Do any of you Dems want to see the Burisma Biden’s investigated?

back you your semantics,,,

if a person being charged with a crime murdered the witness did he stop them from testifying???

by your standards the answer is no,,,

This is about what the murderer said. Trump very clearly said that Biden said something which he didn’t say. If Biden has said he stopped a prosecution it would be an admission that a prosecution even existed and would be quite incriminating. Biden didn’t do so.

I know it sounds like semantics but has a big impact. It changes Biden’s statement completely.

This is why you can’t just substitute your interpretation for what Biden said. It’s just an interpretation.
here's what you're arguing the parrot is dead.

Trump lied. Y’all are so committed to him that you can’t bring yourself to face reality.

trump lied when? post the lie.

Already did. He lied about what Biden said. You did too. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it.

So why then did he insist that the prosecutor be fired before the billion dollars was given? When did the prosecution take place? What was the outcome?
because he did,,,I dont want to lie to you

The word prosecution never came out of Biden’s mouth in that video. True or false?

it didnt need to,,the act of having him fired did it for him,,,

actions speak louder than words,,

That’s your opinion. Not a fact.

You cannot factually claim that Biden bragged about stopping the prosecution as Trump did. Trump lied.
did biden ask to have the prosecutor fired, yes or no? come on big guy step out

Biden echoed the calls of EU, IMF, State Dept and many GOP Politicians in calling for him to be removed.

Shokin was investigating Burisma and it is very hard to know if Burisma was guilty or Shokin was just shaking them down for a bribe. Shokin had a history of this and was highly corrupt, he was shaking down anyone who didn't pay and a few who did.

I am willing to open all this up for investigation, If Trump would allow his dealing the same transparency... GOP are having none of it, I would suggest that this is a conspiracy theory to give there base something to hang on too.
did you listen to the video? he never mentions either. so you're factually incorrect. damn huh?

BTW, trump released the transcript of the call. in case you missed it. he didn't withhold anything.
You said yourself that Biden didn’t say prosecution. How could he brag about stopping a prosecution if he doesn’t say anything about a prosecution?

You’re interpreting his words and claiming it’s a fact. It’s not.

back you your semantics,,,

if a person being charged with a crime murdered the witness did he stop them from testifying???

by your standards the answer is no,,,

This is about what the murderer said. Trump very clearly said that Biden said something which he didn’t say. If Biden has said he stopped a prosecution it would be an admission that a prosecution even existed and would be quite incriminating. Biden didn’t do so.

I know it sounds like semantics but has a big impact. It changes Biden’s statement completely.

This is why you can’t just substitute your interpretation for what Biden said. It’s just an interpretation.
here's what you're arguing the parrot is dead.

Trump lied. Y’all are so committed to him that you can’t bring yourself to face reality.

trump lied when? post the lie.

A few of my favorites:
Windmills cause cancer.
The wheel was invented by an American.
He never met (insert name) when clearly he did.
The economy is the best it's ever been in -- we have never had an economy like this in history.
I’m a stable genius.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
back you your semantics,,,

if a person being charged with a crime murdered the witness did he stop them from testifying???

by your standards the answer is no,,,

This is about what the murderer said. Trump very clearly said that Biden said something which he didn’t say. If Biden has said he stopped a prosecution it would be an admission that a prosecution even existed and would be quite incriminating. Biden didn’t do so.

I know it sounds like semantics but has a big impact. It changes Biden’s statement completely.

This is why you can’t just substitute your interpretation for what Biden said. It’s just an interpretation.
here's what you're arguing the parrot is dead.

Trump lied. Y’all are so committed to him that you can’t bring yourself to face reality.

trump lied when? post the lie.

A few of my favorites:
Windmills cause cancer.
The wheel was invented by an American.
He never met (insert name) when clearly he did.
The economy is the best it's ever been in -- we have never had an economy like this in history.
I’m a stable genius.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

A few of my favorites:
Windmills cause cancer.
do you know they don't?
The wheel was invented by an American.
If someone is from South America, are they american?
He never met (insert name) when clearly he did.
I have no idea what this is, and, it isn't funny.
The economy is the best it's ever been in -- we have never had an economy like this in history.
I’m a stable genius.

This is factually correct.
This is about what the murderer said. Trump very clearly said that Biden said something which he didn’t say. If Biden has said he stopped a prosecution it would be an admission that a prosecution even existed and would be quite incriminating. Biden didn’t do so.

I know it sounds like semantics but has a big impact. It changes Biden’s statement completely.

This is why you can’t just substitute your interpretation for what Biden said. It’s just an interpretation.
here's what you're arguing the parrot is dead.

Trump lied. Y’all are so committed to him that you can’t bring yourself to face reality.

trump lied when? post the lie.

Already did. He lied about what Biden said. You did too. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it.

So why then did he insist that the prosecutor be fired before the billion dollars was given? When did the prosecution take place? What was the outcome?

He insisted the prosecutor be fired because he wasn’t prosecuting corruption.
You presume to know what I think? Pretty arrogant and a demonstration of making assumptions without evidence.

