are told most blacks use welfare money to buy steaks and wine. Ripple? Malt liquor? The jokes write themselves. Highly questionable anecdotes abound. (Anecdotes are useless, by the way.) They are told their misdirected patriotism, and their hypocritical religiosity, make THEM the minority in America.
Most importantly, whites are carefully trained to avoid any other sources of information lest they be exposed to harsh truths.
Struggling black people are told by their "news" outlets they are the victims of the white man. If a black man is shot in the act of committing a violent crime, he is martyred. The result is that those black men who are shot while NOT committing a violent crime become indistinguishable and meaningless. It's like overusing the word "holocaust" to define the absence of toilet paper in the supermarket. Black people are not only told these things from their TVs, much of the misguided messaging about martyrs comes from the pulpit.
Most importantly, blacks are carefully trained to avoid any other sources of information lest they be exposed to harsh truths.
Regardless of the validity or merits of these narratives everyone is being fed, the purpose behind all of it is to provide both financial and political gain for the pushers of misinformation.
They own your mind.
Here's the thing.
You are a commodity. You are the golden goose.
The internal communications which were revealed by the Dominion lawsuit against Fox News revealed the Fox hosts didn't believe a word they were pushing on the air. They were worried their golden geese would fly away to another network if they were told the truth.
The truth would kill their golden geese. They understood this and acted accordingly.
Think about that. Think about what this means about what these propagandists think of you. They have made the deliberate decision to not tell you the truth and to tell you whatever will keep you coming back and being a good consumer of what they are peddling.
IF you have any sense of dignity, you would think real hard about what they think about you and your demands to be lied to.
You are a commodity.
From the top of your ballcapped head down to your emblazoned T-shirt right down to your golden sneakers.
Human growth hormones.
Gold-plated commemorative coins.
Sloganeering flags.
Magical thinking pills, potions, and powders.
Summons to rallies where you can buy no end of merch.
They own your body.
Most importantly, while preachers and politicians pay lip service to Jesus, they wield their false prophecy to inculcate nothing but hate against the opposition. They incite violence. They use every logical fallacy in the book to deceive their followers and lead them astray. Far, far away from the teachings of Jesus.
They own your very soul.
The last thing any of these vile creatures wants is for struggling white people and struggling black and brown people to band together and wake up to who the real enemy is.
Divide and conquer.
Everyone can feel it. They can feel someone else's hand in their pocket. This provokes a visceral emotion. But understanding the complex causes of this theft against the common man is a difficult task. And that's on purpose.
This provides a wide open field for demagogues who simplify things for the mob. It's those Jews! It's those freeloading negroes! It's those illegal immigrants! It's the entire racist white race!
Send money! Buy my gewgaws. My private plane needs fuel. My trophy wife wants more jewels.
But whatever you do, don't listen to anyone else but me. I am sole proprietor of Truth.
Am I exempt from these influences? Hardly. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. I carry a lot of hate in my heart. I have allowed my mind, body, and soul to be conquered.
I hope to change that.
I'd give this a like and agree with you, but you are far from;
I am sole proprietor of Truth.

I have seen you deny so many things which to intelligent folks, has become self-evident.
And you having bought into so much garbage? It really is hard to take you serious. Hell. . . look at your avatar.

The ignorance about vaccines among MAGA tards is massive.

gipper said it best. . . you are spouting the type of rhetoric a populist agrees with, but yet? You support all the lies of the billionaires that run the system.
This from a guy who thinks the vax safe and effective. Supported lock downs and mandates. Supported locking up the unvaxxed.
You’ve proven yourself a dupe of the establishment. STFU!
g5000 is just sore that so many people that are not establishment friendly are getting confirmed.