DNA: America's Dolls


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an Americana folk-tale inspired by The Equalizer and The Shadow.




Lancet, Superwoman, and Djinn were three American 'vigilantes' who walked around in outlandish superhero-costumes (inspired by comics and movies) every Saturday night (in Chicago) pretending to be celebrating Samhain/Halloween but working 'under-cover' as 'heroes.' Lancet, Superwoman, and Djinn called themselves DNA (as in 'genetically wise'), since they tackled 'enemies' of the human species itself(!). DNA was investigating the new case of a Leatherface (fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise) copycat who was making some kind of bizarre anti-TrumpUSA message in the press.

DNA: Drop that chainsaw, Leatherface!
LEATHERFACE: Aaarrrgghh!!!
DNA: You're a copycat-psycho, nothing more.
DNA: Terrorism is not the answer to political corruption.
DNA: You look deranged; we'll take you to an insane-asylum.
DNA: Everybody needs help sometime or another; don't be ashamed.

The valiant DNA squad transported Leatherface to Arkham Asylum where he could be interviewed and treated properly by skilled criminal psychologists and legal advisors. Although Leatherface had not yet killed anyone, he had terrorized pedestrians and cops in Chicago with his buzzing chainsaw. The psycho really did seem to harbour some terrible grudge against TrumpUSA, and after some inquiries, it was discovered he was a laid-off worker at an eco-energy firm that the Trump Administration failed to endorse and invest in during a time of financial crisis in that market. Leatherface believed his chainsaw symbolized deforestation protests.

DNA decided to continue fighting crime, dressed as superheroes every Saturday night in Chicago. Lancet and Superwoman were Irish-American, but Djinn was Asian-Indian and a newly naturalized U.S. citizen. DNA felt very happy to be part of TrumpUSA and they were devoted to helping the Chicago Police Department (CPD) any way they could, but they never forgot the eerie omen that the Leatherface-copycat delivered with his buzzing chainsaw before DNA transported him to Arkham Asylum (America's best center for the criminally insane). DNA concluded that the best way to defend the democratic values associated with an already-slandered TrumpUSA was to champion pedestrian idealism in this age of commercial frivolities and consumerism gluttonies. Would America be hospitable to folk-heroism?



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