If Page was investigated on false or misleading evidence that is NOT OK and there should be remedial action:

Horowitz’s report concluded that the FBI’s decision to investigate the Trump team had an appropriate “authorized purpose.”

But the inquiry began to jump the tracks in October 2016, when the FBI sought authority for intrusive spying on Page. Horowitz found that bureau officials supplied incomplete or misleading information to support their request to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for the October warrant for Page and for three renewals that carried the targeting through September 2017.

One abuse was especially outrageous: As the FBI pressed for the Page FISA warrants, it overlooked an August 2016 CIA message that Page had been an occasional “operational contact” for the agency. That’s not the same as a vetted agent, but it should have made FBI officials wonder whether their assumptions about Page’s possible disloyalty and double-dealing were justified.​
I presume nothing, I use historical patterns on where one has posted. I can clear it up right here without any further work, did carter page get lawful treatment?
I'm no lawyer but it seems they did not and an FBI official was correctly fired and is under criminal investigation:
The Justice Department has concluded that two of the four court orders allowing the FBI to conduct secret national security surveillance on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page were not valid because the government made "material misstatements" in obtaining them, according to a newly declassified judicial order.

The disclosure by James Boasberg, the top judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, underscores the extent to which the FBI bungled its handling of a highly sensitive case, a failure that is continuing to have serious policy and political repercussions.

The order says the department told the court it now believes it did not have probable cause to believe that Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, which was required to obtain the surveillance.​
dude, I rest my case.
Great, so we agree that there should be no investigation of the Bidens without credible evidence of a crime?
who said anything about a crime? I said he used the power of his office to get his son a job in Ukraine. It should be investigated.
More likely it was his son used Joe as a bargining chip with the Ukrainians to get the job, or they came to him with a plum offer but it hardly matters. What's to investigate if there is nothing criminal in using family connections to get a job. I'd bet most Congressmen (and women) have staffers that are related to people who have donated to their campaigns. Again, that is how our system works.
back you your semantics,,,

if a person being charged with a crime murdered the witness did he stop them from testifying???

by your standards the answer is no,,,

This is about what the murderer said. Trump very clearly said that Biden said something which he didn’t say. If Biden has said he stopped a prosecution it would be an admission that a prosecution even existed and would be quite incriminating. Biden didn’t do so.

I know it sounds like semantics but has a big impact. It changes Biden’s statement completely.

This is why you can’t just substitute your interpretation for what Biden said. It’s just an interpretation.
here's what you're arguing the parrot is dead.

Trump lied. Y’all are so committed to him that you can’t bring yourself to face reality.

trump lied when? post the lie.

A few of my favorites:
Windmills cause cancer.
The wheel was invented by an American.
He never met (insert name) when clearly he did.
The economy is the best it's ever been in -- we have never had an economy like this in history.
I’m a stable genius.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Trump also invented the phrase “prime the pump”.
here's what you're arguing the parrot is dead.

Trump lied. Y’all are so committed to him that you can’t bring yourself to face reality.

trump lied when? post the lie.

Already did. He lied about what Biden said. You did too. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it.

So why then did he insist that the prosecutor be fired before the billion dollars was given? When did the prosecution take place? What was the outcome?

He insisted the prosecutor be fired because he wasn’t prosecuting corruption.

so he wanted him fired because he wasn't looking into burisma? now I've heard it all.
I presume nothing, I use historical patterns on where one has posted. I can clear it up right here without any further work, did carter page get lawful treatment?
I'm no lawyer but it seems they did not and an FBI official was correctly fired and is under criminal investigation:
The Justice Department has concluded that two of the four court orders allowing the FBI to conduct secret national security surveillance on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page were not valid because the government made "material misstatements" in obtaining them, according to a newly declassified judicial order.

The disclosure by James Boasberg, the top judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, underscores the extent to which the FBI bungled its handling of a highly sensitive case, a failure that is continuing to have serious policy and political repercussions.

The order says the department told the court it now believes it did not have probable cause to believe that Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, which was required to obtain the surveillance.​
dude, I rest my case.
Great, so we agree that there should be no investigation of the Bidens without credible evidence of a crime?
who said anything about a crime? I said he used the power of his office to get his son a job in Ukraine. It should be investigated.
More likely it was his son used Joe as a bargining chip with the Ukrainians to get the job, or they came to him with a plum offer but it hardly matters. What's to investigate if there is nothing criminal in using family connections to get a job. I'd bet most Congressmen (and women) have staffers that are related to people who have donated to their campaigns. Again, that is how our system works.
it's still illegal. ask John Kerry's son.
Trump lied. Y’all are so committed to him that you can’t bring yourself to face reality.
trump lied when? post the lie.
Already did. He lied about what Biden said. You did too. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it.
So why then did he insist that the prosecutor be fired before the billion dollars was given? When did the prosecution take place? What was the outcome?

He insisted the prosecutor be fired because he wasn’t prosecuting corruption.
so he wanted him fired because he wasn't looking into burisma? now I've heard it all.

I didn’t say that. You have a bad problem of inserting your own words into other people’s statements.
trump lied when? post the lie.
Already did. He lied about what Biden said. You did too. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it.
So why then did he insist that the prosecutor be fired before the billion dollars was given? When did the prosecution take place? What was the outcome?

