DJT Trial # 1 Start April 22 with Opening Statements.

Trump lawyers will plead

This is not a hush money case

Everyone knows about it !

They will present into evidence a note that says his wife has forgiven him. She is unable to appear today because she shopping in Italy for some new cloths to wear.

Justice is blind so why don't we dismiss this case and everyone can go home.

Okay seriously, I can understand why she would stay with him but how embarrassing is this?

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You are the problem.

Life-Long Conman Finally sees his day(s) in court.
Poor Don the Con.
I cause sky high inflation, gas prices, crime, and a border disaster? I got us tangled up in multiple wars? No Joe Biden did that. Wait for it Winco...OH SNAP!
The phony show trial begins. LOL
Which part?

1). trump didn't pay any of the $130,000. That was Cohen.
2). trump NEVER even had sex with that Stormy Porn Person.
3). You can spend campaign $$$$ any way you want....therefore NO CRIME.
4). trump never did anything to suggest "Election" interference, or Influence.

5). trump is 'honest'........which again is LOOLOOLLOOLLOOLLOOLLOLLLL
You red state cult fucks had better not go to jury trials.

It will end badly for you.

All red state cult fucks should probably move to blue states.

In red states we convict all blue haired non binary cult fucks of any crime. I cannot be objective. None of us MAGA REPUBLICANS can be objective. If you are a Bidenista, you are guilty.

Sorry, that is your cult fuck rules….I am going along with them.
I cant wait to get on a jury when I can convict a lefty just because.

Fuck evidence. I am going to convict a cultist!

I will convict on all charges regardless of evidence.

What I do is determine the political leaning of the defendant, and then I acquit conservatives and I convict cult fucks.

That is what I do….and also what is alot of people in NY and DC do as well.
And that is why they don't let people like you on juries.
In a perfect world you wouldn't be allowed to vote either.
On trial for a non disclosure that is legal to do but had to be twisted into “campaign funds” folly to even get into court
More exposure for free... YES!!!! also go to Harlem again President Trump and maybe a Central Park rally....
You are a cultist!
He should bottle those farts he was ripping in court while he was dozing last week and sell them to cultists like you for $50 a whiff.
Wow, 1 whole hour of actual court?

How did opening Statements last?

Our courts are so flawed.
I cant wait to get on a jury when I can convict a lefty just because.

Fuck evidence. I am going to convict a cultist!

I will convict on all charges regardless of evidence.

What I do is determine the political leaning of the defendant, and then I acquit conservatives and I convict cult fucks.

That is what I do….and also what is alot of people in NY and DC do as well.

2 wrongs don't make a right

except that sometimes maybe that's not true


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