DNC TV Debate To Contrast RNC Minority-White-Men-Yelling Committee Performances!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The lunatic performance of the Russian-agent fellow-travelers--in the recent hearings performances--now compares this week with the DNC Thursday Debate. The DNC participants threatened the Boycott. There is now an agreement settling the labor dispute at the site! The House Judiciary Minority Report mainly made fun of the U. S. Constitution!

Democratic debate to move forward after tentative agreement in labor fight

Since there is no clear defense of the planned and scheduled Trump electioneering behavior--even the Minority House Judiciary Committee report making fun of the U. S. Constitution--then the debates among the candidates for DNC Presidential nomination: Offer something sober to look at, during the holiday season!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(RNC rejected Market-Friendly Economics actually commenced by New Testament Matt 20:1-16, equal payments thought to be normal regardless of the workday hours!)
The clown car party continues, but where is an electable democrat party clown??
The clown car party continues, but where is an electable democrat party clown??
No such thing would ever materialize, as far as you're concerned, so why should anyone pay attention to your opinion on it?
Who cares if the Clowns show up for the Circus, nobody is paying attention.
Then there is more "Compare and Contrast." Page 110 of the Minority part of the House Judiciary Committee report shows: "The White House took reasonable steps to restrict access to the July 25 call summary. The Summary was mistakenly placed on a secure server. . . .The Democrats' witnesses explained there was no nefarious conduct or malicious intent. . . ."

The actual problem--that too, not entirely well-addressed--is the Lack of Witnesses allowed by the Trump White House to become available to all the involved House Committees. It was not just one meeting of one sub-committee.

From the House Majority:
"Despite President Trump’s obstruction, the Investigating Committees gathered overwhelming evidence of his misconduct from courageous public servants who were willing to follow the law, comply with subpoenas, and tell the truth. On the basis of that formidable body of evidence, the House. . . Committee on the Judiciary recommends the adoption of the First Article of Impeachment. Yet there can be no doubt that President Trump’s blanket defiance of Congressional subpoenas, and his direction that many others defy such subpoenas, substantially interfered with the House’s efforts to fulfill its constitutional responsibilities. “If left unanswered, President Trump’s ongoing effort to thwart Congress’ impeachment power risks doing grave harm to the institution of Congress, the balance of power between our branches of government, and the Constitutional order that the President and every Member of Congress have sworn to protect and defend.”
It is dubious of House Judiciary Minority to rely on what witnesses the Democrats' were allowed to have: As basis for contending that they have none!
Again, House Minority: (Explaining lack of access to the July 25 Call Summary. . . ."The Democrats' witnesses explained there was no nefarious conduct or malicious intent. . . ."

The Minority cherry-picked data to support a claim that White House had an overriding concern with Corruption in Ukraine--actually the Obama Administration had that. The Minority then further went screaming into madness that White House was being led into an abusive process--and even on that basis.

Rather than oversight of equal balanced branches of government: The one branch had to be protected from the other: According to Minority.

According to Majority, let's bring that to vote, impeachment and trial! In fact, amongst Majority itself there can even be rational, calm, debate.

Most recently the Minority, Rudy Giuliani, is claiming that one of the official Ukraine staffers has even Risen From the Dead, ascended into Heaven, probably inventing prayers along the way(?). "Our Graven Image, which art in the sky. . . ."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sober not Screaming, even! The "Kingdom of Heaven," is more plausibly Matt 25:14-30, in the backdrop and sequential order of Matt 20:1-16!))
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