He insisted the prosecutor be fired because he wasn’t prosecuting corruption.
so he wanted him fired because he wasn't looking into burisma? now I've heard it all.

I didn’t say that. You have a bad problem of inserting your own words into other people’s statements.
how so? Burisma was being investigated for corruption. I mean, I only go where the crumbs take me.

Ukraine agency says allegations against Burisma cover period before Biden joined
Already did. He lied about what Biden said. You did too. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it.
So why then did he insist that the prosecutor be fired before the billion dollars was given? When did the prosecution take place? What was the outcome?

He insisted the prosecutor be fired because he wasn’t prosecuting corruption.
so he wanted him fired because he wasn't looking into burisma? now I've heard it all.

I didn’t say that. You have a bad problem of inserting your own words into other people’s statements.
how so? Burisma was being investigated for corruption. I mean, I only go where the crumbs take me.

Ukraine agency says allegations against Burisma cover period before Biden joined

I said Shokin was fired for not prosecuting corruption. I didn’t say anything about Burisma.
You know, since you’re so against .gov corruption and all....I’d think you’d want to see them probed pretty heavily just to be sure there’s no fire where there’s mass amounts of smoke....right?
Ivanka and Jr. ?
So why then did he insist that the prosecutor be fired before the billion dollars was given? When did the prosecution take place? What was the outcome?

He insisted the prosecutor be fired because he wasn’t prosecuting corruption.
so he wanted him fired because he wasn't looking into burisma? now I've heard it all.

I didn’t say that. You have a bad problem of inserting your own words into other people’s statements.
how so? Burisma was being investigated for corruption. I mean, I only go where the crumbs take me.

Ukraine agency says allegations against Burisma cover period before Biden joined

I said Shokin was fired for not prosecuting corruption. I didn’t say anything about Burisma.
how do you fking know? man you know a lot about ukraine. why didn't the state department know of you?
He insisted the prosecutor be fired because he wasn’t prosecuting corruption.
so he wanted him fired because he wasn't looking into burisma? now I've heard it all.

I didn’t say that. You have a bad problem of inserting your own words into other people’s statements.
how so? Burisma was being investigated for corruption. I mean, I only go where the crumbs take me.

Ukraine agency says allegations against Burisma cover period before Biden joined

I said Shokin was fired for not prosecuting corruption. I didn’t say anything about Burisma.
how do you fking know? man you know a lot about ukraine. why didn't the state department know of you?

Because I listened to the people in the State Department who explained why he was fired.

No need to be upset. Just get informed.
so he wanted him fired because he wasn't looking into burisma? now I've heard it all.

I didn’t say that. You have a bad problem of inserting your own words into other people’s statements.
how so? Burisma was being investigated for corruption. I mean, I only go where the crumbs take me.

Ukraine agency says allegations against Burisma cover period before Biden joined

I said Shokin was fired for not prosecuting corruption. I didn’t say anything about Burisma.
how do you fking know? man you know a lot about ukraine. why didn't the state department know of you?

Because I listened to the people in the State Department who explained why he was fired.

No need to be upset. Just get informed.
oh why was he fired?
here's what you're arguing the parrot is dead.

Trump lied. Y’all are so committed to him that you can’t bring yourself to face reality.

trump lied when? post the lie.

Already did. He lied about what Biden said. You did too. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it.

So why then did he insist that the prosecutor be fired before the billion dollars was given? When did the prosecution take place? What was the outcome?

He insisted the prosecutor be fired because he wasn’t prosecuting corruption.

what corruption wasnt he prosecuting???
I didn’t say that. You have a bad problem of inserting your own words into other people’s statements.
how so? Burisma was being investigated for corruption. I mean, I only go where the crumbs take me.

Ukraine agency says allegations against Burisma cover period before Biden joined

I said Shokin was fired for not prosecuting corruption. I didn’t say anything about Burisma.
how do you fking know? man you know a lot about ukraine. why didn't the state department know of you?

Because I listened to the people in the State Department who explained why he was fired.

No need to be upset. Just get informed.
oh why was he fired?
Because he wasn’t doing anything about corruption.
Trump lied. Y’all are so committed to him that you can’t bring yourself to face reality.
trump lied when? post the lie.
Already did. He lied about what Biden said. You did too. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it.
So why then did he insist that the prosecutor be fired before the billion dollars was given? When did the prosecution take place? What was the outcome?

He insisted the prosecutor be fired because he wasn’t prosecuting corruption.

what corruption wasnt he prosecuting???
Anyone really. More specifically, his own dirty prosecutors who were found with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of diamonds that they extorted from a jeweler.
trump lied when? post the lie.
Already did. He lied about what Biden said. You did too. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it.
So why then did he insist that the prosecutor be fired before the billion dollars was given? When did the prosecution take place? What was the outcome?

He insisted the prosecutor be fired because he wasn’t prosecuting corruption.

what corruption wasnt he prosecuting???
Anyone really. More specifically, his own dirty prosecutors who were found with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of diamonds that they extorted from a jeweler.
so you dont have anything,,,figures,,,

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